苗林行代理 》關於法國品牌 Sicoly 果泥的五個問題

Last Updated on 2023-08-03 by Foodelicious

今年苗林行開始進口法國 Sicoly 冷凍水果果泥 (Sicoly Purée ),也請到世界甜點冠軍同時也是 Sicoly 品牌大使 Quentin Bailly 來台灣舉辦法國 Sicoly果泥甜點講習會.
Taiwan Miaolin Foods starts importing French Brand Sicoly Purée this year. They hosted a dessert seminar with Sicoly Brand Ambassador Quentin Bailly, who is also the World Pastry Cup Champion.


苗林行 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/miaolin1964

Miaolin Foods Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/miaolin1964

業務詢問聯絡方式 / Contact Information
Nick Wu Email: nickwu@miaolin.com.tw


Quentin Bailly Sicoly 講習會短秒影片 @ 苗林行
Quentin Bailly Sicoly Seminar Short Video @ Taiwan Miaolin Foods 


五個關於法國 Sicoly 果泥的問題
Five Questions about Sicoly Purée

1. 請問果泥生產線是大約幾年前開始?
What year does SICOLY brand start to promote/manufacture purée?

SICOLY 自 1962 年開始販售新鮮水果,不同於其他國際知名品牌, SICOLY 最初是農民組合而成的合作社 (閒聊得知董事長也是農民), 換句話說, SICOLY 本身就是新鮮水果供應商, 並沒有透過中間商購買水果, 1974年開始販售冷凍水果, 1979 那一年因為法國覆盆子生產過剩, SICOLY 看到契機即開始水果果泥的生產製造.
SICOLY brand is established at 1962. It majors in fresh fruits at France. Different from other brands, SICOLY was organized  by farmers at the beginning. Surprisingly, SICOLY CEO is also a farmer. In another words, SICOLY provides their own fresh fruits instead of purchasing from distributors. They starts to sell frozen fruits at the year of 1974. Due to the over-production of raspberry at 1979, SICOLY brand starts the purée business.

圖片來源: SICOLY 外銷經理 Romain Walter & Quentin Bailly & 苗林行


2. 我看 SICOLY 網站上有提到工廠有用 “De-aeration (脫氣) ” 和 “Ohmic Heating (歐姆加熱) )” 技術來確保果泥的顏色和新鮮. 那與其他家品牌有何不同?
I read about that SICOLY factory uses “De-aeration” and “Ohmic Heating” to keep the purée has the original color and flavor. What type of method do other companies usually use?

De-aeration (脫氣)
SICOLY 外銷經理 Romain Walheer 提到不是每家果泥工廠都採用 De-aeration 脫氧過程. SICOLY 採用脫氧步驟防止新鮮水果氧化失去顏色, 因此很有自信地用透明包裝盒包裝.
SICOLY Overseas Export Manager Mr. Romain Walheer mentions that not every puree factory uses De-aeration process. SICOLY uses this particular method to avoid oxidation of the fruits. This process preserves fruits’ original color. SICOLY is proud to use transparent packages to show the puree’s true color.


Ohmic Heating (歐姆加熱)
SICOLY 工廠在製造過程用歐姆加熱, 也就是電力消毒, 速度非常迅速, 大約 4 秒 ~ 20 秒, 在最短時間內保存水果原本風味. 多數其他果泥品牌都用時間較長的加熱消毒方式, 容易讓果泥失去原本風味, 口感也會改變.
SICOLY uses Ohmic Heating, which generates heat by passage of electrical current through food. The cooking process is quite rapid, which only needs 4 seconds to 20 seconds. Other puree factories uses much longer time to cook the puree and lost the original fruits flavor and texture.

圖片來源: 法國 Sicoly 冷凍水果果泥 (Sicoly Purée ) 展示 & 果泥圖片


3. 請問若是非季節性水果, 工廠是不是先將水果冰凍起來? 會不會影響到水果風味?
Most fruits are seasonal. Will the manufacturer freeze the fruits in order to have steady production? Will the freezing process affect the fruits’ flavor?

雖然 SICOLY 有販售冷凍水果, 但為了保存果泥品質, 若是法國產地的水果, SICOLY 都不會採用冷凍水果來製作果泥, 因為 SICOLY 直接與果農合作, 當季水果的量都可控制, 基本上供應是不會缺貨.
Even though SICOLY offers frozen fruits, SICOLY still choose not to use frozen fruits from locals to make the puree. Because SICOLY cooperates directly with the farmer, the production has been very steady.

圖片來源: Quentin Bailly 講習會


4. SICOLY 果泥在法國本地賣最好的前三名? 請舉列 2 ~ 3 知名法國客戶或名廚 , SICOLY 果泥在台灣賣最好的前三名? 台灣知名客戶有哪些?
What are the top 3 best selling puree flavor at France? Any famous clients/chefs that you would like us to know? What are the top 3 best selling puree flavor at Taiwan? What are the famous clients at Taiwan?

台灣烘焙業對 Sicoly 果泥並不陌生, 目前苗林行 Sicoly 果泥銷售前三名是芒果, 草莓,覆盆子. 台灣知名客戶包括 芙芙法式甜點 Escape from Paris, 晶華酒店, 漢來飯店 …etc. 台灣苗林行目前進口 1kg法國冷凍果泥, 海運和台灣運輸方式皆是用冷凍儲存. 法國本地銷售 Top 3 SICOLY 果泥分別是覆盆子, 草莓和檸檬. 國際知名客戶包括世界甜點冠軍 Quetin Bailly, 法國米其林三星餐廳 Le Clos des Cimes 主廚/老闆 Régis Marcon, 和全球知名馬卡龍品牌 Ladurée. 讓我最驚訝的是SICOLY果泥 和啤酒工廠合作生產水果啤酒.
Most Taiwanese bakery and pastry industry know about SICOLY purée. In the year of 2019, Taiwan Miaolin Foods starts to offer this high-quality brand frozen purée with 1 kg package. Now, the top 3 sales in Taiwan are mango, strawberry, and raspberry flavor. Their clients include Escape from Paris, Regent Hotel, Grand Hi-Lai Hotel …etc. Top 3 sales puree in France is raspberry, strawberry and lemon. The world-famous clients include Quetin Bailly, Régis Marcon and Ladurée brand. The most surprisingly part would be Sicoly puree also cooperates with local French beer manufacturer to produce fruit beers.

圖片來源: Quentin Bailly 講習會


5. SICOLY工廠位於法國北隆河附近, 多數台灣人對隆河的印象只有葡萄酒, 請問 SICOLY 合作的 150多個果農裡, 在法國在地產的水果有哪些? 這些水果全部都適合做成果泥嗎?
SICOLY is located at the North of the Rhône Valley. Most Taiwanese only link Rhone Valley to wine. Within SICOLY 150 producer business partners, what are the local-grown fruits? Are all fruits suitable for making into Puree?

法國在地產的水果有梨子, 杏桃, 青蘋果.. etc. 最特別的是紅色水蜜桃, 英文是 Blood Peach, 以上這些水果皆有做成果泥, 其實每款水果的甜度都不太一樣, 因此 Sicoly 有在少數幾款果泥裡加入法國產甜菜糖, 而不是像其他品牌用的是轉化糖漿. 外銷經理也提到未來目標是所有果泥都不加糖.
Local fruits in France include pear, apricot, green apple.. etc. The most special fruit would be blood peach, which is also called wine peach. The above fruits are suitable to make into puree. In some items, SICOLY uses crystal sugar extracted from beetroots instead of inverted sugar. The export manager also mentions that SICOLY future plan is that every puree does not add sugar at all.

圖片來源: 晶華酒店下午茶 x Quentin Bailly 記者會


晶華酒店下午茶 x Quentin Bailly
Regret Hotel Afternoon Tea Set x Quentin Bailly

Quentin Bailly 是世界盃甜點大賽冠軍, 也是SICOLY品牌大使, 這次特別採用台灣苗林行代理的法國品牌 Sicoly 果泥為晶華飯店設計出一整套甜點組合, 因此將圖一取名為世界冠軍下午茶雙人組合. 甜點雙人組合裡有五款甜點, 兩款鹹點, 和兩款飲品. 價格為 NTD $1280 + 10%, 時間只有 10/5 ~ 11/30 在晶華酒店二樓上庭酒廊提供.
Quentin Bailly is the Champion of World Pastry Cup. Therefore, Regent Hotel 2F Gallery names this dessert plate “World Champion Afternoon Tea Set”. This particular 2-people set (NTD $1280 +10%) includes 5 desserts, 2 savories, and 2 drinks by using Sicoly Puree. I dont think one person can finish one plate and two drinks though. Set Promotion Date is from 10/5 ~ 11/30

圖片來源: 晶華酒店下午茶 x Quentin Bailly 記者會短秒影片


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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公司名稱: 苗林行
地址: 台北市內湖區瑞光路513巷26號8 樓
業務詢問聯絡方式皆採用 Email:
Nick Wu Email: nickwu@miaolin.com.tw
cc Jerry Chang Email: jerry@miaolin.com.tw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/miaolin1964
2019 Catalogue Link: https://pse.is/KK3YJ
Company Name: Miaolin Foods
Address: 8F, No. 26, 513th Lane, Ruiguang Road, Neihu District, Taipei City
Sales Staff Email:
Nick Wu: nickwu@miaolin.com.tw
cc Jerry Chang Email: jerry@miaolin.com.tw


