一小步餐廳 》Un Petit Pas Bistro | 台北東區法式小酒館

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(結束營業) 一小步餐酒館價位不高, 算是台北東區平價餐酒館, 屬於忠孝 SOGO 附近的餐廳之一 , 一小步的商業午餐更是深受許多上班族喜愛.
(Closed Down) Un Petit Pas Bistro is considered as one of the price-friendly bistros at Taipei District. It is located near Zhongsiao Sogo department store. Many office workers would visit there for Its business lunch.

2018 一小步餐廳菜單價格在文末 2018 Un Petit Pas Bistro Menu is at the end of the article


一小步餐廳位於忠孝復興捷運站附近, 號稱東區一級戰區, 光是在忠孝SOGO附近不用過馬路, 就有日式拉麵 ( 例如: “炎庵拉麵” ) 和台灣人最愛的鍋物 (例如: “鍋台銘 x 黑毛和牛。頂級鍋物” ), 倒是附近的餐酒館競爭對手只有一家 “JAPOLI 義大利餐酒館”. 一小步餐廳主打法式料理, 與 2018 米其林餐盤的 “Chou Chou 法式餐廳” 最大的差別是一小步餐酒館是主打現流海鮮, 每天限量海鮮皆會寫在門口旁的黑板上, 並不會有像在 “ Chateau Zoe 酒窖餐廳”想點現流海鮮卻貨還沒抵達的囧況.
Un Petit Pas Bistro is located near Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station. There are Japanese ramen ( such as “ENAN RAMEN” ) and hot pot restaurant ( Such as “Guotaiming Hot Pot Restaurant” ). However, there is only one bistro, which is called “JAPOLI Bistro”, near Fuxing SOGO. Un Petit Pas Bistro is specialized in French Cuisine, just like “Chou Chou French Restaurant”. But Un Petit Pa Bistro is famous for its daily fresh seafood. The daily seafoods are written at the blackboard near the entrance. So, there wont be the awkward situation that there is a shortage of seafood, just like at “Chateau Zoe Restaurant”.

延伸閱讀: 忠孝復興捷運站餐廳 》 Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station Restaurants

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


其實我之前有經過一小步餐廳相當多次, 不管是晚上或是白天, 優雅白色窗簾大多時間是放下來或放一半, 其實路過是看不清楚餐廳內部, 加上招牌是法文 (雖然旁邊有中文), 導致我一直以為這家法式餐廳是像永康街 “Long Wall 長春藤法式餐廳” 屬於老派的法國餐廳. 走進一小步餐廳之後, 除了文青木色系裝潢外, 也有時尚復古花磚和莫蘭迪顏色 (灰藍色) 的牆壁. 文末影片有更詳細的室內裝潢.
I have walked by this restaurant quite a few times. The curtain is always down or half open in both day time and night time. I couldn’t see the indoor by walking by. Plus, the sign is French (even though there is Chinese words). I always though this restaurant is as old-fashion as “Long Wall Restaurant “ near Dongmen MRT station. But, after walking, the indoor design is quite fashionable with floor design and grey-blue color wall. The video at the end shows more details.


一小步餐廳商業午餐套餐 – 現流鮮魚

包括前菜, 主菜, 甜點, 飲品
Un Petit Pas Bistro Business Lunch – Fish
Including: Starter, Main Course, Dessert, Drink
Price: NTD $580


前菜: 主廚沙拉

Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

用餐當日沙拉是煙燻鴨肉沙拉, 理所當然要放棄他們的每日例湯- 蘑菇湯, 沙拉份量適中, 白葡萄甜度高剛好中和了沙拉裡的微苦蔬菜, 柑橘多汁, 煙燻鴨肉比想像中地厚, 吃起來相當鹹香, 油脂也不會過多, 基本上以一個附餐沙拉來說, 已經比 “C Bistro” 精采.
I chose their daily salad, which is Smoked Duck Salad. The quantity is fair amount. The white grape is sweet and in balance with the vegetable that carries hints of bitterness. The tangerine is juice. The smoked duck slice is thicker than expected. The meat is salty and delicious. As a set salad dish, they are doing a better job than “C Bistro”.


主菜: 現流鮮魚

Fish of the Day
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

當日現流鮮魚是尖梭魚, 在燒烤餐廳很常看到這款食材. 若不注意看這道主菜, 很難察覺其實有兩條尖梭魚堆疊在ㄧ起, 尖梭魚對半攤平, 銀灰黑色魚皮酥脆, 不時會吃到少許黑胡椒帶來的辛香風味, 因為魚皮的充分油脂, 魚肉吃起來相當嫩與鹹香, 完全不會有在燒烤店吃起來乾柴的問題.
Their daily fish is Sea Pike, which is quite common at Grilled Restaurant. If you don’t look clearly, you cant hardly tell that the chef puts two Sea Pikes together. The fish skin is crispy and the tastebuds can sense a bit of black peppers. Unlike in other restaurants, the Sea Pike meat is tender and quite delicious.


因為我吃酥脆食物不太愛沾醬汁, 醬汁我基本上是跳過, 只是因為醬汁, 尖梭魚底下的一些時蔬吃起來變得比較軟爛, 較為可惜. 但值得一提的是這款主菜除了魚之外也有少許花枝和鮮嫩鴻禧菇, 以 NTD $580 套餐價格, 算是相當經濟實惠.
I rarely dip any crispy food into the sauce. I basically skip the sauce. But, because of the sauce, some seasonal vegetables taste mushy. But, the best part would be they also offer squid and mushroom in this dish. With the set price NTD $580, it is very price-friendly and reasonable.


甜點: 咖啡巧克力 | 波特酒無花果醬 | 椰子雪酪

Dessert: Coffee Chocolate | Port Fig Compote | Coconut Sorbet
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這款甜點並不是蛋糕體,而是有點像上下塔皮中間有濃稠咖啡巧克力內餡, 塔皮薄, 切下時易碎, 苦味巧克力餡會佔領味蕾. 無花果並不是像 “Wildwood 餐廳“甜點是新鮮無花果, 而是像重甜口味版的“在欉紅 Red on Tree”果醬, 還好有椰子雪酪的清爽讓這道甜點不會過甜膩.
This dessert is not cake. It is a bit like thick Chocolate filling in between tarts. The thin tarts are quite fragile while cutting down. The dark chocolate filling would cover the tastebuds. Unlike “Wildwood Restaurant” fresh fig dessert, their figs are jams, just like “Red on Tree”. The count sorbet brings freshness with its refreshing taste.


飲料: 紅茶

Drink: Black Tea
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

一小步餐廳的酒單在文末, 看到一杯 NTD $250 House Wine , 就決定直接喝套餐飲料就夠, 紅茶夠清徹也不苦.
Un Petit Pas Bistro’s wine menu is at the end of article. The House wine is NTD $250 per glass. So, I decided to only drink the set drink – Black Tea.


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店名: 一小步法式小館
地址: 台北市大安區復興南路一段107巷5弄11號 (Map)
捷運: 忠孝復興捷運站
營業時間: 打電話確認
Website: https://www.facebook.com/UnPPB/
Restaurant Name: Un Petit Pas Bistro
Address: No. 11, 5th Ale, 107th Lane, 1st Section, Fuxing South Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT Station
Tel: 02-2731-2828
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm





