Ms. Dica’s Kitchen 》狄咖私人廚房滷肉飯 | 台北滷肉飯
Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious
(Closed Down ) 狄咖私人廚房全名為 “饗受狄咖的私人廚房&滷肉飯” , 是新開幕台北東區滷肉飯餐廳之一, 也成為國父紀念館捷運站美食.
Ms. Dica’s Kitchen is one of the Taipei East Distrct Restaurants that offers braised pork rice. It is also one of the restaurants near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station.
狄咖私人廚房滷肉飯菜單 在文末 Ms. Dica’s Kitchen Menu is at the end of article
狄咖是豬腳的台語發音, 饗受狄咖的私人廚房&滷肉飯餐廳 (以下簡稱狄咖私人廚房餐廳) 位於國父紀念館捷運站一號出口, 沿著停車場經過華視和”皇城老媽餐廳“後, 會發現顯眼的桃紅色招牌寫著 “狄咖1995”, 室內裝潢與 “裸湯拉麵餐廳“ 的文青裝潢有點相似, 隔著玻璃可看到廚房,狄咖私人廚房餐廳單人座位與台北中山區的 “光の越後”一樣皆是面對吧台的高腳椅, 也有四人座位和開放式包廂的圓桌座位.
First of all, “Dica” is the Taiwanese pronunciation of Pork Knuckle. Ms. Dica’s Kitchen is near the Exit one of SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. The pink color sign is quite obvious along the street side. The indoor design is a bit similar with “Pure Ramen”. You can see through the kitchen from the glass. There are also high chairs, just like at “Hikarunoechigo Japanese Restaurant“. There are 4-people seats and round table open private dining room.
延伸閱讀: Pure Ramen 》在裸湯拉麵品嚐雞骨與豬骨熬煮的拉麵湯頭
延伸閱讀: 光の越後 》日本籍阿光師之不按牌理出牌的美味 | Taipei Japanese Diner
延伸閱讀: 其他國父紀念館餐廳 》Other Restaurants near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
值得一提的是在私廚尚未成為潮流時, 狄咖私人廚房餐廳早已在台北東區是一家頗具名聲的私廚, 2019 年反其道而行開了餐廳店面. 狄咖私人廚房餐廳中午是販售蓋飯 (看文末菜單) , 也有便當外送, 下午休息, 目前晚上則是維持 NTD $800/人的台灣家常菜合菜, 以後說不定會改變, 細節需要與店家溝通. 當天入座後, 親切店員隨後遞上菜單表格且詢問需不需要水.
The interesting part is that Ms. Dica’s Kitchen used to be a famous private kitchen at Taipei East District. Now, they open a restaurant front to offer Braised pork rice and other cuisines. They do not have afternoon rest time and operates until night. They offer simple dishes, such as braised pork rice, during lunch time. However, after 5pm, they are a private kitchen with NTD $800/person minimum charge. However, the rule might change in the future. Please stay tuned on their facebook. After seating, the friendly staff would hand the menu and ask if the customer need water or not.
延伸閱讀: 台北平價美食推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Budget-Wise Restaurants (By District)
價格: NTD $100
Braised Pork Rice
Includes Three Types of Vegetables and Sunny Side-Up Egg
Price: NTD $100
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
既然餐廳名稱是“饗受狄咖的私人廚房&滷肉飯”, 當然要點滷肉飯. 店員端上份量適中的滷肉飯料理, 與 “大稻埕魯肉飯”經典滷肉飯視覺感完全不同, 連肉帶皮有手工切黑豬五花肉覆蓋住大約1/2, 品嚐時五花肉滷得透徹, Q彈豬皮油脂更是深得人心, 單吃滷肉並不會過鹹.
The quantity of this dish is average. However, the visual image is completely different from the classic braised pork rice at “Dadaocheng Braised Pork On Rice”. The pork quantity covers about 1/2 of the rice. The pork is braised completed but not overly too salty. The fats also are not too oily.
延伸閱讀: 大稻埕魯肉飯 》台北大稻埕平價美食推薦 | Dadaocheng Braised Pork On Rice
三樣青菜不定期更換, 我個人不是很喜歡自助餐的燙青菜, 因為都視覺上是呈現軟爛, 但是狄咖私人廚房餐廳的青菜則是爽脆, 相當不錯. 滷肉飯搭配的蛋並不是滷蛋, 而是偏橘黃的半熟荷包蛋, 且採用單價較高的紅仁雞蛋, 吃狄咖滷肉飯的荷包蛋則是會有蛋香在味蕾蔓延, 也許你會說吃不出差別, 但是因為我在很多西式餐廳 (例如 “Pino Pizzeria Taipei” 和 “Buttermilk” ) 皆吃過半熟蛋, 幾乎從戳破到口裡已經沒有所謂的蛋香. 這道料理較為可惜的地方是飯, 雖然用的是台灣關山壽司米, 吃起來卻偏乾硬, 淋在飯上滷汁並不足以將口感變軟, 也許是個案. 整體份量男生大約吃七分飽, 女生大約八分飽.
Three types of vegetable may change vary. I personally do not like other vegetables at typical Taiwanese lunch buffet since it looks soggy. But, in Ms. Dica’s Kitchen, all three vegetables are crisp. Instead of braised egg, they chose to use higher-cost egg to make sunny side up egg. I ate quite a few lower-cost sunny side up egg at Western Cuisine restaurants (“Pino Pizzeria Taipei” and “Butter milk”). The difference would be the higher cost egg has more egg flavor stays at the tastebuds. The down side would be the rice. The texture is quite hard and dry, not even the braised sauce can change.
延伸閱讀: Pino Pizzeria Taipei 》台北適合家庭聚餐的天母披薩餐廳
延伸閱讀: Buttermilk Taipei 》Buttermilk 炸雞確實令人難忘
Braised Pork
Price: NTD $60
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
單點焢肉純粹是看到他們 Facebook 焢肉圖片, 實際視覺相當撩人, 原本以為浸在滷汁裡的焢肉一夾起會支離破碎, 但吃起來口感厚實, 店員提到焢肉有乾煎過,也不會過油膩, 有人提到 NTD $60 很貴, 其實我覺得是看個人, 當忙碌時, 我不可能跑到萬華區去吃 “祖師廟焢肉飯”.
I ordered Braised Pork because I was drooling over the picture on their facebook. I didn’t expect the braised pork texture to be dense. The taste wasn’t too oily neither. Some might mention NTD $60 per braised pork is expensive. But, I personally think that when time is money, I wouldn’t go all the way to Wanhua District to order Braised Pork Rice.
延伸閱讀: 其他中式餐廳 》Other Chinese Restaurant
Winter melon Tea
Price: NTD $30
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
狄咖私人廚房餐廳有提供開水, 我只是純粹想點個清爽微甜的冬瓜茶搭配!
Ms. Dica’s Kitchen offers water. However, I just want to order some refreshing drink to pair with my food.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
餐廳: 饗受狄咖的私人廚房&滷肉飯
地址:台北市大安區延吉街97巷10號 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站
電話: 0978-113-557
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Restaurant: Ms. Dica’s Kitchen
Address: No. 10, 97th Lane, Yijin Street, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 0978-113-557
Operation Hour: Check Facebook
饗受狄咖的私人廚房&滷肉飯 菜單 》 Ms. Dica’s Kitchen Menu