Veatalia 谷廚義味 》台北義大利私廚餐廳 (內有訂位方式)
Last Updated on 2024-01-01 by Foodelicious
Veatalia 谷廚義味 是 2022 新開幕的台北義大利私廚餐廳. 文章裡有義籍主廚 Vito Grippa 提供的私廚套餐菜單,訂位方式與評價.
Veatalia Restaurant is a 2022 new Taipei Italian Private Kitchen Restaurant. The set menu is prepared by Italian Chef Vito Grippa. This article will also include reservation method and dish review.
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Veatalia 谷廚義味 訂位
Veatalia Restaurant Reservation
Veatalia 谷廚義味地址為台北市中山區林森北路508號2樓, 離中山國小捷運站 2 號出口只有 2 ~ 3 分鐘路程, 交通非常方便. Veatalia 谷廚義味的私廚空間是在餐廳租的民宅空間, 隱密性高, 而且老闆並沒有住在這裡. 首先, 客人自行按1F 電鈴, 店家會協助開門. 再坐電梯到 2F, 門口掛著 Veatalia 谷廚義味招牌. 進門後,需要換成拖鞋. Veatalia 私廚餐廳最貼心的部分是 – 不需要包場就可以訂位, 我會建議初訪適合 2 ~ 4 人.
1. Online 訂位:
2. 打電話 0913-100-041: 無法接聽時請先留簡訊, 會盡速回覆
3. 私訊: Facebook (Link) & Instagram (Link)
a. 餐廳是預約制, 不能 Walk-in. 需要三天前訂位
b. 需付訂金 NTD $1000/人
c. 事先告知可開發票
Veatalia restaurant address is 2F , No. 508 ,Linsen North Road , Zhongshan District, Taipei City. It is only 2 ~ 3 minutes walking distance from Exit 2 of Zhongshan Elementary School Metro Station. Veatalia restaurant’s owner rents the space for Private Kitchen instead of living there. It has certain privacy. First, the customer will need to ring the doorbell. The restaurant staff will buzz you in. You can take the elevator to the 2F. The door front has the restaurant sign. After entering the door, you will need to change to slipper. I would suggest 2 ~ 4 people to dine here at the first visit.
Reservation Methods
1. Online reservation:
2. Call 0913-100-041: If no one answer, please leave a message. They will reply you as soon as possible.
3. Private Message: Facebook (Link) & Instagram (Link)
a. Veatalia restaurant is reservation-only. Also, you will need to reserve three days prior.
b, You will need to pay downpayment NTD $1000/person.
c. The restaurant can offer receipt if informing in advance.
Veatalia 谷廚義味 包廂
Veatalia Restaurant Private Dining Room
Veatalia 谷廚義味包廂是 2 人小包廂. 包廂低消是 NTD $3000+10%/人 ,可以點標準套餐與點一瓶酒. 若不喝酒, 則可加價升級食材.
Veatalia restaurant private dining room is 2-people seating area. The minimum charge of the private dining room is NTD $3000+10%/person. You can order two regular sets and one bottle of wine. If you don’t drink wine, you can order the upgrade version of set.
當日菜單與價格 ⭐
Veatalia Restaurant Menu & Price
詢問後得知 12/20/2023 之後應該都會是此菜單. Veatalia 谷廚義味是私廚經營模式, 請注意菜餚細節可能當天才會告知有些不同. 套餐價格是 NTD $2450 + 10% /人.
Please note that this menu version will be offered starting from 12/20/2023. Veatalia Restaurant is a private kitchen restaurant, so, the dishes might be adjusted. The set menu is NTD $2450+10%/person.
Veatalia 谷廚義味 評論 ⭐
Veatalia Review
迎賓雞尾酒 & 開胃小點
Aperol Spritz & Canapé
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
在客人用餐前, 餐廳會先準備迎賓雞尾酒. Aperol Spritz 偏甜但是依然清新爽口. 三道開胃小點的模式就如同在台北 Fine Dining 餐廳. 第一道小點以黑胡椒餅為底, 堆疊起乳酪與烤蕃茄,再以墨魚米餅作為點綴. 整體以番茄的微酸與軟綿乳酪為主導風味. 主廚將朝鮮薊與橄欖油魚子放進炸貝殼麵, 具有巧思. 我最喜歡圖四的開胃小點, 酥脆的義式餛飩外皮, 搭配熱騰騰且鹹香的鴨肉內餡, 不錯吃.
Before the guests start their meal, the restaurant prepares a welcoming cocktail. The Aperol Spritz leans towards sweetness but remains refreshing. The three-items appetizers follow a pattern similar to Taipei fine dining restaurants. The first appetizer features a base of black pepper biscuit, layered with cheese and grilled tomatoes, topped with squid ink rice cake as decoration. The overall flavor is led by the slight acidity of tomatoes and the soft, fluffy cheese. The chef incorporates artichoke and olive oil caviaroli into a fried conchiglie ( shell-shaped pasta) , showcasing creativity. My personal favorite among the appetizers is the crispy Italian dumpling outer layer, paired with hot and savory duck filling. It is quite delicious.
Bread and Bread Stick
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
這次有三款麵包 – 義式麵包棒 , 布里歐與義式可頌. 可以慢慢吃. 我建議義式可頌 (cornetto) 抹奶油或是沾橄欖油或油醋吃.
This time, there are three types of bread – Italian breadsticks, brioche, and Italian croissants (cornetto) . You can enjoy them slowly. I recommend eating the Italian croissant (cornetto) with butter or dipping it in balsamic vinegar/olive oil.
Rice Truffle Balls “Suppli”
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
之前在台北義大利餐廳 “Vicolo Trattoria 微巷義大利小餐館” , 有品嚐過拿坡里炸麵糰 (Frittatina), 內餡是義大利麵. 這次在 Veatalia 谷廚義味吃到的則是義式羅馬燉飯球 (Suppli ), 內餡是義大利燉飯. 炸燉飯球是台北不常見的義式小點. 切開時的脆響令人期待, 脆皮外層與軟綿燉飯形成對比的美味, 在品嚐馬鈴薯泡沫的同時, 也可以感受到黑松露的獨特菌菇風味. 這是當天我最喜歡的菜餚.
I previously tasted the “Frittatina” with pasta filling at the Taipei Italian restaurant “Vicolo Trattoria”. This time, at Veatalia restaurant, I tasted the Risotto Truffle Balls “Suppli” . Fried risotto balls are not a common Italian snack in Taipei. The anticipated crispy sound upon cutting reveals a delightful contrast between the crispy outer layer and the soft, flavorful risotto. While savoring the potato foam, one can also experience the unique mushroom aroma of black truffles. This is my favorite dish of the day.
延伸閱讀: 天母餐酒館推薦 》Vicolo Trattoria 微巷義大利小餐館 | Tianmu Bistro
Savory Soufflé with Porcini Mushrooms and Cheese
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
多數人對舒芙蕾的印象是在 “A Cut Steakhouse” 的舒芙蕾甜點版本, 這次主廚準備的鹹味型舒芙蕾頗為特別. 口感並非一般的蓬鬆空氣感, 而是偏濕軟. 延續了前一道菌菇風味,再搭配起司,這道料理的層次豐富,互相襯托出經典風味.
Most people associate soufflé with the dessert version at “A Cut Steakhouse”. However, the savory soufflé prepared by the chef this time is quite special. The texture is not the usual light and airy feel but rather moist and soft. Continuing the previous mushroom flavor and paired with cheese, this dish offers a rich layering of flavors that complement each other, bringing out a classic taste.
延伸閱讀: A CUT STEAKHOUSE 》再訪品嚐台北米其林一星餐廳推薦
Three Colors Home Made Cavatelli with Clams
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
主廚 Vito Grippa 解釋三色是象徵義大利國旗, 紅色是運用甜菜根, 綠色則是運用羅勒, 米色則是貝殼麵的原色.貝殼麵看似麵疙瘩, 但結構有所不同 貝殼麵是名符其實的義大利麵, 麵疙瘩的主要成分是馬鈴薯。. Veatalia 谷廚義味主廚手工製作的貝殼麵鬆軟卻保有口感, 飽滿蛤蜊賦予足夠海鮮風味, 讓此道菜餚不會過於單調.
Chef Vito Grippa explains that the tricolor symbolizes the Italian flag, where red is represented by the use of beets, green by basil, and beige by the natural color of cavatelli. While the cavatelli may resemble gnocchi, the structure is different. Cavatelli is a true representation of Italian pasta, while gnocchi’s main ingredient is potatoes. The handmade cavatelli combines a soft texture with the richness of clams, providing enough seafood flavor to prevent the dish from being too monotonous.
Cream Soup
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
私廚的菜單通常會根據當天的食材和主廚的創意做一些調整. 在這次的修改中, 栗子蘑菇濃湯改成芹菜奶油濃湯. 這款湯濃郁而且質地滑潤細膩, 芹菜的清新風味恰到好處, 不會過於濃重。
Private chef menus are often adjusted based on the day’s ingredients and the chef’s creativity. In this modification, chestnut mushroom soup has been changed to celery cream soup. This soup is rich and has a delicate texture, with the refreshing flavor of celery perfectly balanced, avoiding excessive heaviness.
Italian Stew “Guazzetto “ with Prawns, Scallops and Oyster
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
這款海鮮燉飯的呈現方式出乎意料, 我本以為會像 “小後苑 Backyard Jr.” 使用小平底鍋. 然而, Veatalia 谷廚義味選擇以每人一份的 Fine Dining 方式呈現. 大 Size 明蝦帶有鮮脆口感,而半熟的北海道干貝則是美味的亮點. 整道義式海鮮燉飯裡, 茄汁和海鮮精華在品嚐牡蠣時更加凸顯.
The presentation of this Italian Stew was unexpected. I initially thought that it would be served in a small skillet, similar to “Backyard Jr.” . However, Veatalia restaurant chooses to present it in a Fine Dining style, with an individual portion for each person. The large-sized prawns provided a crisp texture. The semi-cooked Hokkaido scallop is a delicious highlight. In this Italian Stew “Guazzetto“, the essence of tomato and seafood become more pronounced, especially when savoring the oyster.
延伸閱讀: 小後苑 Backyard Jr. 》 台北信義區新光三越美食 | TAIPEI BISTRO
Pan-Fried Duck Breast with Asparagus and Blueberries Honey Sauce
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
主廚採用宜蘭櫻桃鴨的去皮鴨胸肉, 再進行低溫烹調. 綠蘆筍的鮮脆襯托出鴨肉的微嚼勁. 不同於其他餐廳搭配的莓果類佐醬 ,Veatalia 谷廚義味主廚則是選用有適量甜度與果香的藍莓蜂蜜醬 , 整道的鹹甜度適中.
The chef uses peeled duck breast from Yilan and cooks it at low temperatures. The crispness of green asparagus complements the slight chewiness of the duck meat. In contrast to other restaurants that pair this dish with berry sauces, Veatalia chef opts for blueberry honey sauce. It provides just the right balance of sweetness and fruity flavor to the overall dish.
White Chocolate Quenelle
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
此道甜點並不是蛋糕, 而是尖錐形 (Queneele ) 的白巧克力慕斯 , 微硬程度很像吃雪糕. 這一道甜點並非只有甜味 , 榛果巧克力粉也添增了堅果風味.
This dessert is not a cake but a cone-shaped (Quenelle) white chocolate mousse, with a slightly firm texture resembling ice cream. The dessert isn’t just sweet. Nutella Powder and chocolate powder also adds a nutty flavor.
Wine Menu
酒款不定期更換, 也有販售單杯酒. 開瓶費為 NTD $400/瓶, 店內開酒一瓶可抵自帶酒一瓶(限750ml).
Wine may vary. They also offer single glass wine. The corkage fee is NTD $400/bottle. If you purchase one bottle of wine at the restaurant, you don’t need to the extra corkage fee for your wine (750ml)
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♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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Veatalia 谷廚義味 資訊
Veatalia Restaurant Information
店名: Veatalia 谷廚義味
地址: 台北市中山區林森北路508號2樓 (Map)
捷運站: 中山國小捷運站(O15)
電話: 0913-100-041
Restaurant: Veatalia Restaurant
Address: 2F , No. 508 ,Linsen North Road , Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Zhongshan Elementary School Metro Station (O15)
Tel: 0913-100-041