Wild Donkey Taipei 野驢小餐館是台北大安區餐酒館之一, 由華泰集團少東經營的野驢訂位依舊搶手. Wild Donkey Restaurant is one of Taipei Bistros at Da’an District. As a 2019 newly-opened restaurant, its reservation is still popular.
(已結束營業) 2020 年開始 ACME Breakfast Club 與 AFTERWORK by ACME 餐酒館 結合成為成為同一個品牌, 轉型成為全天營業的餐廳 . (Closed Down) From the year of 2020, ACME Breakfast Club and Afterwork by ACME combine together into one brand. ...
(Changed to Nabo ulv) ULV Restaurant & Bar 是一家新開幕 2019 台北東區餐酒館, 餐飲界同溫層皆知主廚來自侯布雄法式餐廳. (Changed to Nabo luv) ULV Restaurant and Bar Taipei is a 2019 newly-opened Taipei Bistro at Taipei East Distri...
頁小館 (Restaurant Page) 是大直捷運站餐廳美食, 也在台北米其林餐盤餐廳名單上, 記憶點除了土耳其藍色牆壁裝潢外, 中西融合料理也是頁小館的特色. Restaurant Page is one of the Taipei Bistros at Neihu Area. It is also one of the Michelin Plate Taipei Restaurants. ...
台北松山區餐酒館多增加一家名為 JUJU Spanish Gastrobar 的台北西班牙餐廳, 這是西班牙籍主廚 Pablo 的新傑作, JUJU 招牌濃湯和燉牛頰最受歡迎. JUJU Spanish Gastrobar is one of the Taipei Bistros at Songshan District. The restaurant is opened by Spanish C...