Tzubi Coffee 》台北東區忠孝敦化捷運站咖啡店

Last Updated on 2020-02-08 by Foodelicious

(2020.2 三訪更新) 台北東區忠孝敦化咖啡廳又一枚, Tzubi Coffee 2017 年開幕, 無花果拿鐵與富士山抹茶磅蛋糕是其代表作.
Newly-opened Tzubi Coffee is opened at 2017 near Taipei Zhoxiao Dunhua MRT station. The fig coffee and green tea pound cake are their signature products.


2020 Tzubi Coffee 菜單在文末 Tzubi Coffee 2020 Menu is at the end of article


Tzubi Coffee 與 “PS Tapas” 在同一條巷子裡, 路過不難發現有這家咖啡店, 搶眼的黃豹 Logo, 純白的 IG-Friendly 白牆 , 與仁愛路四段上的“Natural Coffee” 一樣都是文青派, 而非網美派. 店內有許多座位, 有靠窗的單人高腳椅座, 也有兩人與四人座, 以黑和白為設計主軸. 因為沒有收服務費, 開水採自助式, 這次因為個人喜好, 並沒有點它們著名的甜點和咖啡. 二訪時, 發現可打電話訂位, 三訪菜單也已更新.我決定依照甜點咖啡推薦度重新排列文章, 給你們做參考, 值得一看!
Tzubi Coffee is located at the same alley as “PS Tapas”. The cheetah logo and white wall are very eye-catching. The clear design theme concept is similar with “Natural Coffee” near Ren-ai Road. There are many seats – include the single seat near the window. The customer would need to pour the water by themselves since there is no service charge. Because of personal preference, I didn’t order their signature dessert and coffee. Now, they are allowed to call in for reservation. At my third visit, they have new menu. I decide the re-write from my recommendation to my least-like. It is a great reference since there are lots of coffees and desserts!

延伸閱讀: 2020 台北咖啡推薦 (分區) 》2020 Taipei Coffee Recommendation

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Caramel Pudding
Price: NTD $100
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

在這次二訪時點了焦糖布丁, 並沒有點上次我點的磅蛋糕. Size 比我在六張犁的 “Fuji Curry 富士咖哩”的焦糖布丁小, 切開時, 發現布丁結構比 “鎌倉咖啡” 的沖繩黑糖布丁紮實, Tzubi Coffee 的焦糖布丁吃起來相當滑順. 我會推薦大家來這裡點焦糖布丁.
My friend and I ordered Caramel Pudding instead of the pound cake. The pudding size is smaller than the one that I rated at “Fuji Curry”. After cutting down one piece, I found the texture is much more dense than the pudding that I tasted at “Kamakura Cafe”. I will recommend everyone to order Caramel Pudding.



Figs Coffee
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

在我與朋友二訪時, 我終於決定點Tzubi Coffee 的招牌咖啡 – 無花果拿鐵. 雖然是乾燥無花果作為裝飾, 但吃起來卻相當像軟糖般, 細緻程度與想像中完全不一樣, 因為有糖分的點綴, 無花果乾散發出微水蜜桃風味, 咖啡本身比普通拿鐵甜一些, 這家咖啡店的無花果拿鐵會是不錯的選擇.
I decided to order their signature coffee – Figs Coffee. Even though the figs are dried, but it still tastes like gummy. The smooth texture is great, which is out of expectation. Since there are sugars on the figs, the figs have a bit of peach flavor. The coffee itself is sweeter than the regular latte. I would recommend their figs latte.



Hojicha Tea Latte
Price: NTD $140
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這款是 Tzubi Coffee Shop 的新飲品, 其實很多人跟我朋友一樣不喝咖啡只喝茶. 與綠茶相比, 我個人比較喜歡焙茶,這杯是我朋友點的,我也光明正大喝了一口. 濃郁茶香伴隨綿密奶泡入口, 經典組合不失望! 這款飲料會推薦給不喝咖啡的人.
This is Tzubi Coffee Shop’s new drink. Many people, just like my friend, do not drink coffee. Comparing with green tea, I like Hojicha. My friend ordered this drink, but I still took a small sip. The tea flavor pairs greatly with the fluffy foam. This type of classic match never disappoint me. I would recommend this drink to non-coffee drinker.



English Name: Lemon Frosting Pound Cake
Price: NTD $120
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

乳白色糖霜淋凝結在小磅蛋糕上, 刨上少許黃檸檬皮再放上三片小而美的檸檬切片, 視覺上雖然沒有富士山抹茶磅蛋糕的鮮艷對比, 但依舊誘人. 當叉子切開蛋糕時, 糖霜如預期裂開, 糖霜因檸檬的清新而降低甜度, 整體並沒有過甜或過膩, 可惜的是厚實蛋糕口感微乾,建議等飲料上桌再吃蛋糕.
The white frosting along with the lemon zests are on the appearance of small pound cake. Even though the cake doesn’t have colorful design, it still draw my attention. The foresting isn’t too sweet because of the refresh from the lemon flavor. However, the dense pound cake texture is a bit dry. I would suggest to wait until the drink later to pair with the cake.


巧克力蛋糕 & 草莓

Chocolate Cake with Strawberry
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這款是本日甜點, 忘記紀錄價格. 蛋糕體不會過乾, 搭配新鮮草莓與奶油表現不錯. 但是並沒有 Tzubi 磅蛋糕出色.
This is Tzubi daily dessert. I forgot the price. The cake body is not too dry , along with fresh strawberry and cream. However, this dessert is not as good as Tzubi Pound Cake.



Fruit Cake
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

茶香蛋糕體的內餡是新鮮水果, 並不是罐頭什錦水果, 若是一群朋友點甜點, 也是可以點本日甜點來分享.
This dessert is cake with fresh fruit filling instead of canned fruits. If gathering with a group of friends, you can order the daily dessert to share.



Vegetarian Risotto with Mixed Mushroom and Porcini
Price: NTD $240
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這是跟朋友在二訪 (2018.09) 時候點的新菜單料理. NTD $240 是單點價格, 菜單上並無所謂的套餐, 畢竟這是咖啡店, 簡單樸實擺盤, 看似家常菜, 份量適中, 只是最上方的乾燥牛肝菌比 “Truffle Livings” 的牛肝菌更硬, 較為可惜. 燉飯部分以價格來看其實已經達標, 因為無法跟內湖的 “Lazy Point Restaurant & Bar” NTD $420 燉飯相比. 簡單來說, 其實這是一道可以填飽肚子的燉飯.
My friend and I ordered this Vegetarian Risotto with Mixed Mushroom and Porcini on our second visit. NTD $240 is only for the risotto instead of set. This dish has simply display, similar with home cooking. The quantity is enough for lunch or dinner. However, the dried Porcini tasted a bit harder than the one that I tried at “Truffle Livings”. It wouldn’t be fair to compare Tzubi Coffee with “Lazy Point Restaurant & Bar”. The risotto is all right considering with the NTD $240 price. Generally speaking, it is a dish that can fulfill your hunger at the moment.

台北義大利餐廳 Taipei Italian Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 台北義大利餐廳列表 》Taipei Italian Restaurant

延伸閱讀: 台北義式餐廳推薦名單 (分區) 》 Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



Hot Ruby Milk Tea
Price: NTD $140
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

論造型, 這款鮮奶茶是我認為台北的最美奶茶, 上面的食用花裝飾升級整款奶茶的造型, 像雲朵般但卻很紮實的奶泡, 完全不用小心翼翼拿起杯子, 這是我朋友點的, 我只喝了一口, 茶香與奶香並沒有互相牴觸, 也沒有過苦或是過甜的狀況, 若是不喝咖啡的人, 我會推此款奶茶給他/她.
As for the display, this milk tea is probably the most beautiful milk tea. The editable flower upgrade the milk tea image. Fluffy but yet dense foam is quite surprising. I only drank one sip. The tea flavor is not bitter along with thick milk flavor. If your friend do not drink coffee, I would recommend the milk tea.


手沖單品咖啡 – 哥倫比亞橡木桶水洗

English Name: Drip Coffee – Columbia Cask Washed
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

哥倫比亞的咖啡相當多元化,傳統方式是將咖啡豆放進乾淨水槽中發酵, 聖荷西莊園 (Finca San Jose Estate) 老闆則是將咖啡豆放進蘭姆酒橡木桶, 類似釀酒方式. 透明杯設計不花俏. 黑李風味與櫻桃風味並存, 舌尖會感受到微弱巧克力風味, 並沒有像其他單品咖啡偏苦.
There are various coffee flavors from Columbia. The owner from Finca San Jose Estate placed the coffee inside the rum barrel to go through fermentation process. They black plum and cherry flavors are both appear in the coffee. The tastebuds would sense hints of chocolate. It wasn’t bitter like most of the single-origin coffee.


台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


三訪 Video


一訪 Video



Restaurant Name 店名: Tzubi Coffee
Address:No. 24, 21th Lane, 1st section, An’ho Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區安和路一段21巷24號 (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Dunhuan MRT Station 忠孝敦化捷運站
營業時間: Check Facebook


2020 Tzubi Menu


