Orchid 蘭餐廳 》品嚐日籍新主廚Sato Kiyoshi 的晚餐菜單

Last Updated on 2023-12-02 by Foodelicious

Orchid 蘭餐廳2023 台北米其林入選餐廳, 這次三訪是品嚐 蘭餐廳日籍新任主廚- Sato Kiyoshi 佐藤清 準備的 2023 晚餐菜單.
Orchid Restaurant is 2023 Michelin Selected restaurant. This third visit to taste new Orchid restaurant Chef Mr. Sato Kiyoshi ’s new Orchid 2023 Dinner Set Menu.



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Orchid 蘭餐廳訂位

Orchid Restaurant Reservation

蘭餐廳 地址為台北市大安區安和路二段83號 , 離信義安和站 3 號與 2號 出口約 5 ~ 8 分鐘路程. 餐廳的招牌是金底銀灰字的 “ORCHID “ .我個人喜歡蘭餐廳的挑高舒適用餐環境, 蘭餐廳除了沙發座位外, 也可以組成大桌適合朋友們一起聚餐. Orchid by Nobu Lee 蘭餐廳訂位可透過 inline ( https://reurl.cc/Mba8nW ) .
Orchid Restaurant address is at No. 83, 2nd Section, Anhe Road, Da’an District, Taipei City. It is about 8 minutes walking distance from Xinyi Anhe MRT station Exit 2 and Exit 3.The sign is golden base and silver grey words – “ORCHID”. I personally Orchid Restaurant’s high ceiling design and comfortable dining environment. Besides the sofa seats, you can also combine tables to dine with friends. You can reserve seats via inline ( https://reurl.cc/Mba8nW ) .

延伸閱讀: 台北信義安和美食推薦 》Restaurant Recommendation near Xinyi Anhe MRT station

台北約會餐廳 Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北約會餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北牛排餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount





Orchid 蘭包廂

Orchid Restaurant Private Dining Room

Orchid 蘭包廂可坐 8 ~ 10 人, 低消可直接問餐廳.
Orchid Restaurant Private Dining Room can fit 8 ~ 10 people. You can ask the restaurant about the minimum charge.

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 2023 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining



Orchid 蘭餐廳晚間價位與菜單⭐

Orchid Restaurant Dinner Set Menu and Price

✅ 午間套餐價格: NTD $3280 +10%/人
✅ 晚間套餐價格: NTD $4280 + 10%/人
備註: 我是吃 NTD $4280 +10 %/人的晚間套餐菜單

✅ Lunch Set Menu: NTD $3280 +10%/person
✅ Dinner Set Menu: NTD $4280 + 10%/person
Remark: I chose NTD $4280 +10 %/person Dinner Set Menu


Orchid 蘭餐廳晚餐評價 ⭐

迎賓飲品- 湯品

Welcome Drink – Soup

之前在 “RAW” 的候位區有喝過迎賓冷飲. 由於是秋冬天菜單, 蘭主廚準備熱湯作為迎賓飲品. 此外, 店員也會擺放溫熱濕毛巾, 有著日式飲食文化的巧思.
In my previous experience , during my wait at the reception area of “RAW,” I had the pleasure of enjoying a welcoming chilled beverage. Given that it was the autumn-winter menu, Orchid Restaurant new Chef thoughtfully prepared a warm soup as the welcoming drink. Additionally, the staff went the extra mile by providing warm, moist towels ( oshibori ) , showcasing a clever touch of Japanese dining culture.

延伸閱讀: RAW TAIPEI 》台北米其林二星餐廳美食 ( ANDRÉ IS BACK 菜單 )




Hassun ( Amuse Bouche )
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

我知道「 八寸 」這個名詞是我在 “台北 味処初梅 ( Hatsuume ) ” 聽到. 八寸是日本會席與懷石料理的開胃小點, 法文翻譯則是 Amuse Bouche . 這次日籍主廚 Sato Kiyoshi 佐藤清準備三款小點, 未來會不定期更換. 端上桌時, 煙霧彌漫的情境與 Display 都具有令人難忘的美感. 例如近乎完美的圓弧形 (圖二) , 圖三則是讓我聯想到日式寺廟的堆疊設計.

✅ 鮪魚|芝麻|紫蘇
✅ 烏魚子|康堤乳酪|清酒
✅ 大根|鯖魚|椪醋

I learned the term “Hassun“ during my visit to “Hatsuume restaurant”. Hassun refers to the appetizers served in Japanese Kappou and Kaiseki-inspired cuisine. In French, it is translated as Amuse Bouche. Japanese chef Sato Kiyoshi presented three exquisite small bites, which will be periodically changed in the future. The presentation, shrouded in mist, and the artistic display created a memorable scene. For example, the near-perfect circular arc (Pic 2) and the design in the Picture 3 image reminiscent of a Japanese temple’s architecture.

✅ Tuna | Sesame | Perilla
✅ Fish Roe | Comté Cheese | Sake
✅ Daikon Radish | Mackerel | Ponzu Vinegar

延伸閱讀: Hatsuume Taipei 》在台北味処初梅餐廳品嚐甲魚宴




干貝 | 蘋果 | 山葵 | 發酵奶油

Scallop | Apple | Wasabi | Cultured Butter
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

請注意菜單上寫 「 加 10g 魚子醬需要加價 NTD $780 」. 如果兩人用餐 , 我個人會建議一人加魚子醬即可. 日本大根與青蘋果整齊地擺放在盤底, 堆疊起高湯凍與生食級北海道干貝. 店員撒上山葵雪花, 完成這一道優雅餐點. 品嚐時, 蘋果的清爽與山葵的微辛是短暫. 一小口干貝,搭配高湯凍與法式酸奶油 ( Crème Fraîche ) 入口. 味蕾先是感受到干貝的單純鮮美, 隨後的酸奶油讓海鮮風味成為配角. 整道風味層次提升為飽滿.
Please note that if you need to pay extra NTD $780 if added 10g caviar. If two people dined together, I would suggest one to pay extra for the caviar. Neatly arranged Japanese daikon radish and green apple rest at the bottom of the plate, supporting a stack of stock jelly and Hokkaido scallops. A sprinkle of custom-made grated wasabi on top, and the elegant dish is completed. Upon tasting, there are the crispness of the apple and the mild spiciness of wasabi. A small bite of scallop, accompanied by stock jelly and French crème fraîche, delivers the pure freshness of the scallop initially. The crème fraîche introduces a creamy dimension, elevating the entire flavor profile.






Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

不同於其他西式餐廳提供的歐式酸種麵包, 蘭餐廳主廚則是準備自製日式生吐司. 自製海藻奶油與鬆軟生吐司是不錯的搭配.
Diverging from the European-style sourdough commonly offered in other Western restaurants, Orchid Restaurant Chef prepares homemade Japanese-style shokupan (milk bread). The combination of homemade seaweed butter and soft shokupan creates a delightful pairing.




Prawn|Strawberry|Mozzarella di Bufala|Tangerine
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

我個人喜歡此餐點的擺盤設計. 鮮紅與翠綠的繽紛搭配有著無限的聯想 – 例如 Christmas , 春天 ..etc. 台灣胭脂蝦搭配微酸草莓在台灣較少見. 置中的煙燻風味的水牛乳酪醬汁不會過於厚重, 間接凸顯出胭脂蝦的鮮甜. 就美味程度與餐盤設計, 這一道是我當天最喜歡的菜餚.
I personally appreciate the presentation of this dish. The vibrant combination of fresh red and emerald green sparks various associations, such as Christmas or spring. The pairing of Taiwan Hokkai shrimp with slightly sour strawberries is not commonly seen in Taiwan. The smoked buffalo mozzarella sauce in the center is not overly heavy, indirectly highlighting the sweetness and fresh taste of the Hokkai shrimp. In terms of both taste and plate design, this dish was my favorite of the day.



Fish| Broth| Lilly Bulb | Water Bamboo
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

當天魚是採用紅條魚. 半熟鮮魚, 百合根, 筊白筍, 海葡萄與小白花架構起一道具有法式優雅的擺盤. 緩緩淋入清酒、昆布與海鮮熬煮的醬汁, 巧妙地避開魚肉的細節非常貼心. 魚排展現細緻鮮美. 醬汁則是將海鮮風味逐漸地增強. 百合根與筊白筍增加清脆的層次, 與魚肉的嫩滑口感形成對比. 我喜歡這款將海鮮特色發揮淋漓盡致的菜餚.
The fish was red coral trout, but it may be vary in the future. The semi-cooked fresh fish, lily bulbs, water bamboo, sea grapes, and small white flowers created a dish with a touch of French elegance in its presentation. The slow drizzle of a sauce made with sake, kombu, and the essence of seafood tactfully avoided overshadowing the delicate details of the fish. The fish fillet showcased exquisite freshness, while the sauce gradually intensified the seafood flavors. Lily bulbs and Water Bamboo added a crisp layer, contrasting with the tender texture of the fish. I enjoyed this dish that skillfully brought out the characteristics of the seafood.



Duck | Kabocha Squash | Fig |Plum
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

我相信很多人對 “栗子南瓜” 食材有些陌生. 蘭餐廳新任主廚 Sato Kiyoshi 佐藤清選用了日本特有的栗子南瓜 . 這一道菜餚也是隱約有主廚的個人日本特色. 我最喜歡的是經過七天熟成且薄切胭脂鴨的酥脆鴨皮. 油脂豐富的焦香鴨皮襯托出鴨肉的嫩. 後淋的紅酒鴨肉醬汁帶出更加迷人的鴨肉風味. 栗子南瓜醬與梅子醬不會過於厚重. 無花果的甜香帶來了意外的甜香 , 也是一款可搭配鴨肉的配角.
Chef Sato Kiyoshi at Orchid Restaurant chose a unique Japanese variety of Kabocha Squash for this dish, which subtly reflects the chef’s personal Japanese touch. What I liked most was the crispy duck skin, thinly sliced and aged for seven days. The rich and fragrant crispy duck skin complemented the tenderness of the duck meat. The red wine duck sauce poured afterward enhanced the duck flavor. The Kabocha Squash puree and plum sauce weren’t too heavy. The sweet aroma of figs added an unexpected sweetness, making it a delightful accompaniment to the duck.



Lumina Lamb Loin | Eggplant | Lemon | Makauy
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

2023.11月的晚餐菜單依舊有蘭經典和牛派. 蘭餐廳菜單目前並沒有急轉彎, 將威靈頓牛肉派刪除 (也許未來有可能會刪除?! ) . 近期台灣人對西式餐廳的羊肉部位接受度變高 . 例如之前我在 “La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳 “ 就品嘗到炭烤去骨羊鞍與油封羊腩部位. 這次在蘭餐廳品嚐到的是 “無骨帶皮的Lumina 羊里肌”. 厚切羊里肌以迷人的粉色呈現. 單吃並沒有過多複雜調味, 也不帶有羊羶味. 茄子天婦羅,檸檬凝乳, 馬告醬汁是頗有趣的搭配, 停留在味蕾只是短暫. 我個人會建議脆皮讓搭配羊肉入口, 有脆有嫩.
2023.November dinner menu at Orchid Restaurant still feature Beef Wellington option (maybe it wont be in the future?! ). I am glad that the chef didn’t make a drastic change. Recently, there has been an increased acceptance among Taiwanese diners for lamb in Western restaurants. For example, in my previous experience at “La Vie by Thomas Bühner,” I tasted charcoal-grilled boneless lamb saddle and oil-sealed lamb belly. This time at Orchid Restaurant, I tasted the “Boneless Lumina Lamb Loin with Skin.” The thick-cut lamb loin presented itself in an enchanting pink color. When eaten alone, it wasn’t overly complex in seasoning and didn’t carry a strong lamb flavor. The eggplant tempura, lemon curd, and mustard sauce provided an interesting combination, lingering on the taste buds only briefly. Personally, I would recommend enjoying the crispy skin along with the lamb for a mix of textures.

延伸閱讀:La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳 》品嚐短版菜單





Japanese Rice ( Koshihikari ) | Crab | Japanese ginger
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

在西式餐廳吃到米飯是當代西式或是無國界料理的趨勢 (例如: “Ad Astra “ ) 這次在Orchid 蘭餐廳則是日本越光米搭配螃蟹. 可惜醬料似乎覆蓋住螃蟹與日本米的原本風味.
Having rice in Western restaurants is a trend in contemporary Western or fusion cuisine (for example, “Ad Astra”). This time at Orchid restaurant , Japanese Koshihikari rice paired with crab. Unfortunately, it seems that the sauce might have overshadowed the original flavors of the crab and Japanese rice.

延伸閱讀: Ad Astra Taipiei 》關於這一家台北米其林一星餐廳的五個重點






Pomelo|Sake| Orange
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

我相信很多人第一個動作是將薄糖片敲碎. 其實我個人比較喜歡吃清酒雪酪與柑橘雪花. 若是與甜度高的薄糖片一起吃會主導整道甜點.
I believe that many people’s first instinct is to crush the thin sugar glass slice. Personally, I prefer to enjoy the sake sorbet and citrus granita without the sugar glass slice. Eating them together with the sweet thin sugar might overshadow the overall dessert experience.




Chocolate|Miso| Rice Cracker| Plum
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

我先吃味噌冰淇淋, 如預期因為冰而沒有明顯的鹹或是味噌風味. 切開鏡面巧克力甜點入口, 有米果碎酥脆之口感. 李子醬的風味相較也是偏濃郁, 與巧克力比較搭配.
I started with the miso ice cream, as expected, it didn’t have a distinct salty or miso flavor due to the cold temperature. Cutting into the mirror-glazed chocolate dessert, there’s a crispy texture from the rice puff. The flavor of the plum jam is relatively rich, complementing the chocolate.



Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

通常西式餐廳只會有雙甜點, 蘭餐廳則是推出類似甜點三部曲. 這一道類似 Petit Four 有不同類型的一口甜點. 中間的迷你竹炭馬卡龍最為出色與特別.
Usually, Western-style restaurants only have two desserts, but Orchid Restaurant offers dessert trilogy. This assortment of bite-sized desserts, similar to Petit Four, includes various types. The standout and distinctive one among them is the mini bamboo charcoal macaron in the middle.



Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

店員將盆栽推車推到客人面前, 直接 Step by Step 沖泡茶.很難想像在任何台北市餐廳喝到現剪現沖的茶. 這是蘭的特色也具有記憶點.
The staff brings a potted plant on a cart to the guests and proceeds to brew the tea step by step. It’s hard to imagine enjoying freshly cut and brewed tea in any other restaurant in Taipei. This is a unique feature of Orchid Restaurant and adds a memorable touch to the experience.



加價: 蘭 生日蛋糕

Extra Charge: Orchid Restaurant Birthday Cake

蘭的生日蛋糕與畫盤需加價 NTD $380. 很適合點給喜歡生日儀式的朋友們.
The birthday cake and art plate at Orchid Restaurant require an additional charge of NTD $380. It’s a great choice for those who enjoy birthday celebrations.


結論 Conclusion ⭐

蘭餐廳日籍新任主廚- Sato Kiyoshi 佐藤清 在 2023 年 11 月菜單裡, 並沒有急轉彎.未來的改變難以預測, 菜單開始明顯感覺有運用更多日式食材, 日式烹調與日本飲食文化風格. 台灣媒體與饕客們都稱這是現代摩登日式料理 (Modern Japanese Cuisine ) . 我私心希望少許法國料理風格能夠留在蘭餐廳, 畢竟美味的台北日法 fusion 餐廳選擇並沒有很多.
Orchid Restaurant’s new Japanese head chef, Sato Kiyoshi, has maintained a steady course on the November 2023 menu, with no drastic changes apparent. While it’s challenging to predict future developments. The current menu reflects an increased utilization of Japanese ingredients, culinary techniques, and the stylistic elements of Japanese dining culture. Termed by both Taiwanese media and food enthusiasts as “Modern Japanese Cuisine,” the evolving menu appears to be embracing a more pronounced Japanese influence. Personally, I hope a touch of French culinary style will continue to coexist at Orchid Restaurant, as the fusion of delicious Japanese-French cuisine remains a unique and desirable culinary choice in Taipei City.



Wine Pairing

4 glasses NTD $2080
5 glasses NTD $2580
6 glasses NTD $3280

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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Orchid Restaurant 蘭 資訊

Orchid Restaurant Information

店名: Orchid  蘭餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區安和路二段83號 (Map)
捷運站: 信義安和捷運站
電話: 02-2378-3333
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OrchidTaipei/
Website: https://www.orchid-restaurant.com.tw/intro
Restaurant: Orchid Restaurant
Address: No. 83, 2nd Section, Anhe Road, Da’an District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Xinyi Anhe MRT station.
Tel: 02-2378-3333




