台北 味処初梅 ( Hatsuume ) 是許多饕客心目中的台北日料餐廳推薦, 味処初梅訂位皆是包場方式 - 一桌八位. 這次則是因為朋友生日品嚐初梅甲魚宴. Hatsuume restaurant is one of the Taipei Japanese restaurant recommendations. Hatsuume reservation policy is to reserve ...
小新和食酒場是忠孝復興站日本料理餐廳之一, 也是市民大道上的日式餐廳餐廳, 小新和食海鮮茶碗蒸與海鮮丼的評價皆不錯. Ashin restaurant is one of the Japanese restaurant near Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station. Ashin restaurant’s stewed egg and seafood Donburi are t...
台北市無菜單日本料理餐廳並不多, 搜尋到業界知名阿田師所經營的“山花割烹”, 不僅交通方便(近信義安和捷運站), 也是今年才從敦化南路搬遷至信義路新地點. 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到他們的料理. There isn't much “Special Chef’s Tasting Menu” Japanese Restaurants in Taipei City. What is “Special Che...