Minoterie Bourseau Flour 》關於苗林行代理法國布瑟麵粉的五個問題
Last Updated on 2023-08-03 by Foodelicious
繼總代理知名日本麵粉品牌十五年之後, 苗林行開始代理法國麵粉 – 布瑟麵粉 ( Minoterie Bourseau ), 在這次 Julien Dubois X 野上智寬麵粉講習會, 也得知目前台灣烘焙業運用麵粉的趨勢.
After becoming the sole distributor of famous Japanese flour brands, Miaolin Foods now becomes the distributor of French Brand Minoterie Bourseau Flour. At this Chef Julien Dubois X Chef Nogami flour event, I am informed regarding the recent flour trend of Taiwan Bakery Industry.
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業務詢問聯絡方式 / Contact Information
Nick Wu Email: [email protected]
法國布瑟麵粉講習會短秒影片 @ 苗林行
French Brand Minoterie Bourseau Flour Seminar Short Video @ Taiwan Miaolin Foods
Five Questions about Minoterie Bourseau Flour
1. 法國布瑟麵粉 (Minoterie Bourseau) 品牌於1825年成立, 目前共有三座製粉設備, 包括二座滾軸式製粉機和一座石磨磨坊.法國布瑟麵粉滾軸式製粉設備與石磨磨坊製作出來的麵粉有何差異?
Minoterie Bourseau Brand was established back at the year of 1825. There are three manufacturer sites – 2 roller mills and 1 authentic stone grinder. Would you be kind to explain Minoterie Bourseau Brand flour difference from roller mills and stone grinder?
首先, 法國麵粉並不是像台灣麵粉以高中低筋麵粉分類, 法國麵粉是以灰份含量做為分類, 例如 T45就是指灰份含量佔麵粉的0.45%, T 的意思是 Type, 灰份數字含量愈高, 麵粉的顏色愈深, 也有較多的小麥香. 法國布瑟麵粉公司目前已到第六代家族經營, 至今不斷提升設備功能與技術, 但並沒有因為工廠大量生產而放棄石磨磨坊, 秉持著法國麵粉的傳統. 滾軸式製粉設備與石磨磨坊生產出來的麵粉最大的不同是石磨麵粉香氣較多, 此外, 為避免石磨設備溫度會過高, 石磨設備不能長時間持續運作, 石磨產出來的麵粉灰分也較多, 石磨磨坊產量則是 12 噸/天, 滾軸式製粉設備產量是 120 噸/天. 資料顯示法國布瑟石磨工廠生產出來的麵粉包括布瑟T80 石磨小麥粉, T150法國小麥石磨全麥粉, 有機小麥粉和蕎麥粉,
French flour is categorized by its remaining ashes. For example, T45 means there are 0.45 % remain ashes. T means Type. If the numbers are higher, it means that the flour color would be darker and preserve more wheat aroma. Minoterie Bourseau Flour Company now is operated by the 6th generation. They keep upgrading the technique and function of the facility. Surprisingly, Minoterie Bourseau Flour Company kept its stone grinder, which preserve the traditional method of manufacturing flour. The major difference between roller mills flour and stone grinder would be the aroma. Stone grinder flour preserves more wheat aroma and remaining ashes. In order to avoid the stone grinder facility over heat, stone grinder only manufactures 12 tons/day. As for the roller mills, the manufacture quantity is 120 tons/day. The information stated that the stone grinder factory manufactures T80, T150 (Mill Stone), Organic Wheat Flour, and Buckwheat Flour.
圖片一來源: 講習會法國布瑟麵粉原廠 X Julien Dubois X 野上智寬
其他圖片來源: 法國原廠提供的工廠設備
2. 法國官方農業產品認證則是紅標, 目前布瑟麵粉的紅標產品是T65傳統紅標麵粉, 請簡單描述紅標麵粉標準? 請問法國布瑟麵粉工廠有所謂“官方優良等級”嗎? (例如法國波爾多酒莊等級裡有 Grand Cru Classé, Cru Bourgeois..etc).
Minoterie Bourseau T65 flour is Label Rouge (Red Label). Could you simply describe what Label Rouge is? Does Minoterie Bourseau Factory has its so-called French government level certification? (For example, French Winery has Grand Cru Classé, Cru Bourgeois level).
法國官方優良農產品認證是紅標, 布瑟麵粉工廠紅標產品則是T65傳統紅標麵粉, 法國農業部會派人到現場評估其工廠與農產品, 嚴苛審核從原產地至工廠的過程 (例如無添加物與製作流程), 紅標在法國就是一種高品質的保證. 不同於法國酒莊, 目前法國麵粉工廠並沒有官方分級制度. 這次在講習會看到多樣化的麵粉產品, 包括布瑟T170 裸麥粉, 布瑟蕎麥粉..etc.
Label Rouge, which indicates high quality, is certified by French Ministry of Agriculture. Minoterie Bourseau T65 flour is Label Rouge (Red Label).The government would send staff to audit from field to the factory. The audit content includes strict requirement of supply chain and non-additives involvement. However, unlike French winery, there isn’t any French government level certification for flour factories. I saw many various types of flours at this event, includes T170 , Bourseau Buckwheat ..etc.
圖片來源: 法國布瑟麵粉產品照片
圖片三和四: T45麵粉 (右) 與T65麵粉 (左) 的外型差異, 左邊的 T65 麵粉顏色較深因為灰份較多
【Label Rouge】
官方管理單位INAO : https://www.inao.gouv.fr/eng/Official-signs-identifying-quality-and-origin/Label-Rouge-Red-Label
優質農產品紅色標章 Label Rouge最早於1960年由法國家禽養殖協會所創,主要為獎勵品質優良的農產品, 立法訂定的標章。擁有Label Rouge 認證標章,代表該產品在生產過程的可追蹤性、口感和風味,栽種及採收方式皆已通過法國政府所建立的最高評定標準。因此,獲得紅標認證的產品被公認為「頂尖品質及風味的保證」,消費者也會願意花費更多預算購買
Official INAO: https://www.inao.gouv.fr/eng/Official-signs-identifying-quality-and-origin/Label-Rouge-Red-Label
The Label Rouge is a national sign, which was created by Poultry Association of France. It refers to products which by their terms of production or manufacture have a higher level of quality compared to other similar products usually marketed. As for the superior quality is based on: texture, flavor and traceability. The Label Rouge is considered the “Guarantee of Top quality and flavor”. Consumers are willing pay extra for this type of product.
3. 法國布瑟麵粉 Minoterie Bourseau 品牌裡有用CRC等級的法國小麥原料 (Culture Raisonnée Contrôlée) , 可以簡單描述一下 CRC嗎? CRC 不等於有機? 請問法國小麥都是非基因改造嗎?
Some of wheat ingredient that Minoterie Bourseau use are CRC level (Culture Raisonnée Contrôlée). Can you simply describe CRC? Does CRC equals organic? Are all wheats from France are Non-GMO?
法國布瑟麵粉的 100% 小麥原料原產地皆是法國, 並沒有像日本麵粉有混合其他國家的小麥, 小麥原料都是非基因改造. 在採訪過程中, 原廠表示與法國各地小麥農保持良好合作關係, 多數法國布瑟麵粉產品皆是採用有 CRC認證 (Culture Raisonnée Contrôlée)的法國小麥原料. CRC 的中文翻譯是合理減農藥控制認證, 條件包括小麥種植地不可靠近公路旁或是有污染源的地方與減少對小麥的農藥使用量. 但是 CRC 並不等於有機.
Minoterie Bourseau Brand uses 100% wheat ingredients that are originated from France without mixing other wheats from other countries. They keeps a great and friendly relationship with the wheat farmers all over France. The wheats are also non-GMO. Most French wheat ingredients that Minoterie Bourseau Brand uses have CRC certification (Culture Raisonnée Contrôlée). The requirements include that the wheat must be grown away from pollution sources. And the crops must be treated minimum fertilizer and full traceability. However, CRC does not equal organic.
圖片來源: Chef Julien Dubois
4. 請問日本麵粉與法國麵粉最大的差別在哪裡?
What is the difference between Japan flour and flour from France?
苗林行提到台灣烘焙業目前的麵粉趨勢是日本麵粉混合法國麵粉製作麵包, 原因有2個, 也間接說明日本麵粉與法國麵粉的最大不同. 第一個原因是法國麵粉製作出來的麵包比單用日本麵粉製作出來的麵包更加具有小麥香氣. 苗林行的專業說法是日本小麥研磨技術與穩定性較強, 且研磨次數高達 26 ~ 30 次, 粉徑較細, 小麥香氣也相對較少. 法國麵粉的粉徑較粗, 保存較多小麥原始香氣. 第二個原因是日本麵粉講究的是蓬鬆性 (例如最常吃到的紅豆麵包), 法國麵粉講究的延展性 (例如常見的法國長棍), 用 100 % 法國麵粉需要一定的熟練技術, 因此許多台灣烘培業比較傾向日本麵粉混搭法國麵粉, 這次野上智寬師傅也在講習會示範日本麵粉與法國麵粉比例調合, 製作出台灣人可接受且喜歡的麵包風格, 完全就是雙贏作法.
Miaolin Foods mentioned that the recent flour trend of Taiwan Bakery Industry is to mix Japanese flour with French flour. There are 2 major reasons, which also indicate the difference between flours from two different countries. First, comparing with Japanese flour, the breads that are made with French Flour has more wheat aroma. The professional statement would be Japanese flour has processed more grinding procedure (about 26~ 30 times) than French Flour. Therefore, French flour would preserve more original wheat aroma. The second reason would be the Japanese flour character/function is more on the fluffy level (For example, the fluffy red bean bun). As for French flour, the character/function is more on the stretch level (For example, the Baguette). If you use 100% French flour, you would need a certain experienced skills to make the bread. In this particular flour event, Chef Nogami did several brand demos with mixed Japanese and French flour. The mixed flour trend would create a win-win situation for the bakery industry in Taiwan.
圖片來源: 野上智寬師傅
5. 法國布瑟麵粉品牌哪款麵粉產品較在法國本地受大眾喜愛? 請問苗林行目前台灣哪家客戶已經開始使用法國布瑟麵粉? 台灣販售的規格?
Which flour item is the most popular item in France? What is the weight of commercial package that export to Taiwan? Which Taiwan Bakery start to use Minoterie Bourseau Flour?
目前法國布瑟麵粉有外銷至其他歐洲國家與南非, 台灣則是法國布瑟麵粉品牌出口亞洲的第一個國家, 法國原廠提到布瑟T65法國小麥粉 (T65) 是法國當地最受歡迎的產品, 第二名銷售且市場逐漸成長的是布瑟T80石磨小麥粉 (T80 Mill Stone). 台灣苗林行已開始銷售 25 KG 商用包裝, 目前兩家知名麵包店 – 野上麵包和高雄莎士比亞烘焙坊已是法國麵粉使用客戶.
Minoterie Bourseau brand already have experience exporting to other European countries and South Africa. Taiwan now is the first country that they export in Asia. The best selling product would be T65. The 2nd selling product, also the rising star, is T80 (Mill Stone). Miaolin Foods offers 25 Kg commercial package. Boulangerie Nogami and Shakespeare Bakery at Kaohsiung City.
圖片來源: 講習會麵包作品
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