Supreme Salmon 美威鮭魚專賣店 》 台北新光三越A11美食街
Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious
(已結束營業) 原來台北新光三越A11美食街也有美威鮭魚! 這次有這個榮幸再次品嚐到美威鮭魚, 而且是新菜單.
(Closed) Supreme Salmon is also located at Xinyi District Shinkong Mitsukoshi Department Store food court. I have the opportunity to taste their new menu.
延伸閱讀: 信義誠品美食街 – 美威鮭魚Review (Xinyi Eslite Bookstore Supreme Salmon)
在餐廳櫃位林立的美食街, 多數人都跟我一樣, 都是繞了一圈還是有選擇性障礙. “大魚大肉“是外食者的一貫作風, 偏偏要吃到魚並不是很容易, 幾乎只有在吃合菜跟生魚片時, 才能享受到魚料理, 位於美食街的美威鮭魚單人套餐倒是很少見到.
There are always many food options at the food court. Most people, including me, have difficulties to choose which food to eat. However, fish cuisine only appears at sashimi or gathering dining. It is rare to have single-served salmon cuisine like Supreme Salmon.
菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article
日式南蠻雪花鮭魚肚 (佐蒲燒飯糰)
English Name: Japanese Style Salmon Belly with Rice Balls
Set Price: $199
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍👍
菜餚端上桌時, 美威鮭魚採用類似懷石料理等級才看得到深黑色器皿, 擺盤設計的美感顛覆每個人對美食街的樸素擺盤刻板印象. 深褐色均勻分佈在每一吋長條型鮭魚肚,少許青蔥與白芝麻點綴讓視覺上非常地誘人.
The dish is placed on the dark and elegant plate that only seen at high-end Japanese restaurants. However, this kind of beautiful display belongs to the restaurant instead of food court. Brown color spreads evenly on the salmon belly with small amount of green onion and white sesame garnish.
咬一口鮭魚肚時, 少許豐腴的油脂讓鮭魚肚肉更加鮮嫩, 並不會乾澀, 廚師也將鮭魚處理到沒有零散的小刺, 鮭魚不再只是簡單的海鮮風味, 而是增加了濃郁的糖醋風味, 南蠻醬的基底則是有醋與砂糖, “南蠻“這兩個字是在日本江戶時代對西洋國家 (西班牙, 葡萄牙, 荷蘭等)的統稱, 整體的口感與風味極佳, 不會過於油膩, 我甚至不用搭配蒲燒飯糰也可以吃完.
Taking the first bite at the salmon belly, the fish meat is moist and tender due to fair amount of fatness. Chefs also do a great job picking the small bones. The salmon is no longer just seafood flavor, but also has sweet and sour flavor from the sauce. The dish is delicious and also full of flavor.
飯糰並不會像鍋巴, 反而是較為鬆軟, 刷上少許鰻魚飯常見的鹹甜蒲燒醬, 每一口都是滿足, 再加上小黃瓜解油膩.
The rice ball, spreads with sweet and salty sauce, is not crispy but a bit soft. Every bite fulfilled the appetite.
English Name: Roasted Salmon Chin
Price: Add NTD $99
Set Price: NTD $219 (With Rice and drink)
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍👍
我平常跟朋友去海產店, 男生們總是自私地霸佔著魚下巴, 連一小塊魚肉都吃不到. 這次終於讓我在“美威鮭魚” 品嚐到肥美的魚下巴, 並沒有任何醬汁的輔佐, 只有簡單的鹽麴和岩鹽醃漬提味, 也是最原始的美味.
Most of the time, guys ordered the salmon chin and ate it without sharing. This time, I finally tasted the roasted salmon chin all for myself at Supreme Salmon. Without only rock salt and fermented salt, the salmon remains its original seafood flavor.
將金桔擠出汁灑在鮭魚皮上, 先夾起一口魚肉單吃, 鮮嫩口感不在話下, 再將另外一塊魚肉和酥脆魚表皮沾上椒鹽粉, 雖然有點台味, 但美食不分國界, 不是嗎?
After squeezing the juicy kumquat at the surface, I eat the salmon with only a few drops of squeezed kumquat juice. The tender and fresh seafood flavor is delicious. Eating with salty pepper will brings more delicious flavors to this dish.
English Name: Steamed Egg with diced salmon
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍
並不像一般蒸蛋, 切塊的鮭魚肉是置放在蒸蛋上方, 建議鮭魚跟蒸蛋一起品嚐, 較能夠享受滑順蒸蛋和帶有鮮嫩肉質的口感, 吃到最後還會有驚喜, 切塊的菇類更帶來不同層次的口感.
Unlike other steamed egg, the diced salmon is placed on the top of the steamed egg. I would suggest to eat both smooth steamed egg and tender fish meat together. There are a few diced mushroom inside while eating toward the end.
English Name: Roasted Brown Rice Tea
Price: N/A ( 套餐飲料 Comes with the Set )
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍
The roasted brown rice tea is not strong and easy to pair with any salmon cuisine.
*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
延伸閱讀: 台北市政府捷運站附近餐廳&咖啡店 & Bar
Restaurant Name店名: Supreme Salmon 美威鮭魚專賣店 新光三越A11店
Facebook Fan Page:
Address: B2 ,No.11, Song-Shun Road, Taipei City (Department Store Food court) 台北市信義區松壽路11號B2 (新光三越A11) (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: City Hall MRT station 市政府捷運站
營業時間:11 am ~ 10pm