LOPFAIT 樂斐 》 2021 新開幕台北法式餐廳 (內有菜單)

Last Updated on 2021-12-21 by Foodelicious

台北 LOPFAIT 樂斐法式餐廳 是 “ MiraWan “ 創造的新品牌, LOPFAIT 樂斐菜單 提供正統法式料理套餐, 成為 2021新開幕的台北 Fine Dining 餐廳之一.
MiraWan Restaurant created a new brand – LOPFAIT French Restaurant. LOPFAIT menu offers French Cuisine Set. It becomes one of the 2021 new Taipei Fine Dining Restaurants.

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LOPFAIT Reservation

LOPFAIT 樂斐法式餐廳地址為台北市中山區敬業二路199號4樓, 離大直的劍南路捷運站2號出口只需 3 分鐘步行時間, 就在虹光 LIVE 大樓的四樓. LOPFAIT 樂斐餐廳是獨立一層, 出電梯的左邊是候位沙發區, 可看到劍南路捷運站,  右邊即是餐廳. 遠看餐廳是金碧輝煌色調, 近看則是玫瑰粉金色系. LOPFAIT 樂斐訂位採用網路訂位 ( https://reurl.cc/43WOVj )
LOPFAIT French restaurant address is 4F, No. 1999, 4F, No. 199, Jingye 2nd Road, ZhongshanDistrict, Taipei City. It is about 3 minutes walking distance from Jiannan Road MRT Station Exit 2. After exiting the elevator, the waiting sofa area is at the left side. You can see the Jiannan Road MRT station. The right hand side is the restaurant. The Rose Gold color is the main interior design color. You would need to reserve via online ( https://reurl.cc/43WOVj ).




LOPFAIT 樂斐餐廳的大樓裡雖然有停車場, 但是只開放給大樓員工. 餐廳客人需要自行找尋週邊停車場, 最近的停車場是劍南路捷運站旁邊的 CITY PARKING 城市車旅停車場 , 其他停車場地點都在截圖裡.
The building has its parking spaces, however, it is only for their building staffs. The customer would need to find parking spaces around the area. The closest parking lot is CITY PARKING, which is near Jiannan Road MRT Station. Other parking spaces are shown at the picture.



LOPFAIT Private Dining Room

LOPFAIT 樂斐的包廂頗特別, 有分圓桌與長桌, 圓桌適合家庭聚餐, 可看到窗外美麗華摩天輪, 圖二的長桌包廂則是適合商業或是朋友聚餐. 圖二為餐廳提供
LOPFAIT Fine Dining restaurant’s private dining rooms are quite special. It has round table (pic 1) and long table (pic 3). The round table is suitable for family, which you can see the Miramar Ferris Wheel. The long table is suitable for business and friends’ gathering. Picture two is provided by the restaurant.





LOPFAIT Seating Area

LOPFAIT 樂斐外場有四人座與兩人座位,也可看到美麗華摩天輪 , 最特別的莫過於窗邊牆角的情人座 (圖一&圖二) , 這裡有酒櫃與吧檯.
There are two and four people seats. You can also see the Miramar Ferris Wheel from outside near the window. The most special seating area would be the couple seating area (Pic 1 & Pic 2). The restaurant also has wine cabinet and bar counter.

延伸閱讀: 台北約會餐廳 》Taipei Dating Restaurants





目前 LOPFAIT 樂斐提供 Fine Dining 套餐.
Now, LOPFAIT restauran offers Fine Dining Set.



New Zealand Vension
Price: NTD $3880



Amuse Bouche
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

開胃小點不定期更換. 店員建議吃的順序是右至左, 分別是生牛肉塔塔 , 炭烤章魚塔與法式鴨肝捲. 生牛肉塔塔置放於酥炸布里歐上, 如同 Finger Food Size , 建議咬一小口, 先感受到炸布里歐賦予的酥脆口感, 與生牛肉塔塔的滑順口感成為對比, 醃製珍珠洋蔥帶出些許甜味.
Amuse Bouche would be changed from time to time. The staff mentioned that the tasting order is from right to left – Beef tartare , Grilled Octopus. and Foie Gras. The raw beef tartare is placed on the crispy brioche, which is finger size food. I would suggest to take a small bite to sense the crispy texture. Later one, you can taste the smooth texture from the beef tartare. The glazed pearl onion brings out a bit of sweet flavor.


第二款開胃小點 Display 非常美, 炭烤章魚切塊隱藏在青蘋吉利丁切片下, 吃的時候, 微酸甜蘋果香讓這道炭烤章魚增加了另一層風味, 也多些優雅視覺格調. 第三款開胃小點是鴨肝卷搭配宜蘭鴨賞, LOPFAIT 樂斐主廚則是將台式食材融入法式小點, 再撒上海苔粉, 鹹肉香停留於舌尖, 第三道開胃小點是我覺得不錯吃的開胃小點.
The second appetizer display is quite pretty. The grilled octopus slices are hidden under green apple gelatin. The acidity from the green apple adds another upscale layer to the grilled octopus. The third appetizer is Foie Gras with Yilan smoked ducks. The chef emerges Taiwanese ingredients with French cuisine ingredients. The chef also spreads seaweed powder on the top. The salty and meaty flavor stay at the tastebuds for a while. The third appetizer is my favorite appetizer.




Sourdough Bread
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

LOPFAIT 樂斐請專業烘焙師量身製作歐式酸種麵包 , 麵包裡可以吃到帶皮馬鈴薯, 歐式酸種麵包搭配兩款奶油, 一款是無鹽奶油, 另一款是店家自製海藻奶油, 我個人覺得搭兩款滑潤奶油都不錯吃.
Professional Bread Chef custom-made the sourdough bread for LOPFAIT restaurant. Surprisingly, you can taste the potato at the sourdough bread filling. The sourdough pairs with two butters – one is unsalted butter, the other one is seaweed butter. Both butters are delicious.


日本青魽 | 白椪醋 | 阿里山辣根

Hamachi | White Ponzu | Horseradish
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

外型如同粉白色夢幻甜點, 仔細觀察, 日本青魽在最底層, 堆疊起奶油乳酪與台灣水梨切片,研磨阿里山名產辣根如同雪花般細密地分佈在表層,  店員將白椪醋高湯醬汁倒入盤裡, 微酸刺激著味蕾, 接著可品嚐到 – 果香來自水梨切片, 適量奶香來自奶油乳酪 , 反倒是日本青魽的鮮味成為配角.
The appearance of this dish looks like a pretty dessert. Japanese Hamachi is placed at the bottom. The butter and Taiwanese pear slices are placed on the top. The horseradish shreds are displayed at the appearance. The tastebuds  senses the acidity from the white ponzu. I also sense both pear flavor and cheese flavor. However, Japanese Hamachi fish flavor becomes the minor flavor.



Ikura | Caviar | Hu-nan Bacon
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

乳白色干貝慕斯置放於盤底, 亮橘色的北海道鮭魚卵搭配黑金般的法國魚子醬, 鮮綠甜碗豆的點綴更讓客人能體驗到 “波波“ 聲響. 當我正在找尋湖南臘肉的蹤影時, LOPFAIT 樂斐餐廳店員將湖南臘肉高湯注入盤裡, 呈現飽滿色彩, 湯頭有著適量鹹度, 這道菜餚對我來說是偏重口味, 味蕾可以感受到鹹肉香多過於鮮味, 與上一道日本青魽優雅風格成為對比.
The scallop mousse is placed at the bottom. The Hokkaido roe, French caviar and peas are placed on the top. When eating, you can sense all three bursting sound and texture. The staff pours the Hu-nan bacon consommé into the plate. The consommé is quite salty with meaty strong flavor. The tastebuds can sense more salty meaty flavor than the seafood flavor. It is the completely different from the Hamachi dish.



White Asparagus | Peanut | Langoustine
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

白蘆筍是台灣饕客最熟悉的高級食材之一, 單一白蘆筍菜餚也常出現在秋冬菜單裡, LOPFAIT 樂斐主廚 Josh 將三種食材 – 秘魯白蘆筍, 雲林花生, 台灣角蝦組合在一起, 白蘆筍不再是單一主角. 淋上橙汁與橄欖油在盤緣, 雲林花生做成類似白色方糖的外型 (圖二) , 單吃白蘆筍口感細緻爽口, 搭配濃郁花生香仍舊可以吃到白蘆筍的微清甜, 只是我希望白蘆筍的清甜比例能夠高一些.
White Asparagus always appears at Taipei Fine Dining restaurant seasonal menus. LOPFAIT chef Josh combines three ingredients – Peru white asparagus, Yulin peanut, and Taiwanese shrimps (Langoustine). The orange juice and EVOO mixed sauce is placed around the plate. The Yulin peanuts are made into cube. The peanut flavor covers most of the white asparagus refreshing flavor. I would prefer to taste more the white asparagus flavor though.



Oyster | Bamboo | Rice Essence
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

很難想像台灣食材能展現法式優雅風格,「泔」是一種調理食物的方法。用米汁浸漬食品, LOPFAIT 樂斐 將越光米與鮮蚵熬煮成微濃稠的湯汁, 東石鮮蚵多汁且鮮味濃縮, 雪白色竹筍切片如同絲薄的白色緞帶, 架構起一道擺盤精美的菜餚, 竹筍與檳榔花 (圖三) 一樣賦予清脆口感,  這是當天我最喜歡的菜餚.
It is hard to imagine all those Taiwanese ingredients can display French elegant style. LOPFAIT chef stewed the oyster and rice together. The Taiwanese oyster has condensed umami. The bamboo slices are like white ribbons, which offers the crispy texture and beautiful display. Both bamboo and betel nut flower (Pic 3) offer crisp flavor.  This is my favorite dish of the day.



Grilled Sweetbread|Preserved Mustard Leaf
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

小牛胸腺並不是「小牛排」 , 而是只有三到六個月的小牛才有的內臟部位, 在國外米其林星級法式餐廳常看到「小牛胸腺」的料理, 但是在台北法式餐廳倒是不常見. LOPFAIT 樂斐主廚採用澳洲小牛胸腺,切開時, 滋潤油亮誘呈現眼前, 極度軟嫩口感如預期, 客家梅乾菜抹醬通過味蕾呈現微辛香, 非常搭配整道料理的鹹度. 芥菜綠醬, 黃色銀杏與燉煮白菜細絲增加賦予多層風味與風格.
Sweetbread is not bread nor rib. It is 3 ~ 6 months calf’s viscera. This particular ingredients often appears at Michelin French restaurants. However, you don’t usually taste the calf’s viscera at Taiwan French restaurants though. LOPFAIT chef uses Austrlian calf’s viscera. After cutting, both fats and extreme soft texture are lovely. The preserved mustard leaf sauce is a bit spicy, which enhances the salty flavor from the grilled sweetbread. The mustard green sauce, yellow ginkgo and stewed Chinese cabbage offer layers of flavors and characters.


白酒冰沙|蛋白餅 -Extra

White wine Slush|Meringue
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

這一道不在菜單上, 白酒冰沙的微酸讓客人在主餐前清味蕾.
This is not on the menu. The acidity from the white wine slush means to clear the tastebuds before Main Dish.


柴燒鹿肉|圓茄 | 紅玉

New Zealand Venison|Aubergine|Ruby Black Tea
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

柴燒鹿肉套餐為 NTD $3880, A5 和牛臀上蓋是 NTD $4680. 我選擇紐西蘭燻烤鹿肉套餐. 鹿肉料理常出現在歐洲餐廳, LOPFAIT 樂斐主廚 Josh 將紐西蘭鹿肩肉排炙烤, 再與迷迭香等其他草本香料煙燻, 打開盒子時, 煙燻香氣繚繞,  店員將約五分熟的鹿排置放於盤裡, 再將濃縮雞肝肉汁注入盤緣 ,一旁的圓茄看似蘑菇, 吃起來是微脆, 而不是印象中的軟爛茄子. 鹿肉藉著煙燻開始品嚐體驗, 鹿肉吃起來微嫩, 加上黑晶般的紅玉茶鹽點綴, 鹹度升級, 呈現更多野性風格, 葡萄甜果香風味中和了此道菜餚, 整體可以算是一個新體驗.
Venison Set is NTD $3880. A5 Wagyu Rump Cap Set is NTD $4680. I selected Venison Set. Venison always appears at European restaurant, but no in Taiwan. Medium venison is placed at the middle of plate. The condensed chicken liver sauce is poured around the plate. The Aubergine (eggplant) shape looks like mushroom. The texture is a bit crispy instead of mushy texture. The venison is a bit tender. With the black tea salt, the salty level increases. The grape sweet fruity flavor neutralizes the salty level. This particular dish offers an interesting  dining experience.



Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

看似小番茄的微脆外殼實際上是可可脂, 包裹著莓果風味 , 品嚐時, 綜合莓果風味蔓延至味蕾. 看似愛玉, 實際上是番茄澄清湯凍, 整道清爽程度高, 間接柔和了上一道偏重口味的鹿肉菜餚.
The tiny tomato appearance is actually cocoa butter. I can taste the various mixed berry flavor in the middle. The transparent frozen Consommé looks like Taiwanese Aiyu Jelly. Overall, it is quite refreshing.



Sweet Potato|Mikan | Longan
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

甜點外型符合秋冬風格的法式甜點, 切開後, 充滿香氣的蜂蜜戚風蛋糕與細緻地瓜泥風味意外地搭配, 龍眼乾冰淇淋滑順不錯吃, 楓葉造型實際上是用台灣米製作, 吃起來就如米餅,  整體是兼具賣相與口味的甜點,    我個人喜歡這道甜點的設計主題與風味.
The dessert appearance matches the autumn/winter french dessert. The honey chiffon cake and sweet potato cream matches unexpectedly. The longan ice cream is silk and delicious. The maple leafs are made with Taiwanese rice, which tastes a bit like rice cracker. I personally like the cake design style and flavor.


餐後甜點 – Extra

Dessert After Meal – Extra
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

此道不在菜單上, 而且是不定期更換, 李子塔上撒了些許金箔, 微酸甜讓上ㄧ道甜點的地瓜風味銳減, 看似檸檬外型的甜點讓我想起在 “Two Months Per Year “ 吃到的擬真水果造型, 可可脂外殼裡結合烏龍茶香氣與鳳梨風味, 很特別的品嚐經驗.
This dish is not on the menu and changes time to time. The plum tart has a bit of edible golden foil. A bit acidity and sweet neutralize the sweet potato flavor from last dish. The lemon style appearance is actually cocoa butter along with oolong Tea and pineapple flavor. It is quite a dining experience.

延伸閱讀: Two Months Per Year 》計畫 N 訪具有藝術美感的台北甜點蛋糕推薦



Drink After Meal

LOPFAIT 樂斐法式餐廳的餐後飲料可選擇咖啡或是茶, 我個人選桂花烏龍, 還不錯喝.
You can select Tea or Coffee. I selected Osmanthus oolong tea. It tastes quite good.


LOPFAIT Wine Pairing Menu⭐

Price: NTD $1380 +10% / 3 Glasses

目前 LOPFAIT 樂斐的 Wine Pairing Menu 是由餐廳侍酒師設計, 並沒有制式的酒單, 不定期更換, Wine Pairing Menu 價格為 NTD $1380 +10% , 數量為三杯酒.
LOPFAIT French restaurant wine pairing menu is designed by sommelier. The wines might change from time to time. Wine Pairing menu is NTD $1380/3 glasses.


香檳 Champagne

這次品飲的是 Jacques Lassaigne Les Vignes de Montgueux Blanc de Blancs Extra Brut, Jacques Lassaigne 是知名自然派香檳品牌, 100% Chardonnay ,氣泡細緻短暫, 酒體微飽滿, 可感受到適量酸度, 非常適合搭配海鮮類餐點 – 日本青魽與北海道鮭魚卵那兩道菜餚,
The first pairing wine is Jacques Lassaigne Les Vignes de Montgueux Blanc de Blancs Extra Brut. Jacques Lassaigne is famous organic Champagne brand. The champagne is 100% Chardonnay. The sparkling is thin. The wine body is medium. You can sense fair amount of acidity. It pairs quite well with seafood dishes – Hamachi and Ikura.


白酒 White Wine

這次品飲的是 Spottswoode Sauvignon Blanc 2019 美國加州葡萄酒, 酒體尾韻綿長, 味蕾可感受到檸檬, 葡萄柚與礦物質風味, 搭配白蘆筍與東石鮮蚵,
Spottswoode Sauvignon Blanc 2019 is from California. The wine aroma is long lasting. The tastebuds can sense lemon, grapedfruit and minerals. It pairs well with white asparagus and oyster.


紅酒 Red Wine

這次品飲的是 Envinate Taganan Tinto 西班牙紅酒, 建議先置放 5 ~ 10 分鐘, 單寧從微尖轉變成輕柔, 酒體偏輕, 味蕾可感受到李子與黑色莓果, 這支酒是搭配碳烤小牛胸腺與柴燒鹿肉.
Envinate Taganan Tinto is Spanish red wine. I would suggest to let it rest 5 ~ 10 minutes. The tannin would become soft. The tastebuds can sense the plum and black berries. This wine is to pair with grilled sweetbread and venison.


結論 Conclusion

許多人一定很好奇:「 MiraWan vs LOPFAIT 樂斐 」, MiraWan 風格歸類於 Casual Dining , 菜色是屬於大眾化 ;  LOPFAIT 樂斐風格是 Fine Dining, 菜色是法式料理套餐. 與其他台灣西式餐廳不同的地方是主廚採用台灣比較少見的高檔食材, 例如鹿肉,小牛胸腺, 檳榔花 …etc. LOPFAIT 樂斐主廚與甜點主廚也結合在台灣比較少見的歐式烹調方式, 例如番茄澄清湯凍, 擬真水果造型 …etc. LOPFAIT 樂斐的法式菜餚呈現感官與美感饗宴,  如果尚未吃過以上少見食材與烹調方式, LOPFAIT 樂斐2021 秋冬菜單可考慮一試.
Many people would be curious about “MiraWan vs LOPFAIT”. MiraWan restaurant is toward casual dining, which would be accepted by most people. LOPFAIT restaurant is Fine Dining with French cuisine. LOPFAIT chef uses high-end ingredients – sweetbread and venison. Both chef and pastry chef also use techniques that are often seen in European restaurants – consommé and replicate fruits. If you did not taste the above ingredients with unique cooking techniques yet, LOPFAIT restaurant 2021 Fall/Winter menu is worth the try.

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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LOPFAIT 樂斐法式餐廳資訊

LOPFAIT French Restaurant Information

店名: LOPFAIT 樂斐
地址: 台北市中山區敬業二路199號4樓 (Map)
捷運站: 劍南路捷運站
電話: 02-8502-5599

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lopfait.taiwan/
Restaurant: LOPFAIT Restaurant
Address: 4F, No. 199, Jingye 2nd Road, ZhongshanDistrict, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Jiannan Road MRT Station



