Provider Coffee Shokudo 》在破壞者珈琲食堂續攤是不錯的選擇

Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious

台北破壞者咖啡食堂菜單的招牌菜餚是自家製手工漢堡排 , 也有販售燒烤串燒與啤酒.
Most famous item at Provider Coffee Shokudo Menu is Burger Patty. They also offer grilled meats and beers.


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Provider Coffee Shokudo Reservation

破壞者咖啡食堂是 2022 新開幕餐廳之一, 地址在台北市松山區八德路二段366巷27號, 在 “王記府城肉粽” 附近. 進入餐廳內, 比較特別的是 U 字型座位區, 而不是像 “酒菜市場 ” 高腳椅與桌型座位區. 用餐限制時間2小時. 破壞者咖啡食堂訂位建議打電話 02-2375-1585 . 2022.10月的 Last Order 是 9:30pm , 只經營到 11pm.
Provider Coffee Shokudo is one of the 2022 new restaurants. Restaurant location is at No. 27, 366th Lane, 2nd Section, Ba-de Road, Songshan District, Taipei City, which is near Nanking Fuxin MRT station. The most interesting part is that this restaurant doesn’t have the similar high chair seating area as “Drunk Food Restaurant”. The dining time is limited to 2 hours. I would suggest to call 02-2375-1585 to reserve. Last order on 2022. October is 9:30 PM. The operation hour ends at 11pm.

延伸閱讀: 王記府城肉粽 》台北八德總店 | 端午節粽子 | Rice Dumplings

延伸閱讀: Taipei Local Bistro 》酒菜市場適合吃宵夜小酌的台北深夜食堂

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



Provider Coffee Shokudo Minimum Charge

破壞者咖啡食堂低消是 NTD $500/人. 破壞者咖啡食堂有一個半開放式的包廂, 可坐六位, 包廂低消則是 NTD $4000, U型吧台部分包場費用 NTD $ 20,000. 餐廳都將用餐規則寫在 Facebook 粉絲頁 (Link: )
The minimum charge is NTD $500/per person . They have a half opened dining room for 6 people, and the minimum charge is NTD $4000.The rule is stated at their facebook fan page (Link: ).



Provider Coffee Shokudo Dishes

My friends and I are seated at the private dining room.



Hand-Made Burger Patty
Price: NTD $240
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

一份自家製手工漢堡排是 NTD $240, 我們六人是吃兩份 (如圖) , NTD $240 X 2 = NTD $480. 這次在破壞者咖啡食堂吃到的單純漢堡排, 不僅有烘烤後的口感, 味蕾也可以感受到肉汁與醬汁的誘人組合, 粉絲頁有提到醬汁裡有牛骨高湯. 我個人推薦點, 漢堡排的Size 夠兩人分享.
One dish is NTD $240. We had two dishes (see pic), therefore, the price is NTD $240 X 2 = NTD $480. Their burger patty is definitely juicy along with the sauce and great texture after grilling. The fan page mentioned that the sauce has beef bone broth. I would recommend to order. The size is suitable for 2 people to share.



Grilled Chicken Neck Meat
Price: NTD $80/unit
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我個人覺得不錯吃, 不會像一般燒烤店烤得過於焦黑, 有專心在烤, 調味也不會過鹹, 很適合當作下酒菜. 如果覺得一串 NTD $80 偏貴, 可以兩人分享一串吃看看.
I personally like this dish. The texture and color shows that it is not over-grilled. The flavor is not too salty, which is great to pair with beers. If you consider NTD $80/unit is too expensive, you can order one unit to share with your friends.



Chicken Liver
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我很少吃雞肝或是內臟類食物, 淺嚐一口發現破壞者珈琲食堂的絲絨土雞肝頗為細緻, 而且沒有苦味. 朋友們都說不錯吃 , 喜歡吃雞肝的可以點.
I rarely eat chicken liver nor any internal organs. The texture of this chicken liver is silky as the name stated. It doesn’t taste bitter. My friends mentioned that overall, it tastes good. If you like chicken liver, you can order.




Smoked Egg with Mashed Potato
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

有時候續攤的意義就是要填飽肚子, 馬鈴薯是個可填飽肚子的好食材, 再加上煙燻蛋, 雖然這一道偏西式, 我個人覺得不錯吃.
Mashed Potato is a great food to fulfill the appetite. The smoked egg is delicious too. Even though it is toward western cuisine, I consider it quite delicious.



Corn Tempura
Price: NTD $120
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

很多人點這一道水果玉米天婦羅的原因是聽說像 “阿鑫小料理” 的水果玉米天婦羅, 因為我本來就沒吃過阿鑫 , 無從比較, 這一道吃起來有適量的甜度, 輕薄麵衣也頗為酥脆爽口.
Many people order this dish because it tastes like the corn tempura at “Ashin”. However, I never tried Ashin, so, I can’t compare. This corn tempura has fair amount of sweetness, and it tastes quite crispy.



Mixed Meatball with Pork and Chicken
Price: NTD $100 / 一顆
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

名稱取得很妙, 豚二雞八就是豬肉佔 20% , 雞肉佔 80 %, 如果覺得自家製手工漢堡排份量太多, 可以考慮點這一道, 只是雞肉比較高, 比較沒有多汁.
The pork potion is 20% and the chicken is 80%. If you consider burger patty is too much, you can consider order this dish. However, it is not juicy as expected.



Grilled Zucchini
Price: NTD $100
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

上次吃烤櫛瓜是在 “串串 23” , 破壞者珈琲食堂的烤櫛瓜本身沒有太多風味, 一旁的辣椒味噌沾醬有加分效果, 喜歡吃蔬食串燒的人可以考慮點.
I once tasted grilled zucchini at “23 Grill”. The grilled zucchini itself doesn’t have too much flavor. The spicy miso sauce can add more flavor. If you like grilled vegetable, you can order it.

延伸閱讀: 串串 23 》菜單推薦點什麼 | 23 Grill Western Izakaya & Taproom



Fried Chicken
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這款炸雞份量比 “宜窩 EQUAL by TKLAB “ 炸雞份量少一些 , 多汁是優點.
The portion is a bit less than the fried chicken at “EQUAL by TKLAB”. The chicken tastes quite tasty.

延伸閱讀: 宜窩 EQUAL by TKLAB 》2022 新開幕信義區酒吧 (內有菜單)


破壞者珈琲食堂 資訊

Provider Coffee Shokudo Information

店名: 破壞者珈琲食堂
地址: 台北市松山區八德路二段366巷27號 (Map)
捷運站: 南京復興捷運站
電話: 02-2375-1585
Restaurant: Provider Coffee Shokudo
Address: No. 27, 366th Lane, 2nd Section, Ba-de Road, Songshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Nanking Fuxin MRT station.
Tel: 02-2375-1585


破壞者珈琲食堂 菜單 ⭐

Provider Coffee Shokudo Menu



