(已結束營業 ) Trio Cafe 三重奏餐酒館是台北華山文創園區美食之一, 也是忠孝新生餐酒館,每逢用餐時間總是人潮滿滿. (Closed Down) Trio Cafe is one of the Taipei Huanshan Creative Park Restaurants. It is also one of the Zhongxiao Xinsheng Bistro.
“台北鰻魚飯推薦哪一家?” , 我會回答台北 うな 岡心鰻魚飯, 有趣的是岡心位於知名鮨岡心日本餐廳裡, 相較之下, 岡心鰻魚飯套餐價格較親民. When people ask me which Taipei eel rice restaurant I recommend, I would recommend Una Okashin Japanese Restaurant.
(已搬家) HUGH LAB 是 2019 新開幕且最受歡迎的台北私廚甜點, 是一家有預約制的甜點店, 以如同藝術品般的盤式甜點套餐征服許多饕客. (Moved) HUGH LAB is the 2019 newly-opened Private Dessert Kitchen at Taipei City. The owner only takes reservation. Its beauti...
台北熟成咖哩餐廳是近期饕客們熱搜關鍵字, 2019 新開幕大安區通庵熟成咖喱餐廳是 VG Seafood Bar 集團旗下一個餐廳品牌. Taipei Aged Curry Restaurant is one of the popular search words lately. 2019 newly-opened Tongan Curry is one of the restaurant bra...
這次法國食品協會 (Sopexa Taiwan) 與法國國家乳製品公會 (Cniel) 和歐盟 (EU) 合作, 為了推廣更多奶油應用和知識, 不惜成本在 Taïrroir 態芮舉辦法國奶油媒體見面會. Sopexa Taiwan cooperates with Cniel and EU to promote French butter knowledge and cooking methods....
紐澳良小廚是少數台北有美國南方料理的餐廳, 這次除了楓糖鬆餅炸雞和紐澳良濃湯飯外, 店家也準備新推出的現剖生蠔套餐給我們. Nola Kitchen is one of a few Taipei restaurants that offer America Southern Cuisine . Besides the fried chicken waffle and gumbo, the rest...
我很榮幸以 VVIP 身份參加在晶華飯店辦的 2019 香奈兒頂級奢華探索之旅,據我所知美妝部落客則是在遠企參加活動, 最大的不同是 VVIP 是可以到飯店房間體驗產品. 2019 活動短秒影片在文末. I feel honored to attend 2019 Chanel Sublimage Taipei Hotel Event as Chanel VVIP. The most differe...
淬義餐廳是內湖上班族熟悉的商業午餐和聚會餐廳之一, 也是公認港墘站平價義大利餐廳, 淬義商業午餐更是便宜得不像話. Most people who work at Neihu District are familiar with Italian Restaurant - Pizzeria & Trattoria Tre. It is considered the price-friendl...
關於食材的書相當多, 有關於台灣食材的書籍, 也有關於西方料理食材的書籍, 這本 “世界末日前必吃的 50 種夢幻食材” 則是專注於歐洲頂級食材品牌. There are many books that discuss about food ingredients. There are books regarding Taiwanese ingredients. There are also bo...
(2019.11 已結束營業) Verde Taipei 是2019 米其林餐盤餐廳之一, 也是少數有 Fine Dining 等級的台北素食餐廳. (2019. 11 Closed ) Verde Taipei is one of the 2019 Michelin Plate restaurants. It is one of a few Fine Dining Vegetarian Rest...