The Roman 》大直戶外玻璃屋適合做台北尾牙春酒與婚禮場地

Last Updated on 2022-11-29 by Foodelicious

很多人都知道內湖大直 The Roman 維多利亞式玻璃屋適合辦台北戶外婚宴與派對, 孰不知 The Roman 餐廳 也是少數有台北尾牙春酒包廂的西式餐廳之一.
The Roman Restaurant at Dazhi is known for Taipei Outdoor Wedding and Party location. This western restaurant is also suitable for hosting Taipei Year-End Party.

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前言 – Must Read

The Roman 的戶外婚宴場地非常有名 , 這一篇文章則是 Focus 在 The Roman 尾牙春酒菜單 , 當然也會提供 The Roman 訂位與停車資訊, 讓大家平常也可以找時間來享用這家適合約會與朋友聚餐的餐廳.
The Roman Restaurant is famous for Outdoor Wedding Party. This article focuses on「 The Roman Year-End Party Menu⠀」. I will also provide other information such as reservation and parking lots information. So, you can visit here for other dining experience.

延伸閱讀: 台北尾牙餐廳推薦懶人包 》Taipei Year-End Party Restaurants


The Roman 訂位與停車

The Roman Reservation and Parking

The Roman 餐廳位於台北市中山區敬業三路123號, 離劍南路捷運站三號出口大約 5 ~ 7 分鐘路程, 在大直 ATT 的隔壁. 停車場地在 ATT eLife 停車場, 停車折抵可直接問餐廳店員, 附近也有其他停車位 (圖二)

訂位的方式 (散客訂位)
✅ 直接打電話訂位 02-7750-5150

訂位的方式 (包場)
✅ 直接打電話告知想要詢問包場事宜 02-7750-5150
✅ 店員會留下客人的聯絡方式
✅ 訂位業務專員會再跟您連絡, 約時間看場地

The Roman Restaurant address is No. 123 , Jingye 3rd Road, Zongshan District, Taipei City. It is about 5 ~ 7 minutes walking from Jiannan Road MRT Station Exit 3. The restaurant is next to Dash ATT Department Store. You can park at ATT eLife parking lot or you can choose other parking lots to park ( Pic 2 ).

Reservation ( Individual Guest )
✅ Call to Reserve 02-7750-5150

Reservation ( For Private Room )
✅ Call to Reserve 02-7750-5150
✅ The staff will ask you about contact information.
✅ The reservation sales person will contact you and schedule a meeting for the event location.



The Roman 白色玻璃屋 (可接散客)

The Roman White Glass House (They accept Individual Guest )

走進 The Roman 就會先經過綠意盎然的花園走道, 很難想像在台北市區可以找到維多利亞風格玻璃屋, 採光充足, 非常適合拍照, 重點是 The Roman 白色玻璃屋可接散客, 換句話說, 如果有四位朋友聚餐, 也可以訂位. 此外, 白色玻璃屋也可包場辦活動.
It is difficult to imagine to have this Victorian Era Style Glass House in Taipei. The White Glass House is bright and great for taking pictures. They accept individual guests. In other words, you can also reserve for only 4 people . You of course can ask for reserving the whole white glass house.

台北約會餐廳 Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北約會餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北牛排餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



The Roman 綠色玻璃屋 (包場)

The Roman Green Glass House (Reserve the whole Green Glass house)

The Roman 也有適合包場的綠色玻璃屋 , 他們的Social Media 有許多漂亮照片與短秒影片. 有場地投影設備, 無線麥克風 , 點歌歡唱設備, 也有沙發.
There are Green Houses in The Roman Restaurant. Their social media has many pretty pictures and reels. There are projector, wireless mic , machine for ordering song and sofa.

延伸閱讀:台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 2022 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining


The Roman 尾牙春酒菜單與價格⭐

The Roman Year-End Party Menu and Price

因為 The Roman 餐廳本來就是辦活動的場地, 他們有提供辦尾牙春酒的基本配備 – 例如場地投影設備, 無線麥克風 , 點歌歡唱設備 … etc.

✅ 尾牙春酒菜單期間: 12/1/2022 – 3/31/2023 . 這期間要點 Regular 菜單也可以
✅ 需使用包廂或是包場才能享有尾牙菜單, 尾牙菜單是以桌為單位, 需要至少3桌, 每桌都是 6 席
✅ 午餐與晚餐皆可採用尾牙春酒菜單
✅ 餐廳提供兩款尾牙春酒菜單, 菜餚與價格不同
A. NTD $9000 + 10% (6 人) = NTD $1500 +10% / 人 (均消)
B. NTD $10800 + 10% (6 人) = NTD $1800 + 10%/人 (均消)


The Roman restaurant is known for the event location. So, they have Projector, wireless mic , machine for ordering song.. etc.

✅ Year-End Party Schedule : 12/1/2022 – 3/31/2023 . You can also order regular menu during the time.
✅ Year-End party only applies for private room dining or reserve the whole restaurant. The minimum reservation is three tables. And each table has 6 people.
✅ The Year-End Party Menu can apply on both Lunch and Dinner time.
✅ The restaurant offers two types of Year-End Party menu. The dishes and price are different.
A. NTD $9000 + 10% (6 people) = NTD $1500 +10% / per person
B. NTD $10800 + 10% (6 people) = NTD $1800 + 10%/ per person


The Roman 菜餚內容 (尾牙春酒)

The Roman Menu Dishes (Year-End Party )

我吃的是 The Roman 尾牙春酒的NTD $10800 (6 人) = 均消 NTD $1800 +10% / 人 (均消)
I tasted The Roman Year-End Party Menu $10,800 (6 people). The average price is NTD $1800 +10%/per person.



Beef and Pork Stew with Tomato Confit Bruschetta
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

布切達 ( Bruschetta ) 是一款來自義大利的開胃小菜, The Roman 主廚採用烤得酥脆的布里歐麵包為底, 再將蒜末換成金沙般的鹹蛋黃碎末, 燉肉裡有牛肉與豬肉, 吃起來頗扎實但不會過鹹, 視覺看似辣椒, 實際上是橄欖油封蕃茄, 將三種食材搭配, 這是一道有趣的開胃小點.
Bruschetta is an Italian Appetizer. The Roman chef uses baked and crispy brioche as base. They change the garlic into golden color salted egg yolk. There are beef stew and pork stew on the broiche. The meats taste firm and not too salty. The tomato confit appearance looks like red pepper slice. Overall, combining all three ingredients is an interesting combination.



Fresh Fruit Salad
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

新鮮水果會因為季節而不定期更換, 生菜吃起來清脆, 搭配的田園沙拉醬絲毫沒有搶走無籽葡萄的甜美, 不錯吃.
The fresh fruit may vary. The lettuce is crisp. The ranch salad dressing does not cover the sweetness from the seedless grape. Overall, the salad is quite delicious.



Sautee’ Scallop and Prawn Shrimp with Honey Mustard
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

多數台北西式餐廳 ( 例如 “AZURA 餐廳” ) 幾乎都是用大 Size 干貝, The Roman 餐廳主廚則是採用三個北海道小干貝 , 干貝熟度剛好, 蠻好吃, 脫殼海大蝦脆且有豐富海鮮風味, 兩款海鮮搭配蜂蜜芥末醬比預期地好吃,互相襯托,  也兼具賣相,  這一道是我當天最喜歡的菜餚.
Most Taipei western restaurants (For example: “Azura Restaurant” ) use large size scallop. The Roman restaurant uses three small Hokkaido scallops, which are pan-fried perfectly and delicious. I also like the Prawn Shrimp with full amount of seafood flavor. Two seafoods pair great unexpectedly with the honey mustard sauce. This is my favorite dish of the day.

延伸閱讀: AZURA 餐廳 》台北民生社區無菜單美食餐廳



Truffle Cream Risotto
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

The Roman 餐廳主廚採用義大利米製作燉飯保持經典風格, 燉飯本體吃起來是台灣人喜歡的米心硬度, 並不會過硬, 切塊野菇份量多, 也帶有足夠的大地氣息, 撒上如雪花般的帕瑪森起司, 讓整體吃起來不單調, 澱粉更是能讓人滿足食慾
The Roman uses Italian rice to keep it classic. The risotto itself matches Taiwanese’s preference, which doesn’t have the hard texture. There are fair mount of the earthy mushroom along with Parmesan Cheese. Starch can always fulfill people’s appetite.


美國頂級平鐵牛排 or 炭烤豬肋排

USDA Prime Flat Iron or Grilled Baby Back Ribs


USDA Prime Flat Iron Steak
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

這一道主餐是 5oz 美國 Prime 等級板腱牛排 , 英文翻譯是 Flat Iron Steak ( 平鐵牛排 ) , 餐廳都是建議五分熟, 因為牛的肩膀部位本來就比其他部位扎實, 我個人認為五分熟度吃起來的口感是剛好, 不會太硬或是過韌 . 牛排與馬鈴薯搭配店家自製菠菜醬不錯吃, 炭烤豬肋排 vs 美國頂級平鐵牛排, 我會選擇牛排
The main course is 5oz US Prime Blade Steak (Flat Iron Steak). The restaurant and I both suggested medium since the shoulder parts taste a bit firm in general. The spinach sauce pairs well with steak and potato. Comparing with Back Ribs and Blade Steak, I will suggest the steak.



Grilled Baby Back Ribs
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

豬排口感並不會過乾硬, 慢烤台灣豬肋排再抹上有煙燻香氣的BBQ Sauce, 我本來是期望有像 “Bogart’s Smokehouse” 直球般的炭烤肉香與焦脆口感
The ribs texture is not too dry nor firm. The slow-grilled Taiwanese ribs appearance has fair amount of smoked BBQ sauce. However, I was expecting the straight forward smoky and meaty flavor like at “Bogart’s Smokehouse”.

延伸閱讀: Bogart’s Smokehouse Taipei 》絕對是台北美式 BBQ 木柴燒烤餐廳推薦



Lobster Bisque
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

多數台北西式餐廳菜單裡的龍蝦濃湯都沒有龍蝦肉在湯裡, The Roman 尾牙春酒菜單裡的龍蝦濃湯不會過於濃厚與黏口,「⠀湯鮮微濃」應該是最適合的形容詞, 主廚花時間熬煮湯頭, 海鮮風味與奶油香氣造就這一道看似簡單卻費時的美味湯品.
The Lobster Bisque doesn’t have lobster meat in most Taipei western cuisine restaurants. The broth texture is not too thick. The chef spends time to cook the broth. Seafood flavor and Cream aroma make this soup tastes quite good.


主廚私房甜點 & 飲料

Chef Special Dessert & Drink
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

套餐的甜點會不定期更換, 這次吃的是布朗尼, 吃起來的口感反而有點像冰糕. 我則是選擇熱紅茶, 搭配甜點很適合
The set dessert may vary. This time, I tasted Brownie. But, It tastes like Semifreddo. I selected Hot Black Tea, which pairs good with the dessert.




酒精可選啤酒或是紅酒, 啤酒是 Carlsberg Pilsner, 紅酒是法國紅酒 – Monsieur William Rouge , 此為暢飲 All-You-Can-Drink. 若想自己準備酒, 請自行詢問餐廳.
You can choose beer or red wine. The beer would be Carlsberg Pilsner. The French Red Wine brand is Monsieur William Rouge. The drinks are All-You-Can-Drink. If you want to bring your own wine, please call to ask the restaurant.



結論 – Conclusion ⭐

這一篇文章主要是寫 The Roman 尾牙春酒菜單, 若是想要知道平常時間的菜單, 請直接詢問餐廳 ( Facebook: )

✅ The Roman 尾牙春酒菜單可以吃得飽
✅ 餐廳提供兩款菜單, 菜餚與價格不同, 環境讓人印象深刻
A. NTD $9000 + 10% (6 人) = NTD $1500 +10% / 人 (均消)
B. NTD $10800 + 10% (6 人) = NTD $1800 + 10%/人 (均消) ⭐

✅ 尾牙春酒菜單期間: 12/1/2022 – 3/31/2023 . 請直接打電話告知詢問包場事宜, 這期間要點 Regular 菜單也可以
✅ 包廂皆是玻璃屋, 有投影設備, 無線麥克風 , 點歌歡唱設備
✅ 需使用包廂或是包場才能享有尾牙菜單, 尾牙菜單是以桌為單位, 需要至少3桌, 每桌都是 6 席

This article focuses on The Roman Year-End Party menu. If you want to know the regular menu, you can ask the restaurant ( Facebook: ).

The following is the conclusion:
✅ The Roman Year-End Menu can fulfill the appetite.
✅ The restaurant offers two menus. Dishes and prices are different. The environment is impressive
A. NTD $9000 + 10% (6 人) = NTD $1500 +10% / per person
B. NTD $10800 + 10% (6 人) = NTD $1800 + 10%/per person ⭐

✅ Year-End Party Menu Schedule: 12/1/2022 ~ 3/31/2023. You call to reserve. You can also order regular menu during the time.
✅ The private rooms are all glass houses. There are projector, wireless mic, and song ordering machine.
✅ Year-End party only applies for private room dining or reserve the whole restaurant. The minimum reservation is three tables. And each table has 6 people.

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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The Roman 餐廳資訊

The Roman Restaurant Information

餐廳: The Roman 浪漫學家
地址: 台北市中山區敬業三路123號 (Map)
捷運站: 劍南路捷運站
電話: 02-7750-5150
Restaurant: The Roman Restaurant
Address: No. 123 , Jingye 3rd Road, Zongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Jiannan Road Station
Tel: 02-7750-5150


