NO MEATING 一植肉 》在 Miss Green 餐廳品嚐素食檸檬優格雪羽堡
Last Updated on 2023-08-05 by Foodelicious
這篇文章是包括 NO MEATING 一植肉品牌 的「 茶香鬆石虎聯名禮袋組 」與 在 Miss Green 蔬食餐廳吃專屬聯名植物肉餐點 – 酥炸植物素鱈魚排漢堡.
This article is about「 NO MEATING Brand Feature Taipei Zoo – Vegan Meat Floss Gift Bag 」and tasting exclusive plant-based fried fish style burger at Miss Green Taipei Vegetarian Restaurant.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
前言 Preface – Must Read ⭐
NO MEATING 一植肉是「台畜T-HAM 」子品牌 , 與台灣食品工業發展研究所共同研發 Made-in-Taiwan 的植物肉產品, 採用 100% 非基改大豆蛋白與碗豆蛋白, 陸續新上市的產品有植物肉乾, 植物香鬆與植物肉漢堡排, 近期也推出素食茶香鬆. NO MEATING 諧音是 NO MEETING , 中文翻譯是沒有會議的一天, NO MEATING 翻譯就像「不吃肉的一天 」.
T-HAM company and Food Industry Research and Develop Institute co-develop several Made-in-Taiwan Veg Meat products. T-Ham company named the brand -「NO MEATING 」, which sounds a bit similar with “NO MEETING “. The ingredients include 100% non-GMO soy protein, pea protein..etc . Their products include plant-based dried meat, vegan meat floss, and vegan meat, and newest Tea Flavor Vegan Meat Floss.
English Website :
About NO MEATING Brand Feature Taipei Zoo Vegan Meat Floss Gift Bag
NO MEATING 一植肉於 2023 年與台北市立動物園共同推動石虎保育的茶香鬆石虎聯名禮袋組, 每賣出一組提袋, 品牌將會捐 5% 營收做為臺北市立動物園企業認養石虎計畫
✅ 價格: NTD $899
✅ 禮袋組內容有伯爵紅茶香鬆 120g x 1, 貴妃烏龍香鬆 120g x 1 , 石虎提袋 x1
✅ 購買地點: “RÒU by T-Ham 店面一樓” , 動物園, 一植肉官網
✅ 官網購買連結:
On 2023, NO MEATING Brand features Taipei Zoo to promote Leopard Cat conservation by selling vegan meat floss Gift Bag. While selling one bag , NO MEATING brand will donate 5% of its sales to Taipei Zoo Leopard Cat Adoptation Plan.
✅ Price: NTD $899
✅ The Gift Bag includes Earl Grey flavor Vegan Meat Floss 120g x 1 , Empress Oolong Tea Vegan Meat Floss 120g x 1 and One bag with leopard cat drawing
✅ Purchase Location : “RÒU by T-Ham 1F” , Taipei Zoo, No Meating Website
✅ Website Purchase Link:
延伸閱讀: 肉 RÒU by T-HAM 》敦南店是低調隱密的台北餐酒館也是精品肉舖
Vegan Meat Floss Package
貴妃烏龍香鬆與伯爵紅茶香鬆都有貼紙辨別, 沒想到打開罐子後也可以辨別, 伯爵紅茶香鬆內罐是淺綠色 (左) , 貴妃烏龍香鬆內罐則是鐵鋁色 (右). NO MEATING 一植肉品牌將「 素食茶香鬆 」精心包裝到類似茶包裝. 除了維持包裝保存外, 你可以選擇將香鬆倒出放進罐內保存. 兩款素食茶香鬆皆是採用非基改大豆蛋白與小麥纖維, 再用100%義大利原裝進口頂級葡萄籽油炒製.
You can check the stickers on the jars to recognize its flavors. It is surprising to see that you can tell the difference after opening up the jar. The color of the jar cap is light green for Earl Grey Vegan Meat Floss. The aluminum color jar cap is Empress Oolong Tea Vegan Meat Floss. How to reserve it? You can pour all the vegan meat flosses into the jar. Or you can keep the bag package to reserve. Both vegan meat flosses are made with 100% non-GMO soy protein and wheat fiber. It is cooked with 100% Italian Grape Seeds Oil.
Empress Oolong Tea Vegan Meat Floss
貴妃烏龍來自台灣南投 , 剪開包裝時, 尚未聞到特殊的烏龍茶香, 貴妃烏龍香鬆的顏色偏淺, 品嚐素肉鬆時感受到茶香風味偏薄弱, 酥脆口感很明顯, 可以滿足想念肉鬆口感的人 .
Empress Oolong Tea is from Nantou, Taiwan. There isn’t special Oolong Tea aroma after opening up the package. Empress Oolong Tea Vegan Meat Floss color is a bit light. While tasting the vegan meat floss, there are small amount of Oolong tea flavor and aroma. The crispy texture is quite obvious. It is suitable for people who miss the actual meat floss texture.
Earl Grey Tea Vegan Meat Floss
伯爵紅茶香鬆的顏色偏深, 與普通肉鬆極為相似, 味蕾可明顯察覺到伯爵紅茶香, 鹹香度也頗夠, 可以搭配其他素食吃也不失特色, 我個人比較喜歡這款伯爵紅茶香鬆.
Earl Grey Vegan Meat Floss color is a bit darker, which is similar with the regular meat floss color. The tastebuds can easily sense the Early Grey Tea flavor. And most importantly, the taste is savory. It is suitable to pair with other vegetarian foods. I personally prefer Earl Grey Vegan Meat Floss.
結論 – Conclusion⭐
我不是素食者, 但是有吃純素的朋友, 難得見面想送禮, 我幾乎都是送甜點或酥餅禮盒 , 這款「 茶香鬆石虎聯名禮袋組 」是個不錯的送禮選擇, 原料裡有特別的貴妃烏龍茶粉與伯爵紅茶粉, 與市面上的其他素肉鬆口味不太相同. 他們不用忙著吃完, 可將茶香鬆搭配其他素菜或是包進飯糰.
I am not a vegetarian, but I have vegetarian friends. When I want to buy some foods for them, I always buy desserts or pastry gift box. This Vegan Meat Floss Gift Bag seemed to be a good choice. The ingredients have special Empress Oolong Tea powder and Earl Grey Tea powder flavors. They don’t need to rush eating it. They can also pair the vegan meat floss with other vegetarian foods or rice ball.
關於 Miss Green 一植肉聯名餐點
About NO MEATING Exclusive Co-Branding Dishes
NO MEATING 一植肉品牌與五家知名餐廳推出期間限定的聯名植物肉餐點 (至2023/4月底 ).
✅ RÒU by T-HAM
✅ 小小樹食
✅ 黑膠漢堡
✅ Become Brunch
✅ Miss Green ⭐
我是選擇全蔬食概念餐廳 Miss Green. Miss Green 餐廳離信義安和 2 號出口約 5 ~ 10 分鐘路程. 如果沒下雨, 我個人建議坐在他們的戶外座位, 室內則是有沙發座位, 適合素食朋友聚餐.
NO MEATING brand collaborates with Five famous restaurant to promote co-branding exclusive vegetarian food dishes until end of April, 2023.
Cooperation Restaurants include
✅ RÒU by T-HAM
✅ Little Tree Food Restaurant
✅ Become Brunch
✅ Miss Green ⭐
I choose Taipei Miss Green Vegetarian Restaurant. Miss Green restaurant is about 5 ~ 10 minutes from Xinyi Anhe MRT station Exit 2. If it is not raining, I would suggest to sit at their outdoor seating area. They also have sofa area. It is a place suitable for vegetarian friends to gather.
延伸閱讀:台北信義安和美食推薦 》Restaurant Recommendation near Xinyi Anhe MRT station
Miss Green: Plant-Based Fried Fish Style Burgers
Price: NTD $280
說真的, 中式素食餐廳 ( “祥和蔬食餐廳” ) 比較不是我喜歡的餐廳類型,我個人比較喜歡西式素食餐廳, Miss Green 餐廳選用 No Meating 一植肉品牌的 Made-in-Taiwan「 酥脆植物雪魚排 」製作這款漢堡.
✅ 雪魚排是以藻油萃取物來模擬白身魚的口感,每片還含有25mg的DHA
✅ 雪魚排的麵衣是一植肉品牌的獨家配方
✅「 酥脆植物雪魚排 」唯獨在餐飲通路販售
市面上偶而可吃到素魚柳條或是小Size素魚肉, 如此厚實的素雪魚排反倒不常見, 外層有非常酥脆的口感, 重點是 – 這款素魚肉吃起來真得像在吃魚排堡的感覺與風味, 連素魚排切面都與真鱈魚排相似 , 新鮮番茄與清脆生菜搭配酸甜清爽的檸檬優格醬, 不錯吃. 目前可內用與外帶, 聯名植物肉餐點只到2023/4月底.
Honestly, Chinese Vegetarian Restaurants, such as “Serenity Restaurant” , is not my type of Vegetarian restaurant. I prefer Western Vegetarian Restaurant though. Miss Green restaurant uses NO MEATING Brand Made-in-Taiwan Plant-Based Fried Fish to make this vegetarian burger.
Information States that
✅ The vegetarian fish texture is simulated with real white fish texture by DHA Algal Oil. Each vegetarian fried fish patty has 25mg DHA.
✅ The bread coating is made with No Meeting Brand’s secret recipe.
✅ This particular Plant-Based Fried Fish is sold exclusive at Food Service channel.
The market only has small size of vegetarian fish or fillet. This particular Plant-Based Fried Fish Patty is not only thick, it also tastes quite crispy. The vegetarian fish patty’s taste is similar with the real fish flavor and texture. Refreshing lemon yogurt sauce pairs great with fresh tomato and crisp lettuce. It tastes quite good. Now, you can dine-in or get it to-go. This exclusive vegetarian dish will be offered until end of April, 2023.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Vegetarian Restaurant 》吃完祥和蔬食慶城店的非業配感想
Miss Green: Drink
Price: NTD $170
Miss Green 蔬食餐廳最受歡迎的飲料是「 天生好氣色 」, 與 “小初芽餐廳” 的火龍果果昔碗一樣紫色, 飲料裡有 巴西莓, 火龍果, 香蕉, 黑醋栗, 奇亞籽與椰奶, 果香濃郁且喝起來甜度適中, 我個人蠻喜歡, 推薦點.
The most popular drink in Miss Green Restaurant is 「 Naturally Good Looking 」. The color is similar with “Little Sprout Taipei” purple Pitaya Bowl. The drink includes Acai, Dragon Fruit, Banana, Black Currant, Chia Seeds, and Coconut Milk. The fruity flavor is thick and has fair amount of sweetness. I like it and definitely recommend it.
延伸閱讀: Little Sprout Taipei 》小初芽餐廳是內湖早午餐推薦首選
Miss Green 餐廳 資訊
Miss Green Restaurant Information
店名: Miss Green 素食餐廳
地址 台北市大安區敦化南路二段63巷28號 (Map)
捷運站: 信義安和捷運站
電話: 02-2703-9026
► 網站購買連結 (Purchase Link)
Restaurant: Miss Green Vegetarian Restaurant
Address: No. 28, 63th lane, 2nd Section, Dunhuan South Road, Da’an District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Xinyi Anhe MRT station
Tel: 02-2703-9026
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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