Shang Shin Select 》上信饌玉 2021 中秋禮盒有蛋黃酥!
Last Updated on 2021-08-08 by Foodelicious
2021 中秋禮盒 要選擇哪家? 上信饌玉販售多款中秋禮盒, 不僅有台北實體店, 也可以直接網購中秋禮盒宅配, 便利店取貨 或 代寄到港澳.
Which 2021 Moon Festival Gift Box to select? Shang Shin Select brand offers various Moon Festival Gift Boxes. They have store front as well. You can also purchase online and ship to your destination, including Hong Kong and Macau.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
Shang Shin Select Stores
上信饌玉在台北有多家實體店面 ( ), 最受歡迎為永康旗艦店與信義安和店. 店面裡有單賣產品, 例如- 單賣一顆蛋黃酥 NTD $65 , 可惜現在礙於疫情 , 目前無法提供試吃.
Shang Shin Select has several stores that are located at Taipei ( ). The most popular stores are Yongkang store and Xinyi Anhe store. They also offer single unit product. For example, they offer one egg yolk pastry for NTD $65. However, due to pandemic, they cannot offer trial-taste at the moment.
Shang Shin Select Gift Box Package
上信饌玉外箱在運送過程不容易損壞, 將禮盒保護地相當好, 寄至港澳地區禮盒也不會凹到.
The carton is strong and not easy to damage during transportation, including shipping to Hong Kong and Macau.
Gift Box and Bag
上信饌玉中秋禮盒有藍色禮盒與粉色禮盒, 手提袋也是搭配禮盒有藍色與粉紫色.
There are two different colors of Shang Shin Select gift box – blue and pink. The bag colors are also blue and pink-purple.
Product Expiration Date
所有產品有效期限皆印在包裝後方, 讓消費者安心.
The expiration date are printed at the back of the unit package.
上信饌玉中秋禮盒 2021
Shang Shin Select Gift Box for 2021 Moon Festival
Gladiolus Gift Box
劍蘭禮盒優惠價: NTD $630, 這一款是我滿意的禮盒, 內容有
✅ 金燦蛋黃酥 4 pcs
✅ 太妃糖 200g
我必須說金燦蛋黃酥包裝值得稱讚, 蛋黃酥完整地放在透明盒裝裡, 再用 PE 袋包裝, 具有設計美感. 蛋黃酥表層完美並無破碎. 上信饌玉採用紅土鴨蛋黃, 鹹香來自鹹蛋黃, 紅豆與黑豆內餡賦予適量甜度, 比例並沒有像港式蛋黃酥如此種口味或是過油, 上信饌玉的蛋黃酥不錯吃.
200g 太妃糖裝置於緞帶軟袋, 有很多顆太妃糖可以分給朋友與同事! 許多人對太妃糖的第一印象是ㄍㄡㄍㄡ 黏手, 上信饌玉太妃糖不黏牙, 細緻奶油焦糖香意外地並沒有覆蓋著加州杏仁堅果香, 因為是 Bite Size, 拍照時我忍不住連吃三顆小太妃糖.
Gladiolus Gift Box
Gladiolus Gift Box promotion price is NTD $630. This is my favorite gift box among four gift boxes. The content includes
✅ Egg Yolk Pastry 4 pcs
✅ Toffee 200g
I have to say that the egg yolk pastry package is flawless. The pastry is placed at the transparent box and packed with pretty PE bag. Shang Shin Select brand uses unique salted Taiwanese egg yolk. Their egg yolk pastry is not as oily as Hong Kong traditional egg yolk pastry. The red bean filling mixed with black beans offers sweet flavor. The pastry tastes both a bit salty along with fair amount of sweetness. The overall taste is quite delicious.
200g Toffees are packed in large pretty bag along with ribbon. You can share lots of toffees with your friends and co-workers. The first impression of toffee is always gooey. However, Shang Shin Select toffee is not gooey at all. Surprisingly, the delicate butter caramel flavor does not cover the nutty flavor from the California almonds. Because it is bite size, I even tasted three small toffees while taking the product photos.
Lilium Concolor
渥丹禮盒優惠價: NTD $450, 內容有
✅ 金燦蛋黃酥 3 pcs
✅ 夏威夷潛艇(純素) 5pcs
✅ 南棗核桃糕 5 pcs
✅ 太妃糖 5 pcs
蛋黃酥與太妃糖在上一段介紹過. 上信饌玉是以堅果類產品出名, 夏威夷潛艇是他們的招牌產品. 細心手工製作與外型是賣點. 第二賣點是採用中東頂級椰棗. 當我剛開始品嚐時, 頗具脆感的夏威夷豆是主角, 到最後則是頗具甜度的椰棗風味口齒留香, 很適合喜歡品嚐新產品的人.
南棗核桃糕大概是農曆過年最受歡迎的傳統中式零食, 上信饌玉的南棗核桃糕不黏牙, 而且Size 並沒有像傳統牛軋糖大, 很適合嘴饞但只想吃一口的人. 整體風味是以棗泥風味為主, 紅豆為輔, 香脆美國加州核桃更具有特色.
Lilium Concolor Gift Box
Lilium Concolor promotion price is NTD $450. The content includes
✅ Egg Yolk pastry 3 pcs
✅ Macadamia Date 5pcs
✅ Nanzao Walnut Cake 5 pcs
✅ Toffee 5 pcs
I introduced Egg Yolk Pastry and toffee at the previous paragraph. Shang Shin Select brand is famous for its nut products. Macadamia Date is their signature product. The hand-made and appearance are the selling points. The 2nd selling point is the date is from Middle East. When I started tasting, the Macadamia has crispy texture. The date flavor lasts longer than expected. This product is suitable for people who like to try new foods.
Nanzao Walnut Cake is probably the famous Chinese New Year traditional snacks. Shang Shin Select Nanzao Walnut Cake is not gooey and it is in bite size. The major flavor is natural date flavor, red bean as 2nd flavor. The American walnut is also quite unique as well. It is suitable for people who like to have small bite size snack once in a while.
Leucospermum Gift Box
煙花菊禮盒優惠價: NTD $1120, 內容有
✅ 夏威夷豆塔
✅ 夏威夷潛艇
✅ 松子糕
夏威夷潛艇在上一段有介紹, 夏威夷豆塔是另一款上信饌玉的招牌產品. 官網介紹塔皮是由法國依思尼奶油 ISIGNY 製成, 吃的時候才發現麥芽糖包裹住飽滿夏威夷豆與少許蔓越莓果乾, 以免掉落, 蔓越莓果乾賦予的酸甜有些出乎意料, 重點是不會過甜, 也具有品牌特色. 另一款是松子糕, 松子形狀是偏圓, 松子糕的成分是用紅豆加黑豆特調而成的鴛鴦餡, 外型跟南棗核桃糕非常相似, 但是松子糕並無加入棗泥, 成分和風味上還是不太一樣。
Leucospermum Gift Box
Larkspur Gift Box promotion price is NTD $1120. The content includes
✅ Macadamia Tart
✅ Macadamia Date
✅ Pine Nut Cake
I introduced Macadamia Date at the last paragraph. Macadamia Tart is also another signature product . The website stated that they use high-cost “ISIGNY” French Butter. The maltose is mixed with Macadamia and dried raspberry, so it won’t fall off easily. The mixed of acidity and sweetness from the dried raspberry caught me by surprise. Overall, it is not too sweet. As for the Pine Nuts Cake, the appearance looks quite similar with Nanzao Walnut Cake. The filling is mixed with red beans and black beans, which tastes similar with Egg Yolk pastry filling. Please note that the pine nuts cake doesnt have date flavor.
Hisbiscus syriacus
木槿禮盒優惠價 NTD $450 , 內容有
✅ 夏威夷豆塔 5 pcs
✅ 椒香豆塔 5pcs
夏威夷豆塔在上一段有介紹, 此款椒香豆塔是純素, 聽起來與吃起來皆非常特別, 適量椒香麻辣風味釋放於味蕾, 此款新品椒香豆塔是與摯心品牌合作, 使用的是摯心招牌辣醬-
Hisbiscus syriacus
Hisbiscus syriacus promotion price is NTD $450. The content includes
✅ Macadamia Tart 5 pcs
✅ Spicy Flavor Tart 5pcs
I introduced Macadamia Tart at the last paragraph. This spicy flavor tart is vegan. The taste is quite unique. The tastebuds can sense the Mala flavor, which is from the five seeds spicy oil. Five seeds include cashew, peanut, sunflower seeds and white sesames. This item is suitable for people who like new product.
禮盒運費如列表, 請注意需要先加入官網會員才能滿額免運與使用娜姐專屬折扣碼 ( 折扣碼 👉 na2021 )
✅ 全家超取, 消費滿800元以上免運費, 未滿運費一律63元
✅ 7-11超取, 消費滿800元以上免運費, 未滿運費一律60元
✅ 宅配台灣本島,消費滿1500元以上免運費,未滿運費一律170元。
✅ 宅配離島地區,運費一律$280元
✅ 宅配港澳地區,不得與國內宅配免運費優惠併用,以順豐寄送,運費需另計,已含關稅,實際運費依訂購數量不同而異。
Gift Box Shipping Fee as following. Please note that you would need to register online in order to use the discount code (Discount Code 👉 na2021 ) and apply for free shipping policy.
✅ Family Mart Pickup: NTD $800 Invoice Value is free shipping. If not exceed NTD $800, the shipping fee is NTD $63.
✅ 7-11 Pickup: NTD $800 Invoice Value is free shipping. If not exceed NTD $800, the shipping fee is NTD $60.
✅ Home or Office delivery within Taiwan: NTD $1500 Invoice Value is free shipping. If not exceed NTD $1500, the shipping fee is NTD $170.
✅ Home or Office delivery outside Taiwan: The shipping fee is NTD $280.
✅ Hong Kong and Macau Delivery: The SF Express shipping fee may vary.
結論 – Conclusion
禮盒運費請參考上一段, 既然是 2021 中秋禮盒 , 蛋黃酥不可少. 我個人的建議是購買不一樣的禮盒給不一樣的人. 請注意需要先加入官網會員才能滿額免運與使用折扣碼. 記得使用娜姐專屬優惠折扣碼 👉 na2021 , 更多優惠細節在下一段.
✅ 給自己或家人
會建議藍色的劍蘭禮盒 (優惠價: NTD $630), 因為有蛋黃酥與太妃糖, 四個蛋黃酥夠家人分, 一整袋太妃糖可以分給同事/鄰居/小孩的朋友, 就像美國的 Trick or Treat!✅ 公司送禮
會建議粉紫色的渥丹禮盒 NTD $450, 價格是 NTD $500 以下 , 符合多數公司的預算, 禮盒有應景的蛋黃酥, 少量太妃糖與南棗核桃糕 , 也有上信饌玉的招牌產品 – 夏威夷潛艇(純素) .
Please see the last paragraph regarding shipping fee. Since it is moon festival, you must have egg yolk pastry. My suggestion would be to purchase different gift box to different people. Please note that you would need to register online in order to use the discount code and apply for free shipping policy. Remember to use my reader’s exclusive Discount Code 👉 na2021 . There are more discount details at the next paragraph.
✅ For yourself or Family
I would suggest blue color Gladiolus Gift Box 劍蘭禮盒 (Picture 1 promotion price NTD $630). It has egg yolk pastry and toffee. Four egg yolk pastries re enough for family to share. You can share the whole bag of toffee with your co-worker, neighbors or kids’ friend. It is similar with American’s Trick or Treat!
✅ Company Gift Box
I would suggest pink color Lilium Concolor Gift Box 渥丹禮盒 (Picture 2 promotion price NTD $450). It has Egg Yolk pastry, Macadamia Date, Nanzao Walnut Cake, and Toffee. This gift box basically has all the Shang Shin Select signature items. And it fits the budget for most companies.
Exclusive Discount for Reader
上信饌玉有提供給讀者們折扣碼, 比較特別的是可用於“官方網站”也可以用於“實體門市”. 請注意需要先加入官網會員才能滿額免運與使用折扣碼.
✅ 上信饌玉網站:
✅ 折扣碼 👉 na2021
✅ 優惠期間: 至 2021/9/5
✅ 不限定品項消費 滿 NTD $1000 可折抵 NTD $50
✅ 有優惠的中秋禮盒仍可以使用折扣碼, 享受更多優惠
Shang Shin Select offers readers discount code. You can use the discount code on official website shopping and actual store front shopping. Please note that you would need to register online in order to use the discount code and apply for free shipping policy.
✅ Shang Shin Select Website:
✅ Discount Code 👉 na2021
✅ Promotion Date: Until 2021/9/5
✅ Any item total invoice value exceed NTD $1000 is eligible to have NTD $50 discount.
✅ The discount code can also apply at moon festival gift box promotion price as well.
Shang Shin Select Information
Shang Shin Select
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♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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