和蒔炭火割烹 是 台北中山站美食 之一, 大家都喜歡 和蒔菜單 裡的和牛滷肉飯, 搭配特殊調味鹽是這家台北日本無菜單餐廳的特色. Wamaki Japanese Restaurant is at the Zhongshan MRT Restaurant list. Everyone loves the braised Waygu beef rice. Using various salts is ...
台北榮總附近的石牌捷運站美食名單不能少了品鮨日本料理, 除了知名的握壽司外和海鮮丼飯, 也有季節性料理. Pin Chi Japanese Restaurant is located near Shipai MRT station at Beitou District. Besides “nigiri” and “don” (rice), they also have seasonal limit...