位於台北松山區南京東路五段的1/2 Cafe採用台灣食材製作手作果露咖啡, 深受附近上班族與居民喜愛, 近日也推出雪糕冰拿鐵和4度C冰鬆餅, 這次我有這個榮幸可以品嚐到這些新產品. 1/2 Cafe is located near Nangjing Sanmi MRT station in Taipei Songshan District. The owner uses Taiwan local ...
上次介紹了世上最貴的西馬尼黑雞, 這次來介紹主廚們心目中如神戶和牛級等級的匈牙利曼加利察豬 (Mangalitsa Pig). Last time, I wrote about Ayam Cemani Chicken. This time, I am going to tell you about Mangalitsa Pigs, which chefs would consider “The K...
MORITZ 莫里茲啤酒是西班牙所謂的國民啤酒, 這次我是在台北大安區的 El Marqués Tapas Bar & Restaurant, 看到便宜的價格點來搭配Tapas. Most Spanish adults drink MORITZ brand is similar once in a while. I tasted this beer at El Marques Tapas ...
台北榮總附近的石牌捷運站美食名單不能少了品鮨日本料理, 除了知名的握壽司外和海鮮丼飯, 也有季節性料理. Pin Chi Japanese Restaurant is located near Shipai MRT station at Beitou District. Besides “nigiri” and “don” (rice), they also have seasonal limit...
印象中的客家菜是像“閤家小館”合菜, 台北中山捷運站美食之一的“六堆伙房”則是定位在一個人跟家庭聚會皆可吃客家菜料理. Most Hakka cuisine size is large portion, which is perfect for family gathering (For example: Ho-Gia Hakka Restaurant). 6 D Kitchen, which i...
很多人對奧地利葡萄酒的認知尚停留在白酒跟貴腐酒, 這次在酒展有試喝到IBY 2014 BIG BLEND CUVEE, 也就是混釀的奧地利紅葡萄酒. Most people can think of White Wine and Nobel Wine when they think of Austria winery. I tried IBY 2014 BIG BLEND CUVEE , whic...
義大利葡萄酒 MOSSIERE BAROLO 是在酒展時試喝, 當初試喝也是為了”義大利酒中之王“這個名稱而品飲. I tried out MOSSIERE BAROLO at the wine event. Honestly, I tasted it because the name “BAROLO”- the king of the red wines.
這本“世界咖啡地圖 (The World Atlas of Coffee)”是我在信義誠品3樓猶豫了半小時後才購買, 原因為寫關於咖啡書籍的作者太多也太優秀, 後來翻內容後才購買我的第一本關於咖啡的書籍. I was having hard time deciding which coffee book to purchase at Xinyi Eslite Bookstore 3F. Then,...
光復南路巷口早午餐美食非周家豆腐捲莫屬 , 這家店鋪是附近居民在國父紀念館運動完後常去買的早午餐之一. One of the Guangfu South Road Brunch selections includes Chou’s Roasted Tofu Roll Shop. This store is located near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station.
台北市大安區西班牙美食餐廳名單又一枚, El Marqués Tapas Bar除了海鮮飯外, 也提供正統西班牙Tapas, 西班牙紅酒和西班牙啤酒. Newly-opened El Marqués Tapas Bar now is one of Taipei City Da’an District Spanish restaurants. Besides paella, they also of...