(已結束營業) 愛甜點的螞蟻人應該都知道路地氷の怪物在台北市市民大道開幕 (位於之前原創花雕雞的店面), 路人們看到這棟微藍且設計頗新潮的兩層樓時 ,都會停下拍照. (Closed Down) Most dessert-craving people already knew about this ice cream shop - Roji Ice Cream Shop, which is orig...
走進位於華視附近“Okaeriお帰り吃碗拉麵吧”, 就如傳統的拉麵店有日本設計風格但只有少許位子, 廚師在吧台後的開放式廚房忙碌地烹煮拉麵,隨而散發出微微的豬骨湯底香味. Entering Okaeri ramen restaurant, you can immediately see the traditional design with a few seats. You can see the...
街頭巷弄其實有很多傳統但是美味的餐聽, 但是因為用餐很方便, 人們容易忘記他們的料理是所謂的巷口美味, 利長春就是台北東區CP值極高的一家餐聽. There are quite a few traditional yet delicious restaurants in between lanes. Because it is too convenient to dine in these res...
波特酒是所謂的“加烈酒”, 在發酵過程加入烈酒(通常是白蘭地). 晚裝瓶波特酒通常先在木桶裡陳年4~6年再裝瓶. Port is the famous fortified wine. High degree of alcohol (mostly brandy) is most commonly added to produce fortified wines.Late Bottled Vintag...
除了福樂之外, 年初在全聯也看到了另一家台灣製但較高單價的優格- 馬修嚴選精品原味優格. I was passing by the Diary Ale at PX mart and saw the rising star of local yogurt manufacturing Industry - Mathew’s Choice Original Yogurt. Last year since...
台南滷三塊下午五點才開的販售台南道地的滷肉飯系列的餐廳, 而且星期日休息, 離石牌捷運站其實有一段距離, 下班根本沒力氣(其實是懶)再走去, 也好加在~ 要不然可能每三天就會去一次 . This restaurant opens at 5pm at night and it closes on Sunday. Geez ~ But this restaurant is worth visiting...
加班加到天昏地暗, 已經沒有多少餐廳是開著. 在台北市東區靠近微風廣場, 有一家只在晚上六點後才開的餐廳, 名字很特別 , 叫做“牛肉麵.雞湯” .(沒錯, 名稱快狠準, 還沒走進去就知道明星餐點是什麼) When you overwork at night, there isn't much restaurants that you can choose to eat. In Taipei e...
Event Name活動名稱: 《 格蘭利威品影幻境》 Glenlivet VR + Tasting Event Event Price 活動價格: Free 免費 Location地點:Taipei 台北 不管是少男少女 ,還是熟男熟女, 這次《 格蘭利威品影幻境》活動絕對值得你們去嘗試! No matter who you are or how old you are, Glenlivet V...
(2021. 10 更新) 你一定常聽到紅酒配起士, 但是有聽過“酒渣封存起司”嗎? 其實我這個菜鳥只聽過菲達起司, 莫札瑞拉起司, 切達起司, 豪達乳酪. 但是這些都是“產品名稱”而非“起司種類” You always hear about wine pairing with cheese. But, have you heard of cheese coated with “grape mus...