開門茶堂 》民生社區喝台灣茶 | Taiwan Tea House | 時尚文青茶屋
Last Updated on 2018-09-15 by Foodelicious
近期除了手沖咖啡外, 手泡茶也成為一種低調的時尚. 在台北松山機場捷運站附近的民生社區巷弄中, 販售著台灣優質手沖茶與伴手禮的”開門茶堂”總是能讓路人們停下腳步品茶享人生.
Besides Hand-Drip-Brewing Coffee, Hand-Brew Tea is also a fashionable trend in Taipei City. Locating near Taipei Songshan Airport MRT station, “Kaimen Tea House” sells excellent Taiwanese Hand-brew Tea and also Taiwan souvenir Tea gifts.
進入樸實木質色系的室內, 目不轉睛地欣賞著擺設在店中央的茶具和茶包裝, 陽光穿透樹葉縫隙由落地窗撒入, 具有設計巧思的茶單茶品排序是由茶葉烘培程度由淺至深, 第二頁則是中西合併概念的茶點, 這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐到精彩的台灣茶與細緻茶點.
Entering low-profile wooden color theme indoor design, you can immediately see the tea sets and tea gifts at the store center. There are several seats with tranquil street view for customers to enjoy the moment. The menu has the simplest design – First page is Tea items, the second page is the pastries to pair with tea.
延伸閱讀: 台北民生社區美食餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Minsheng Community Restaurant Guide
Dan-Fong Oolong Cold Brew Tea
Price: $150
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍👍👍
店長細心地解說費時的冷泡茶環節, 用400cc ~ 500cc沖泡3.5克的茶葉, 常溫放置1 ~ 2 小時候靜置在冰箱7~8小時讓香氣緩緩綻放. 此款茶最特別之處是採用台東縣最主要的鹿野鄉茶區裡的有機紅烏龍, 跟常見的烏龍不同, 紅烏龍主要的特色是冷熱泡皆宜.將帶有淡橘紅色澤丹鳳烏龍冷泡茶放置在如同中國古代酒瓶形狀的玻璃瓶中, 設計類似威士忌聞香杯概念, 瓶腹將香氣凝聚再從瓶口釋放出來, 此款茶有著意想不到的中度香氣, 品酌一口時, 類似微蜜香味在味蕾中散發, 在炎熱夏天中喝著愉悅的冷泡茶是小確辛, 喝到意想不到的甘醇丹鳳烏龍則是可遇不可求.
The store manager patiently explains the cold brew tea process. First, you need to pour the 400cc ~ 500cc over 3.5g tea leaves and place under room temperature for 1 ~ 2 hours. Second, you would need to store at the refrigerator for 7 ~ 8 hours. Dan-Fong Oolong is originated from Taitung, Taiwan. The slight difference with the original oolong is that Dan-Fong is suitable for both Hot brew and Cold brew. The cold brew tea is stored in the transparent glass bottle similar with Whisky Nosing Glass. The tastebuds feel hints of delightful honey within the tea flavor. It is not bitter like regular Oolong Tea.
Taiwanese Sun Moon Black Tea
Price: NTD $280 (Hot)
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍👍
南投日月潭的有機台茶18號(紅玉紅茶) 已是國際知名, 法國人氣麵包店Gontran Cherrier Bakery台北分店甚至運用此款茶葉製作“茶可頌”. 店長熟練地將熱水注入帶有較大毛細孔和透氣性佳的深咖啡色茶壺裡, 第一泡可先熱杯再濾掉, 再次注入熱水到5g茶葉中, 30秒到一分鐘後即可全部倒入茶盅以均勻每杯的茶湯濃度. 拿起炙熱的茶杯聞香, 茶香十足, 最明顯的風味則是如茶單上所註明的薄荷香氣, 時間拉長慢慢品酌,薄荷香氣依舊.
Nantou Sun Moon Lake Black Tea is already well-known, even French famous Gentian Cherrier Bakery Taipei branch uses this particular tea for their limited edition “Tea Croissant” . The store manager uses the dark brown tea cup to brew the tea. First brew would need to be put aside. Second brew would only take 30 seconds ~ 1 minute. Even the tea is hot, the natural mint flavor still spreads around the mouth.
茶點- 秘製綠豆糕 (1)
Green Bean Pastry (1)
Price NTD $40
與烘培師傅合作適合搭配的茶點, 原本單一綿軟口感的綠豆糕進化為多層次, 採用美國進口的蔓越梅, 微甜的棗泥, 如杏仁般口感的松子, 軟麻糬做為綠豆糕的內餡, 由於內餡有著不同的特色, 將每種內餡放入模具中且不會爆餡破裂需要一定的功力.
In order to create successful pastry to pair with their tea, Kaimen Tea House decide to cooperate with the pastry chef. They transform the traditional Green Bean Pastry into brand new pastry with different layers of textures. The pastry chef uses USA imported raspberry, sweet date paste, pine nuts and mochi as the filling. Enjoy this pastry is like an enjoyable adventure.
茶點- 紅茶生乳達克瓦茲 (2)
Dacquoise (2)
Price NTD $65
達克瓦茲 (Dacquoise)是法國甜點, 主要是由蛋白,杏仁粉和糖粉製成, 為了追求正統經典的中西合併, 不惜成本使用進口生乳餡再加入紅茶粉. 酥餅外表雖看起來堅硬, 但意想不到地的脆, 雖然奶油香稍微蓋過紅茶的風味, 內餡依舊美味.
Dacquoise is a traditional French dessert that made mostly from egg white, almond powder and sugar. Pursuing the “east with west” theme, the pastry chef uses imported butter cream as filling and black tea powder mixed with flour. The pastry itself tastes unexpectedly crispy. The creamy filling overwhelms the black tea flavor, but yet still delicious.
Other Pastries
狀元茶奶油酥餅(3) 將新北石碇的有機包種狀元茶磨成粉後加入麵粉中, 茶香味完全不會被口感酥脆的奶油酥餅風味搶走, 非常適合搭配較濃風味的茶.“香草七里胡桃” (4) 較為特別的是有強烈的孜然香料, 口感酥脆. 核桃餅乾 (5)的黑巧克力風味濃郁和烘烤後核桃香味非常和諧.
The “biscuit (3)” is made with tea powder mixed with the flour. As the main character of this biscuit, the tea flavor remains. The “walnut (4)” is mixed with 15 spices. However, the cummins flavor overwhelmed the rest of the spices. As for the “chocolate walnut cookie (5)” is simple with crunchy walnut with thick chocolate aroma. However, it might overwhelm any kind of Taiwanese tea.
*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受*
店名: 開門茶堂 Kaimen Tea House
地址: 台北市松山區民生東路四段80巷1弄3號 No. 3, 1st Ale, Lane 80, Section 4, Mingshen East Road, Taipei City (Map)
Facebook 粉絲頁: https://www.facebook.com/CIDESIGNTEA/
Nearby MRT Station: Songshan Airport MRT station 松山機場捷運站
營業時間: 11am ~ 9:30 pm (星期二休/ Tuesday Off)
Wifi: Yes
Wall Socket: No