松菸誠品行旅咖啡店》The Lounge 大廳書房 | Eslite Hotel Coffee

Last Updated on 2018-02-11 by Foodelicious

市政府捷運站附近的台北松菸文創區咖啡店越來越多, 附近的十間茶屋也常常客滿, 當找不到地方聊天時, 誠品行旅的“大廳書房” (The Lounge) 或許是個好選擇.
There are many coffe shops at Songshan Culture Park near Taipei City Hall MRT station. Shijian Tea House is always packed. If you can’t find a place to sit and chat, the Lounge at Eslite Hotel might be the best option.

身為鐵粉的我, 走進大門, 一看到挑高的書牆, 就像小孩到了糖果店一樣超興奮. 官方網頁提到五千多本藏書, 包括建築,音樂, 美術等各類中英文精裝書籍. 舒適的椅子則是義大利Cassina或Minotti手工椅.
When entering the front door near, you can immediately see the “Grand Book Wall”. As a Eslite Bookstore fan, I feel like visiting Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory as a kid. The 5000+ English/Chinese versions Books are placed at the wall to create a stunning visual.


“大廳書房” (The Lounge) 是個名副其實飯店一樓大廳開放式Cafe, 不光是販售咖啡, 也販售輕食,甜點與酒, 可惜有時會非常地吵鬧, 不太適合在這邊工作.
The Lounge is located at the lobby with opened space. To be specific, it is more like a cafe, which sells light food, coffee, desserts and also wines. However during busy hour, the environment is quite noisy and not suitable for expats.


咖啡與茶名單在文末 Coffee and Tea Menu is at the end of Article


English Name: Cafe Latte
Price: $260
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍

大廳書房 (The Lounge) 只販售Lavazza品牌的咖啡, 與illy咖啡同是國際知名品牌. 兩層強烈對比的視覺感受讓人完全不想將鮮奶與濃縮咖啡混合在一起. 第一口冰得透澈, 剛開始會感受到微苦濃縮咖啡, 稍微濃郁的鮮奶風味與冰塊合力將咖啡苦味壓到最低但又不失風味. 可惜的是台幣$260元很貴, 換算為美金$8.35元.
The Lounge only offers Lavazza coffee, which is as famous as illy coffee brand. Two completed different colors has interesting vision. You wouldn’t want to mix the milk with expresso since the colors are vivid. First taste has hints of bitter flavor from express. Creamy milk aroma is mixed with ice to compress the bitter flavor into the lower level but without decreasing its flavor. However, NTD$260 is quite expensive considering the currency exchange equals USD $8.35.



English Name: Cafe Mocha
Price: $260
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

這是Mr. J 點的, 顏色則是有三層- 最底下的巧克力, 中間的濃縮咖啡, 最上層則是少許的牛奶, 我記得我當時只喝一口, 卻沒有做筆記, 真的蠻可惜的. Mr. J ordered this drink. However, I only tasted a bit but without writing notes.


Coffee & Tea Menu


延伸閱讀: 台北市政府捷運站附近餐廳&咖啡店 & Bar 




Restaurant Name 店名: The Lounge 大廳書房 (Inside Eslite Hotel)
Address: No.98, Yanchang Road.Taipei City, Taiwan 台北市信義區菸廠路98號 (MAP)
Nearby MRT: City Hall MRT station 市政府站捷運站
電話: 02-6626-2888
Wifi: Yes (But shared with everyone at the lobby)
Wall Socket: No
Limited Time: No (不限時)
營業時間:10am ~ 12am (Midnight)


