附近漢堡 Nearby Burger Food Truck 》無疑是台北漢堡餐車推薦
Last Updated on 2020-06-10 by Foodelicious
近期台北漢堡餐車非常多, 附近漢堡 Nearby Burger 是近期竄紅在大台北地區的漢堡餐車, 附近漢堡菜單 最有名為剝皮辣椒莎莎醬牛肉漢堡,煎起司, 杏仁茶
There are many Burger Food Trucks in Taipei area. Nearby Burger Food Truck becomes popular recently. Nearby Burger Food Truck menu‘s signature dishes are Beef Burger with Salsa and Peeled Chili Pepper, grilled cheese and almond tea.
附近漢堡菜單 在文中 》 Nearby Burger Menu is at the middle of article
目錄 / Table of Contents
Nearby Burger Food Truck Location and Schedule
附近漢堡餐車並沒有花俏造型, 木色系主調反而有點無印良品風格. 不同於美國餐車將行程放在 Twitter, 台灣餐車大部分都將行程放在 Facebook 粉絲頁. 附近漢堡餐車 Nearby Burger Food Truck 基本上都在大台北地區 – 台北市與新北市, 行程皆放在 附近漢堡餐車粉絲頁 ( https://www.facebook.com/nearbyburger/ ) , 建議私訊粉絲頁先預訂餐點, 需要自己帶紙袋/塑膠袋.那天星期二我到行天宮捷運站附近巷弄內, 也就是附近漢堡餐車出沒地點.
The design of Nearby Burger Food Truck is not too fancy. Different from US Food Truck posting on twitter, Taiwan Food Truck always post on Facebook Fan Page. Nearby Burger Food Truck parking map is at the Taipei and New Taipei area. Its schedule is at their fan page ( https://www.facebook.com/nearbyburger/ ). I would suggest to reserve burgers via facebook fan page private message. You would need to bring your plastic or paper bag.
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If interested in cooperation, please Email to globalfoodelicious@gmail.com
Nearby Burger Food Truck Menu
招牌煎起司牛肉漢堡 + 興聯牧場之雞蛋一顆
Signature Grilled Cheese Beef Burger + Egg
Price: NTD $140 + NTD $10 = NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
那天附近漢堡餐車 11am 開始營業, 我 11:05am 抵達想點剝皮辣椒莎莎醬牛肉漢堡, 結果老闆娘說那款漢堡在前一天已經被客人訂光, 所以我只好退而求其次點另一款招牌煎起司牛肉漢堡, 再加一顆蛋. 第一口可感受到多汁美國牛肉與酸黃瓜, 第二口我覺得外微脆內綿密的煎起司搭配蛋液特別地美味, 肉香與焦香反倒在此時不是很明顯, 時蔬的鮮脆也是許多連鎖美式餐廳都無法達到的水準, NTD $150 吃到這種高等級的漢堡也是很值得.
Nearby Burger Food Truck start selling on 11am. I arrived at 11:05am, but was informed that the chili salsa burger are all reserved and sold out via Facebook. So, I ordered Signature Grill Cheese Beef Burger + Egg. First bite can sense the juicy USA beef and pickled cucumber. I love the second bite, which combines the crispy but creamy cheese along with the egg yolk. The meaty flavor and smoky aroma are not too important nor obvious at the moment. The vegetable is as crisp as expected. You only spend NTD $150 to eat high quality level burger is definitely worth it.
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
Beef Burger with Salsa and Peeled Chili Pepper
Price: NTD $130
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A
因為剝皮辣椒莎莎醬牛肉漢堡已被客人預訂完, 我只能站在旁邊看老闆製作, 聽其他客人說只有中小辣, 下次若有機會應該會點這款漢堡.
This type of burger are all reserved and sold out. So, I can only watch how the boss makes the burger. The customers mentioned that the spicy level is only mild to medium. If next time I have the opportunity, I would order this burger.
Beef Burger with berries and peanut butter
Price: NTD $140
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A
在等待老闆製作漢堡的時候, 眼尖看到老闆正在做一款綜合莓果花生醬牛肉漢堡, 食材有果乾與堅果, 在文末短點影片也可看到花生醬的滑順感.
While waiting at my burger order, I also saw the boss is making another burger. The ingredients include dried fruit and nuts. The video at the end of the article shows the smooth texture of the peanut butter.
Is Nearby Burger still delicious while it is warm?
附近漢堡餐車老闆娘會先詢問是不是要將漢堡包裝封起來 (如圖), 我也帶自己的紙袋裝漢堡密閉地持續保溫. 那天我是從行天宮站坐捷運轉車到中山站, 再走 10 分鐘, 開始吃時, 已經過了至少 30 分鐘, 附近漢堡微溫依舊好吃!!
Nearby Burger would ask you if you want the burger to be wrapped (as picture). I also bring my own paper bag to keep the burger warm. I basically spend 30 minutes outside. The burger is warm but still delicious!
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
餐車名稱: 附近漢堡餐車
Food Truck Name: Nearby Burger
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nearbyburger/
附近漢堡菜單 》 Nearby Burger Menu
Menu Link: https://www.facebook.com/pg/nearbyburger/menu/