Taipei Dongmen Market Food Guide 》台北東門市場美食推薦
Last Updated on 2020-12-23 by Foodelicious
這篇文章是關於 台北東門市場美食推薦 , 有東門利隆餅店, 東門黃媽媽米粉湯, 江記東門豆花, 與東門城滷肉飯.
This article is regarding Taipei Dongmen Market Food Recommendation Guide. There are Dongmen Lilong Pastry Shop, Mama Huang’s Rice Noodle Soup, Dongmen Braised Pork Rice and Dongmen Jiang Ji Douhua.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
Taipei Dongmen Market MRT station
台北東門市場地址為 台北市中正區信義路二段81號 , 離東門捷運站二號出口大約 5 分鐘路程. 只需要過金山南路即可看到, 簡單來說,東門市場位於信義路與金山南路口. 網路目前找不到完整東門市場攤位地圖, 只有簡單的中文攤販介紹 (Link: )對我來說, 東門市場有兩個入口.
信義路入口 (圖一) 東門彈子房. 地址為台北市信義路二段 87 之一號
金山南路入口 (圖二) 御園坊. 地址為台北市金山南路一段120號
Taipei Dongmen Market Address is No. 81, 2nd Section, Xinyi Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City. It is about 5 minutes walking distance from Dongmen MRT station. You would only need to walk across Jinshan South Road. I couldn’t find the booth map online. There is only simply description about several booths online (Link: ). Generally speaking, Dongmen Market is at the cross road of Xinyi Road, and Jinshan South Road. There isn’t a complete market map. To me, there are only two entrances.
Xinyi Road Entrance [Pic 1]: The address is No. 87-1, 2nd Section, Xinyi Road, Taipei City (Map)
Jinshan South Road [Pic 2]: The address is No. 120, 1st Section, Jinshan South Road, Taipei City (Map)
Taipei Dongmen Market Operation Hour
台北東門市場營業時間是週一休, 週二至週日是 7am ~ 2pm. 可是各個攤位的店面的營業時間皆不同, 我是選最安全的時候去東門市場, 也就是非星期一的平日早上 11 am , 完全就是一個吃早午餐的概念.
Taipei Dongmen Market is Monday off. Tuesday ~ Sunday operation hour is 7am ~ 2pm. However, each booth might have different operation hour. I chose the safest time – non-Monday weekday 11 am morning. It is basically a brunch concept!
📌台北區域美食推薦 Taipei District Restaurants Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide
連結 (Link): 台北信義區美食餐廳推薦 》Taipei Xinyi District Restaurants Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北信義安和美食推薦 》Restaurant Recommendation near Xinyi Anhe MRT station
連結 (Link): 台北中山站美食推薦懶人包 》 Zhongshan Station Restaurants Guide
連結 (Link): 東門站永康街美食推薦懶人包 》 Dongmen Station & Yongkang Restaurants Guide
連結 (Link): 台北華山文創園區與週邊美食 》Huashan Creative Park Restaurants and Cafes
連結 (Link): 台北民生社區美食餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Minsheng Community Restaurant Guide
【 東門黃媽媽米粉湯 】
Mama Huang’s Rice Noodle Soup
黃媽媽米粉湯需要從信義路入口的東門彈子房進入, 即可看到內用座位與許多攤位. 抬頭看招牌即可看到店面地址是東門市場新館13號. Google 上寫的營業時間是 星期二至星期日 7am ~ 3pm, 星期一休息. 比較有趣的是在黃媽媽米粉湯內用也可以點隔壁東門城滷肉飯來吃. 桌上都備有三罐醬汁 – 蒜蓉醬油,甜辣醬還有辣椒醬.
You would need to enter from Xinyi Road. There are many food booths and dine-in seats. You would see the No. 13 food booth sign. Google mentions that the operation hour is Tuesday ~ Sunday 7am ~ 3pm. Off Day is Monday. The most interesting part would be that you can also order Dongmen Braised Pork Rice while dining in at Mama Huang’s dine-in area.
Rice Noodle Soup
Price: NTD $30
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
黃媽媽米粉湯在舒國治美食推薦名單上, 湯頭是用豬大骨熬煮, 看似清淡, 喝起來就如同排骨湯帶些肉香, 湯不夠還可以續. 米粉如預期吸收些許香醇湯汁, 以 NTD $30 來說, 米粉份量夠多很值得點. 如果有很多人一起來吃, 通常會再點黑白切 (NTD $120), 我推薦點米粉湯來搭配東門城滷肉飯.
The soup broth is stewed with pork rib for fair amount of time. Even though the broth looks clear, but yet it tastes quite thick with meaty flavors. You can ask for the refill of the soup. The quantity of the rice noodle is more than expected. Overall, it tastes delicious and worth ordering. I would suggest to order the rice noodle soup to pair with the braised pork rice.
Mama Huang’s Rice Noodle Soup Menu
Mama Huang’s Rice Noodle Soup Information
店名: 黃媽媽米粉湯
地址: 台北市中正區信義路二段87號 (東門市場新館13號) (Map)
捷運: 東門捷運站
星期二至星期日 7am ~ 3pm
公休日: 星期ㄧ
Restaurant Name: Mama Huang’s Rice Noodle Soup
Address: No. 87, 2nd Section, Xinyi Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City (Booth Number: No. 13 ) (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Dongmen MRT station
Tel: 0922-238-529
Operation Hour:
Tuesday ~ Sunday 7am ~ 3pm
Off Day: Monday
【 東門城滷肉飯 】
東門城滷肉飯在黃媽媽米粉湯店面旁邊, 一樣是從信義路入口 (東門子彈房) 進入. 雖然營業時間是寫 星期二至星期日10am ~ 1:30pm, 星期一公休 , 東門城滷肉飯其實大約只賣兩小時的滷肉飯, 建議中午左右來會是最保險.
Dongmen Braised Pork Rice shop is next to Mama Huang’s Rice Noodle Soup. You can also enter from Xinyi Road Entrance as well. Please note that the operation hour stated 10am ~ 1:30pm. But, people always say that they would sold out the braised pork rice before 1pm.
滷肉飯 (小) + 滷蛋
Braised Pork Rice (Small) + Egg
Price: NTD $30 + NTD $15 = NTD $45
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
小碗滷肉飯是 NTD $30, 大碗滷肉飯是 NTD $50. 我點小碗滷肉飯加滷蛋, 很少人能抵抗那一大鍋有著邪惡誘惑的老滷, 可惜他們沒有像 “門前隱味牛肉麵” 一樣強調老滷特色, 切丁肥肉比預期地黏口, 仍舊保持軟嫩與入口即化的口感, 重點是不會過鹹, 搭配飯更是不錯吃. 與 “小王煮瓜” 有得比. 我個人很推薦.
The small size of Braised Pork Rice is NTD $30. The large braised pork rice is NTD $50. I ordered small bowl with braised egg. There are fair amount collagen from the pork fats. The pork dices are delicious and importantly not too salty. The delicious level is high and as delicious as “Wang’s Broth”. I would definitely recommend it.
延伸閱讀: 門前隱味牛肉麵 》板橋府中捷運站美食 | Taipei Beef Noodle
Dongmen Braised Pork Rice Menu
Dongmen Braised Pork Rice Information
店名: 東門城滷肉飯
地址: 台北市中正區信義路二段87號 (東門市場新館12號) (Map)
捷運: 東門捷運站
星期二至星期日 10am ~ 1:30pm
公休日: 星期ㄧ
Restaurant Name: Dongmen Braised Pork Rice
Address: No. 87, 2nd Section, Xinyi Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City (Booth Number: No. 12 ) (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Dongmen MRT station
Tel: 0930-875-958
Operation Hour:
Tuesday ~ Sunday 10am ~ 1:30pm
Off Day: Monday
【 江記東門豆花 】
Dongmen Jiang Ji Douhua (Tofu Pudding)
誰說吃豆花一定要到永康街的白水豆花!! 我個人反而比較喜歡傳統豆花. 歷史悠久的江記東門豆花可以從金山南路入口 (御園坊) 進入, 可看到紅燈籠上寫著 “手工豆花”. 營業時間是寫 7:30 am ~ 3pm , 而且星期一與星期四休息. 內用座位有單人座也有四人座. 江記東門豆花也是舒國治美食推薦之一.
I personally like traditional Douhua, which is Chinese Tofu Pudding. You can enter from Jinshan South Road entrance. You would see the red lantern stated “hand-made tofu pudding”. The operation hour is 7:30am ~ 3pm with Monday and Thursday off. There are also dine-in seats.
豆花 (冰)
Tofu Pudding (Ice)
Price: NTD $40
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
江記東門豆花只有販售花生豆花與豆漿, 冬天也有販售熱豆花. 網路上提到也可以升級為豆漿+豆花 (NTD $45). 吃一口豆花與花生, 糖水完全不會搶走濃香花生的風味, 搭配綿密豆花口感十分討喜, 比“騷豆花”好吃許多. 我個人推薦吃完飯可以來一碗當甜點.
Dongmen Jiang Ji Douhua shop only offers tofu pudding with peanut and soy milk. During winter, they also offer hot tofu pudding. The sweetness of the sugar water won’t cover the peanut flavor. The soft texture of the tofu pudding is quite impressive and delicious. Overall, it is better than “Sao Dou Hua Cafe”. I would suggest this tofu pudding as a dessert after dining.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Tofu Pudding & Pho 》騷豆花不只賣豆花也賣越南河粉
Dongmen Jiang Ji Douhua (Tofu Pudding) Menu
Dongmen Jiang Ji Douhua Information
店名: 江記東門豆花
地址: 台北市中正區金山南路一段142巷5號 (Map)
捷運: 東門捷運站
星期二, 星期三, 星期五至日 7:30 am ~ 3pm ,
公休日: 星期一與星期四
Restaurant Name: Dongmen Jiang Ji Douhua
Address: No. 5, 142nd Lane, 1st Section, Jinshan South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Dongmen MRT station
Tel: 0968-109-709
Operation Hour:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday ~ Sunday 7:30am ~ 3pm
Off Day: Monday & Thursday
【 東門利隆餅店 】
Dongmen Lilong Pastry Shop
利隆餅店是東門市場著名的銅板美食與排隊名店, 我那天則是選擇最後一攤來排隊, 那時已經快中午12 點, 老實說, 我超怕我想吃的餡餅賣光. 利隆餅店也是從金山南路入口 (御園坊) 進入. 老闆與家人分工合作, 現桿現做, 因為也只有一個鍋, 有時候想要的口味會要再等候下一鍋, 因此常有人排隊只為了想買特定的餡餅. 營業時間 6:30am ~ 1:30pm.
Lilong Pastry Shop is a very famous to-go shop at Dongmen Market. I lined up around noon. Honestly, I was afraid that my desired pastries would be sold out. You can also enter from Jinshen South Road. Since there is only one large grilling pan, sometimes, you would need to wait for your desired pastries. The operation hour is 6:30am ~ 1:30pm.
Pork Pastry
Price: NTD $20
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
當時我是外帶從東門捷運站到中山捷運站的“六福居”, 餡餅並沒有冷掉, 而是溫熱狀態, 豬肉內餡爆汁與高麗菜清脆是豬肉餡餅應有的特色, 利隆餅店最大的特色是餡餅皮, 因為是現桿現做, 微焦微油的餅皮吃起來有嚼勁, 很難得的是也有麵香, 這是我在台北吃過最美味的豬肉餡餅, 排了 30 分鐘很值得! 我推薦多買一些餡餅回去吃!
The pastries are warm-hot condition since I purchased to-go from Dongmen to Zhongshan “Leofoo Residences”. The pork and cabbage fillings are juicy as expected. Lilong shop selling point would be the hand-made pastry appearance. Besides grilling marks offer the crispy texture, it is also has wheat aroma and a bit chewy in a good way. Lilong Shop’s pork pastry is my favorite pork pastry at Taipei City. It is worth the 30 minutes wait. I would suggest to purchase more pastries to eat.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Leofoo Residences 》選擇六福居的五個理由與優缺點 (自費非業配)
Chive Pocket
Price: NTD $20
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
利隆餅店的韭菜盒子造型其實就像餡餅是圓形, 除了餅皮美味外, 韭菜份量也足夠, 穩坐主角座位, 韭菜香味十足, 如果點了一份肉的餡餅, 建議也點一份韭菜盒子.
Lilong Shop’s Chive Pocket is round instead of pocket size. The pastry appearance tastes great. And Lilong shop chive pocket has more chive flavor than expected. If you purchase a meat pastry, I would suggest you to purchase this chive pocket just for the balance?!
Dongmen Lilong Pastry Shop Menu
Dongmen Lilong Pastry Shop Information
店名: 東門利隆餅店
地址: 台北市信義路二段79巷15之1號 (Map)
捷運: 東門捷運站
電話: (02) 2395-2963, 0933-001-767
星期二至星期日 6:30am ~ 1:30pm
公休日: 星期ㄧ
Restaurant Name: Lilong Pastry Shop
Address: No. 15-1, 79th Lane, 2nd Section, Xinyi Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Dongmen MRT station
Tel: (02) 2395-2963, 0933-001-767
Operation Hour:
Tuesday ~ Sunday 6:30am ~ 1:30pm
Off Day: Monday
♛ 2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List
延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)