秀花鍋 Showhua Hot Pot 》菜單裡的海陸套餐很值得推薦
Last Updated on 2022-01-16 by Foodelicious
吃完台北秀花鍋菜單裡的海陸套餐後, 豐富且新鮮的海鮮食材讓我把這家新開幕火鍋餐廳放進我的台北東區美食推薦名單裡.
Showhua Hot Pot restaurant is at my Taipei East District Restaurant recommendation list. I tried out their Surf and Turf hot pot set, and it is delicious and price friendly.
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延伸閱讀: 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide
目錄 / Table of Contents
Showhua Hot Pot Reservation & Minimum Charge
新開幕的秀花鍋餐廳離忠孝復興站4號出口與14號出口約 10 分鐘路程, 沿著大安路一段往市民大道的方向走, 再轉進 “Fly’s Kitchen “ 巷弄內, 秀花鍋火鍋餐廳的外觀與室內裝潢非常適合拍照, 秀花鍋訂位可以用網路 ( Link: https://reurl.cc/WkkzgO ), 也可以打電話訂位 ( 02-2776-5805 ), 秀花鍋的低消則是每人ㄧ份套餐, 兒童 105 公分以下免收費.店員有提到秀花鍋特色是海鮮食材, 打開菜單發現海鮮選項果然比其他火鍋餐廳多,讓我比較驚訝的是 – 酒單選項眾多, 從清酒到葡萄酒都有. 菜單上有雙人套餐, 但是我與朋友都點了單人海陸套餐.
Newly-opened Showhua Hot Pot is about 10 minutes walking distance from Exit 4 and Exit 14 of Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station. The restaurant is at the same alley as “Fly’s Kitchen”. Showhua Hot Pot restaurant design is Instagram-friendly. You can reserve seats via online ( Link: https://reurl.cc/WkkzgO ). You can also call to reserve ( 02-2776-5805 ). The minimum charge is One set per person. This restaurant is famous because of its fine selection of seafood ingredients. The other surprising part would be that they have lots of sake and wine selection. The menu has two-people set. But, My friend and I both order single-person surf and turf set.
延伸閱讀: Fly’s Kitchen 》台北肉桂捲排隊名店 | Taipei Cinnamon Rolls
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
Showhua Hot Pot Dining Environment
除了吧台前的單人座, 也有2人,4人 與長桌座位 , 秀花鍋不僅適合約會, 也適合朋友聚餐與小家庭聚餐. 店員很親切, 看我們包包與提袋很多, 將我們兩位換到四人座位.
Besides the single bar seating area, there are also 2/4/ and long table seating area. Showhua Hot Pot is suitable for dating, friends’ gathering and small family dining. The staff is friendly.
延伸閱讀:台北約會餐廳 》Taipei Dating Restaurants
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 2022 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
Showhua Hot Pot Surf & Turf Single-Person Set
Price: NTD $1380
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
Foie Gras and truffle sauce on the cookie is quite an interesting western style appetizer.
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
我跟朋友都選了秀花鍋的基本湯底 – 黃金蔬果湯 , 菜單敘述食材有番茄 ,洋蔥,蘋果, 紅蘿蔔, 高麗菜, 比較特別的是連柴魚粉與海鹽都寫出來, 沒有保密. 我不太吃辣, 反而比較喜歡蔬菜湯底, 我個人蠻喜歡煮完海鮮後, 湯頭充滿鮮甜味. 秀花鍋也有其他加價湯底, 文末有套餐菜單.
My friend and I order the basic broth, which is the vegetable and fruit broth. The menu ingredients have tomato, onion, apple, cabbage. They even state that they have bonito powder and sea salt. I would prefer the simply broth instead of spicy broth. I like seafood flavor after cooking the seafood. Of course Showhua Hot Pot has other broth with extra price.
Vegetable Plate
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
Meat & Seafood Plate (Surf & Turf)
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
秀花鍋單人海陸套餐是 NTD $1380 , 雙人套餐是 NTD $2299. 很難想像圖一是一人份的海鮮盤, 尤其有少見的船補野生小卷與凌晨現剝鮮蚵, 而且蛤蜊還是自家養殖, 每一款海鮮食材都非常新鮮, 肉品我是選擇美國 Prime 無骨牛小排, 整體份量讓我覺得餐廳的定價也太實惠!
Showhua Hot Pot Surf & Turf single-person set is NTD $1380. The two-people set is NTD $2299. I am surprised to see that the seafood bowl is one person portion (picture 1). It has fresh squid from the sea and fresh clams. Every single ingredient is very fresh. As for meat, I chose to eat the USDA boneless prime rib meat. The overall price is very friendly! It is worth the visit.
附餐 5 選 1
Side Dish ( Select 1 out of 5 )
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
雖然沒有像 “橘色” 有粥, 但是可以選冬粉/麵/飯 , 我朋友選一等越光米, 我選的是紫米飯, 吃完秀花鍋的火鍋後, 覺得應該要點冬粉, 讓冬粉吸滿充滿海鮮風味的湯頭, 我個人會建議點冬粉.
Even though that they don’t have congee as “Orange Shabu”, the customer can still select rice/noodle/bean noodle. My friend chose the white Taiwanese rice. I picked the purple Taiwanese rice. After tasting it, I personally suggest to order bean noodle. So, the bean noodle can absorb the seafood flavor and become very tasty.
延伸閱讀: 橘色涮涮屋 》信義新光三越A9餐廳推薦 | Taipei Wagyu Beef Hot Pot
手調飲品 7 選 1
Drink ( Select 1 out of 7 )
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
當初我朋友知道這家火鍋店是因為套餐飲料是手調的伯爵鮮奶茶, 我則是點高山烏龍鮮奶茶, 不錯喝,值得點.
My friend know about this hot pot restaurant is because of its special drink. My friend ordered the early grey milk tea. It is quite tasty. It is worth ordering.
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
這次用餐的甜點可選 原味巴斯克起司蛋糕 或 伯爵巴斯克起司蛋糕, 很難想像火鍋店也會自己烘烤巴斯克起司蛋糕 , 秀花鍋也有在自家網路販售 6 吋與8吋的巴斯克起司蛋糕 ( Link: https://www.showhua2017.com.tw ) , 伯爵巴斯克起司蛋糕好吃程度高過於 “摸摸桃子洋菓子”.
They baked their own cheese cake as dessert. They have original flavor and earl grey flavor. They even sell 6” and 8” cheese cake on their website ( Link: https://www.showhua2017.com.tw ). Their earl grey cheese cake is way more delicious than “Gâteau de momochee”.
延伸閱讀: 摸摸桃子洋菓子 Gâteau de momochee 》必點半熟焦香巴斯克起士蛋糕
結論 Conclusion ⭐
秀花鍋菜單我是推薦一人吃單人海陸套餐, 兩人就吃雙人套餐, 值得推薦的原因如下
✅ 海鮮盤品項多,船補野生小卷與凌晨現剝鮮蚵
✅ 套餐份量多, 價格合理
✅ 自家製作巴斯克起司蛋糕非常美味
✅ 店員親切, 還會告知火鍋溫度維持在 120 ~ 140 度即可.
✅ 酒單有清酒, 葡萄酒…etc
I would recommend their surf and turf set. If you have two people, you can order 2-people set. If you are eating alone, you can order 1-person set.
✅ Fair amount of seafood selection, including fresh squids and clams.
✅ The set quantity is large and price friendly.
✅ Their self-made cheese cake dessert is very delicious
✅ The staff is very friendly.
✅ Alcohol menu also has sake, wine …etc
延伸閱讀:台北火鍋推薦懶人包 (分區) 》TAIPEI HOT POT GUIDE (By District)
秀花鍋 資訊
Showhua Hot Pot Restaurant Information
店名: 秀花鍋
地址: 台北市大安區復興南路一段107巷5弄29號 (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝復興捷運站
電話: 02-2776-5805
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/showhuahotpot/
Restaurant: Showhua Hot Pot
Address: No. 29, 5th alley, 107th Lane, 1st Section, Fuxing South Road, Daan district, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station
Tel: 02-2776-5805
秀花鍋 菜單
Showhua Hot Pot Menu
秀花鍋 酒單
Showhua Hot Pot Alcohol Menu