柑橘 Shinn – Soba 》菜單裡的雞白湯柑橘蛤蜊拉麵讓我決定N訪
Last Updated on 2021-10-29 by Foodelicious
柑橘 Shinn – Soba 拉麵店無庸置疑是台北東區美食推薦 , 與其二店鴨蔥拉麵皆在我的台北拉麵推薦名單上.
Shinn-Soba Ramen Restaurant is definitely one of the Taipei East District Restaurant Recommendation. It is also on my Taipei Ramen Recommendation list.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
柑橘 Shinn – Soba 訂位
柑橘 Shinn – Soba Reservation
柑橘 Shinn – Soba 位於國泰醫院附近, 在仁愛路四段的巷弄內, 離忠孝敦化捷運站 6 號出口與信義安和捷運站1號皆是10分鐘路程. 柑橘 Shinn – Soba 拉麵餐廳無法訂位, 只能現場排隊 , 小孩12 歲以上低消為 NTD $150. 地板上有寫登記排隊 SOP. 很貼心的是店家有準備拉麵解釋表單, 讓不常吃拉麵的人更了解柑橘 Shinn – Soba的拉麵菜單選項.
✅ 先登記候位名單 (圖一) , 請記得自己的號碼, 並不用像勝王那樣排隊.
✅ 店員叫號碼, 先進入拉麵店操作機器點拉麵
✅ 店員需要收據, 之後店員會再喊號入座
Shinn-Soba is near Cathay General Hospital on Renai Road. It is near Zhongxiao Dunhuan MRT station Exit 6 and Xinyi Anhe MRT station Exit 1. You cannot reserve seats at Shinn-Soba. You would need to line up. The minimum charge for over 12 years old kids is NTD $150. The floor has Line Up SOP. The restaurant also prepares easy-understanding introduction for the customers.
✅ You would need to fill out the waiting list (Pic 1). Please remember your own number.
✅ The staff would call for your number. You will need to enter the restaurant to operate the ordering machine in advance.
✅ The staff would need the receipt. Then, the staff will call for your number again. So, you can be seated.
延伸閱讀: 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide
柑橘 Shinn – Soba 用餐環境
柑橘 Shinn – Soba Dining Environment
開水, 湯匙與筷子皆在吧台座位區旁邊 (如圖一).
Water, Spoon, Chopsticks are placed near the Bar Counter Seats.
柑橘 Shinn – Soba 菜單
Shinn -Soba Ramen Menu
雞白湯柑橘蛤蜊拉麵 + 溏心蛋
Ramen with Mixed Chicken & Clams Broth + Half-Boiled Egg
Price: NTD $260 + NTD $30 = NTD $290
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
雞白湯柑橘蛤蜊拉麵是柑橘 Shinn – Soba 的招牌拉麵, 雞白湯向來都是我喜愛的湯頭 (例如 “雞吉君” 與 “重熙老麵” ). 這款拉麵湯頭更加了蛤蜊鮮味與柑橘果香, 三種看似不相干的食材, 重新組合成一款深受大眾喜愛的拉麵湯頭, 我個人則是將拉麵湯頭全部喝完. 我是選正常麵硬度, 拍完照麵並不會過軟, 雞叉燒與豬肉叉燒更可以有滿足感, 蛤蜊則是在碗底. 我個人很推薦這款拉麵, 記得要多加 NTD $30 搭配溏心蛋.
Ramen with Mixed Chicken & Clams Broth is the signature ramen in Shinn – Soba. The chicken broth is always my favorite type of broth (For example: “Ji Jijun Ramen” and “Chongxi Ramen” ). This broth also has the umami flavor from the clams along with citrus flavor. Three different and unrelated ingredients composed into a great flavorful ramen broth. I drank all of the broth. The ramen texture is not too soft. The chicken meat & pork meat fulfill the appetite. The clams are placed at the bottom of the bowl. I personally recommend this ramen. Remember to pay extra NTD $30 for the half-boiled egg.
延伸閱讀: 台北拉麵推薦懶人包 (分區) 》TAIPEI RAMEN GUIDE (BY DISTRICT)
延伸閱讀: Taipei Ramen 》台北雞吉君拉麵值得一排
延伸閱讀: 重熙老麵 》新開幕拉麵店 | 小南門捷運美食| Taipei Ramen
醬油油麵 (乾)
Ramen with Soy Sauce Flavor (Without Broth)
Price: NTD $170
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
柑橘 Shinn – Soba 拉麵店之前的名稱是 ABURASOBA SHIN 油そば専門店, 這款醬油油麵是我在 2017 年剛開幕的時候去吃, 不確定 2021 年的版本是不是同樣的配置. 將配料拌勻後嚐一口即可感受到日本微甜醬油, 加上脆筍乾口感和青蔥的點綴, 麵的口感極佳, 吃到一半時將整顆半熟有機蛋加進麵裡 , 將麵的口感變得更加香醇且濕潤. 若你喜歡吃日本乾麵, 我會推薦這家餐廳.
Shinn-Soba’s previous name is ABURASOBA SHIN. I tasted this soy sauce ramen back at 2017. I am not sure if the display is the same at 2021. Stirring all the ingredients with the noodle, the tastebuds would sense the sweet Japanese soy sauce. The bamboo offers the crispy texture along with green onion. The texture of the ramen is not too soft or hard. It would be much more delicious if stirring the half-boiled egg into ramen. If you like Japanese dry ramen, I would recommend this restaurant.
柑橘 Shinn – Soba 資訊
Shinn-Soba Information
店名: 柑橘 Shinn – Soba
地址: 台北市大安區仁愛路四段228-6號 (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝敦化 or 信義安和站
電話: 02-2755-6705
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sobashinncitrus/
Restaurant: Shinn – Soba
Address: No. 228-6, Ren’ai Road , Daan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Dunhuan MRT station & Xinyi Anhe MRT station
Tel: 02-2755-6705