(2020.1 二訪更新) 2019 新開幕面線町 (麵線町) 是台北中山捷運站美食之一, 面線町招牌菜餚為海王子麵線系列, 讓許多饕客慕名而來. Newly-Opened Vermicelli Shop (Mei-Xian-Ding) is located near Taipei Zhongshan MRT station. Most Foodies would visit to eat It...
這次在2019台北國際食品展覽會西班牙館, 西班牙豬肉業聯盟安排知名台北西班牙餐廳 “隱丹廚” 現場 Demo 如何將西班牙豬肉食材發揮到日常料理食譜. At 2019 Food Taipei, INTERPORC Spain arranged famous chef from famous Taipei restaurant “Hidden by DN” to do a live demo fo...
(2023. 4月歇業 ) 淡水海風餐廳重新開幕, 若是計畫全家出遊到淡水, 淡水老街海風餐廳會是一個不錯的家庭用餐地點. (Closed Down 2023 April ) Dansui Sea Breeze Restaurant, one of the Dansui Restaurants, reopened! This restaurant would be a good option fo...
西班牙火腿不光只有伊比利火腿, 也有另一款台灣人較不熟悉的塞拉諾火腿 ( Serrano Ham ), 這次很榮幸能採訪到西班牙豬肉廠商和侍肉師關於塞拉諾火腿. There are two types of Spanish Ham - One is Serrano Ham, and the other one is Iberico Ham. I have the opportunity to in...
Pino Pizzeria 餐廳是台北天母披薩店之一, 餐廳全名是 Pino Pizzeria Ristorante, 最特別莫過於 Pino 羅馬披薩系列和米蘭披薩系列. Pino Pizzeria Ristorante is one of the pizza restaurants at Tianmu. It is famous for two types of pizza - Rome Pi...
台北 168 牛排館敦化店 2019 換新主廚也換新菜單, 168 牛排餐廳開始新章節 (New Chapter), 不再是一成不變的牛排餐廳. Taipei 168 Steak House Dunhua Branch changed its executive chef and its menu. It starts its so-called New Chapter instead of ol...
這篇文章是自費購買Sony RX100M5A 使用心得, 文章內也包括iPhone X 和 Sony RX100M5A 自動模式未修圖實拍照片比較. This article is regarding self-purchased Sony RX100M5A review. It also includes several unfiltered nor adjusted pictures comp...
(Closed Down) 忠孝復興捷運站的 al sorriso 義大利餐廳已轉型成歐陸餐廳, 這次我有這個榮幸品嚐到 al sorriso 2019 新菜單. (Closed Down) al sorriso Restaurant no longer only offers solely Italian cuisine, but with various European cuisines. ...
豚馬日本料理餐廳是中價位的天母日本料理餐廳, 也是芝山站美食推薦之ㄧ, 豚馬板前“竹”套餐和豚馬清酒更是讓人印像深刻. Tun Ma Japanese Restaurant is one of the budget-wise Japanese Restaurants at Tianmu area. It is also on my Tianmu restaurant recommendation ...
美國肉類出口協會和州立牛肉委員會於2019年5月拜訪台灣, 我很榮幸有機會參加舉辦在台北問鼎麻辣鍋養生鍋店的媒體餐敘. US Meat Export Federation headquarter and several State Beef Councils visited Taiwan on May, 2019. I am honored to be invited to the Media D...