Olí 西班牙餐廳 》 大坪林捷運站餐酒館美食 | Taipei Bistro

Last Updated on 2023-05-28 by Foodelicious

(二訪有新文章) 2017 新開幕 Oli 餐廳是一家位於新店大坪林捷運站附近的西班牙餐酒館, 不僅有傳統西班牙海鮮飯與伊比利豬肉, 也有各式調酒與雪莉酒. 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐店家精心製作的料理.
Newly-Opened Oli Spanish Restaurant bar is located at Xindian District, New Taipei City. It offers paella, Iberico and various cocktails and sherry. Now, I have the opportunity to try them all.

延伸閱讀: 二訪 Oli 餐酒館 》菜單除了歐式料理也要點 Weekly Special

Menu 菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article


大坪林捷運站三號出口步行約十分鐘即可抵達位於巷弄內的Olí 西班牙餐廳. 金色Olí招牌在月光下並不明顯, 隱密度極高, 踏入大門後, 院子裡有台北人嚮往的戶外座位, 門口落地窗設計讓人ㄧ目暸然, 並不會有所謂的距離感. 銀灰色搭配暗黑色裝潢有種所謂的現代感, 座位也相當多, 很適合公司與家庭聚餐. 由於那天店家提供料理與飲品相當多, 我會以我較喜歡的料理/酒開始寫.
It would only takes about 10 minutes walking from Da Ping Lin MRT station exit three. The restaurant is located at the alley and not easy to recognize. The indoor design is silver-grey color and black color as main color. It provides sense of modern. There are many seats and suitable for company and family gathering. Since the restaurant offered many cuisines and drinks during that day, I would start with the favorite dish/drink.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


海鮮烤飯 (2 人份)

English Name: Paella (2 people)
Price: NTD $630
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

到一家西班牙餐廳, 一定要品嚐 Paella, 也就是海鮮烤飯. Olí 西班牙餐廳的海鮮飯不需事先預約. 服務生將海鮮飯端上桌, 鍋身適中, 厚度淺與平, 是典型專煮西班牙海鮮飯的鍋具. 鮮紅色鮮蝦配豐腴馬祖淡菜, 我跟友人一致認為鮮蝦Size相當有誠意且非常有著濃郁的海鮮風味, 多汁小蛤蜊交錯配置在蝦與淡菜中間, 檸檬則是放置鍋緣, 全部配料放好放滿. 市面上有少數餐廳的西班牙海鮮飯以香料或是蒜味為主導, Olí 西班牙餐廳的飯則是海鮮風味為主導, 米芯雖硬但不過頭, 也無明顯燒焦鍋巴, 整體相當不錯.
Paella is a must-order dish in any Spanish restaurant. Olí restaurant’s paella do not need to order days prior. Large bright red shrimps pairs with mussels along with small clams and sliced lemon provides quite an delicious image. The seafood flavor dominates this dish instead of garlic or other spices flavor. The rice itself is cooked well, which offers fair amount of hardness. I would strongly recommend this dish.



主餐 – 伊比利豬上肩排 12 oz

English Name: Iberico Shoulder Rack 12 oz
Price: NTD $1280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

西班牙餐廳的另一道傳奇料理非伊比利豬肉莫屬. 當主廚建議五分熟時, 我原本有點擔心, 後來服務生提到是放置在熱盤上, 較為安心. 厚實伊比利豬肉中間呈現淺紅色, 表層則是有少許黑胡椒提味, 口感並不會乾澀, 少許油脂讓每口都有嫩度, 一旁的紅酒醬汁有著適量甜度, 我則是只加店家提到的研磨海鹽做簡單提味. 若吃膩伊比利火腿冷盤, 不妨可點此道料理多人分享.
Another legendary Spanish dish would be Iberico. The meat is medium-rare but placed at the hot plate. A few peppers are on the appearance. Due to fair amount of the fats, the taste is quite tender. The red sauce contains fair amount of sweetness. However, I only add sea salt in order to taste its original meaty flavor.



Victorianas Don Hugo Tempranillo 2015

ABV: 13%
Country of Origin: Spain
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

有些酒適合單喝, 有些酒適合搭配餐點才能凸顯其特色,Victorianas Don Hugo Tempranillo 2015 是屬於後者. Tempranillo 葡萄產區大部分都在西班牙, 這支酒的酒體屬於中度飽滿, 單寧稍高, 紫紅色葡萄酒帶有濃郁莓果香氣, 有感受到李子風味, 單喝表現平平. 但搭配伊比利豬上肩排時, 口感轉變成較為圓滑, 風味也稍微提升為微甜草莓醬風味.
There are wines that worth drinking solely. However, there are also wines are meant to pair with dishes. I would like to think that Victorianas Don Hugo Tempranillo 2015 is better as the pairing wine. Purple-red color medium wine has thick berries aroma along wit hints of plum. Tannins is bit high. After pairing with the Iberico, the flavor becomes more like slightly sweet strawberry jams.



雪莉酒 Sherry

La Guita Manzanilla
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

有些人將雪莉酒歸類為甜點酒, 西班牙人大部分將雪莉酒 Sherry 歸類為餐前酒. 多數台灣人幾乎都聽過 “雪莉桶”, 但是餐廳內卻鮮少販售雪莉酒. 這支La Guita Manzanilla 經過陳年, 呈現看似淡金黃色輕盈酒體, 事實上酒體中度飽滿且圓滑, 鹹味檸檬風味. 店家建議配海鮮冷盤, 我覺得搭配肉類冷盤較為合適.
Some categorized Sherry as Digestif, but most Spanish consider Sherry as Aperitif. Most Taiwanese heard about Sherry cask, but not much restaurants sell Sherry. La Guita Manzanilla is aged and taste smooth. The salty lemon flavor appears after drinking. The restaurant recommend to pair wit the seafood plate, however, it might be better to pair with meat plate.

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延伸閱讀: 其他酒類列表 》Other Alcohol List

警語: 警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



甜點- 西班牙吉拿棒襯野莓蜂蜜羊奶乳酪

English Name: Churros with melted cheese, berries, and honey
Price: $220
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

酥脆吉拿棒則是藏在最底部, 鋪在淺米色蜂蜜羊奶乳酪上的新鮮藍莓份量比想像中地多. 迷人蜂蜜甜味將乳酪醬的鹹味蓋著, 藍莓微酸度將甜味提升, 吉拿棒絲毫沒有因為抹醬而減低酥脆度, 整體是一道相當出色的甜點.
The churros are placed at the bottom. Fair amount of blue berries are placed at the top of the melted cheese and honey. The taste has more honey flavor than cheese flavor. The acidity from the berries enhanced the sweet level. Also, the churros remains crispy. I would recommend this dessert dish.




English Name: Seafood Plate
Price: $340
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

冷盤從左到右為胡萎子醋醃鯖魚, 波特酒泡白蝦, 紅椒粉漬章魚足, 塔塔扇貝,和霹靂醬漬淡菜. 其中的塔塔扇貝最具賣點, 因為主廚將貝肉與臘腸肉混合做成, 而非只有單一貝肉, 在塔塔醬與少許堅果襯托下, 不僅帶有鹹甜且有果仁口感, 是一道值得點的料理. 霹靂醬 (Piri Piri Sauce) 辣度相當夠力, 蓋過大蒜味與檸檬酸味, 但淡菜海鮮風味隱約還是可感受地到, 建議愛吃辛辣食物的人點. 波特酒泡白蝦的酒精不會過強, 而是帶給海鮮少許酒的香氣, 相當不錯, 紅椒粉漬章魚足Q彈, 鯖魚與醋結合有想像不到的風味. 因為海鮮冷盤都可單點, 若堅持只點一樣, 我會建議點塔塔扇貝.
From the left to right is mackerel with acidity, shrimp with porter, squid with paprika, mashed shellfish with sausage and spicy mussels. The most interesting dish would be the mashed shellfish. The chef grinds shellfish meat and sausage together with tar tar sauce and garnish with nuts. The tastes combines salty, sweet and also nuts flavor. The mussels’ sauce is piri piri sauce, which is overly spicy. But, there is still sense of seafood flavor. The shrimp has fair amount of porter aroma. The squid is chewy. The acidity enhance the seafood flavor from the mackerel.


琴湯尼 Gin Tonic

Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

店內客人大部分都點現代調酒, 並非像我點的經典琴湯尼 Gin Tonic, 點的原因是Gin Tonic 在西班牙十分流行. Bartender 先將冰塊放入廣口大酒杯裡將其冰鎮, 店家採用 Bulldog London Dry Gin 與常見的 Schweppes Tonic Soda, 熟悉的杜松香氣在檸檬酸度搭配下更有特色, 濃度對不喝酒的人稍高.
Most customers order modern cocktail, instead of traditional Gin tonic. Since gin tonic is a very popular cocktail at Spain, I ordered just for the fun of it. Bartender uses Bulldog London Dry Gin and Schweppes Tonic Soda. The juniper aroma is thick pairing with the acidity from the lemons. The ABV is a bit higher for people that don’t drink cocktail.



番茄冷湯 & 杏仁冷湯

English Name: Gazpacho & Ajo Blanco
Price: Both are $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

台灣人習慣喝熱湯, 冷湯在這市面上並不多見, 身邊難免有些熱愛嚐試新料裡的朋友, 可建議他們點冷湯系列. 設計感十足的番茄冷湯稍有濃稠度, 有十足蕃茄香氣但不會有著高酸度. 至於顏色像蛤蠣濃湯的杏仁冷湯並沒有烘烤果仁香氣, 反倒有點像馬鈴薯湯, 裝飾的白葡萄串不僅可增加美感, 也同時增加整道湯的甜度, 不會有過膩的裝況. 店家也有提供麵包搭配湯.
It is rare to see cold soup in any restaurant in Taiwan. However, some people would still like to try new dish. The gazpacho has dense texture with tomato flavor. As for the Ajo Blanco, it tastes a bit like potato soup. The grape on the side would add fair amount of sweetness to the soup. The restaurant also offers bread to pair with the soup.



English Name: Squid Tomato Salad with garlic anchovy tartar
Price: $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

擺盤設計感十足, 每隻冰冷小章魚皆口感不會過硬, 建議加ㄧ旁有著濃郁蒜味的鯷魚醬, 增加海鮮風味, 蕃茄切片也相當新鮮.
All squids’ texture is not overly hard. I would recommend to pair with the garlic anchovy tar tar. The sliced tomato are quite refreshing.




English Name: Credo al Vino Tinto
Price: $420
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這是一道創新料理, 以紅酒代替紹興酒燉煮, 視覺上則是與傳統江浙東坡肉相似, 皆是以綿繩綑綁, 深紅色紅酒醬汁淋好淋滿, 看不出豬肉的肥瘦比例, 品嚐時, 味蕾被濃稠甜度高醬汁包圍, 較適合喜好重口味或是創新料理的人品嚐.
This is a so-called fashion cuisine. The chef uses red wine instead of Taiwanese white wine to stew the pork. The visual image is just like the traditional Chinese cuisine- Dongo’s pork. The red wine sauce are spread all over the pork. The tastebuds would be surrounded with the sweet.



甜點- 百香橙果馬卡龍 XL

English Name: Extra Large Size Macaron with Passion Fruit and Tangerine flavor
Price: $260
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

高級黑盤襯托出馬卡龍的高雅, 甜內餡則是百香果風味為主. 若喜歡果香風味甜點的人可嘗試.
The black plate add a bit of elegant theme to this dessert dish. The filling between macaron is passion fruit flavor. I would recommend people that like fruity flavor to try.




English Name: Blood Orange Sparkling Drink
Price: $160
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這是我朋友點的, 我只喝一口, 香橙風味在口中散開, 氣泡不會過強, 由於店內無酒精飲料不多, 我會建議不喝酒的人點這杯飲料.
My friend order this. The orange flavor along with the medium sparkling is great pairing with any type of dish.



延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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Restaurant Name 店名: Olí 西班牙餐廳
Address: No. 2 , 220th Lane, 3rd Section, Zhongyi Road, New Taipei City 新北市新店區中興路三段220巷2號1 樓 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/olirestauranteybar/
Nearby MRT station: Da-Ping-Lin station 大坪林捷運站
營業時間: Check Facebook




