2018.07.15 海倫咖啡 》台北車站週邊咖啡店推薦 | Taipei Main Station Coffee Shop 台北市 Taipei City, ., 台北車站 Tpe Main Station BL12, 中正區 ZhongChen District, 台北車站 / Tpe Main Station R10, 咖啡店 Coffee, 下午茶甜點 Dessert 海倫咖啡 (Helen Coffee ) 是新光三越站前店週邊咖啡店之一, 也是少數販售藝伎高價單品咖啡的台北咖啡店, 這次有這個榮幸品嚐到店內的輕食與單品咖啡. Helen Coffee is one of coffee shops near Taipei Main Station MRT station. It is one of the Taipei coffee shops that of... 繼續閱讀