梁湯良湯 Leung Soup 》菜單裡的花膠雞煲湯火鍋令人想再訪

Last Updated on 2023-08-25 by Foodelicious

(2023. 8月 更新) 新開幕 梁湯良湯港式煲湯.鍋物 餐廳在我的台北火鍋推薦名單, 可先試喝菜單裡的三款天然食材湯頭 , 饕客們最喜歡金湯花膠雞湯鍋.
(2023. 8 Update) Leung Soup Restaurant is a Taipei new restaurant that offers Cantonese Style Broth Hot Pot. You can trial-taste three types of broths. Foodies love the Chicken Broth with Fish Maw.


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梁湯良湯 訂位

Leung Soup Restaurant Reservation

梁湯良湯港式煲湯.鍋物 地址是 台北市松山區八德路二段451巷1號, 位於小巨蛋捷運站與南京復興站中間 , 餐廳在台安醫院正對面的巷弄內, 餐廳外觀的全白裝潢非常明顯. 走進餐廳內, 右邊水族箱裡有新鮮水產. 兩側有高腳椅座位, 看似單人火鍋餐廳 , 實際上, 當天用餐也看到有人 Order 共鍋坐在中間的座位區. 梁湯良湯餐廳訂位是電話訂位 ( 02-2772-3838 ) .
Leung Soup Restaurant address is No. 1, 451th Lane, 2nd Section, Ba-de Road, Songshan District, Taipei City. It is in the middle of Taipei Arena MRT station and Nanjing Fuxing MRT station. The white restaurant design is quite obvious. At the right hand side, there are various fresh seafoods at the aquarium. There are high chair seating area. There are still some people order the hot pot to share and sit at the middle seating area. You will need to call to reserve ( 02-2772-3838 ).

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


梁湯良湯 Order SOP

Leung Soup Restaurant Order SOP

梁湯良湯餐廳讓客人先試喝菜單上的三款煲湯湯頭, 畢竟「 港式煲湯 」這個名詞對許多台灣人來說很陌生.

梁湯良湯 Order SOP
1. 入座後, 服務生會先大致介紹菜單
2. 再端上三款湯頭讓客人試喝 (圖一) , 從左至右是南瓜龍骨湯, 番茄鮮魚湯, 金湯花膠雞
3. 再選「 套餐 」的肉品或海鮮, 南瓜龍骨湯/番茄鮮魚湯二選一, 若選擇金湯花膠雞, 則是額外加價 + NTD $250 . 平日中午也有商業午餐.
4.菜單有單點項目, 也有 Daily Special 小黑板項目
5.點完就可以去拿醬料, 有常見的沙茶醬, 也有比較少見的蠔油

Leung Soup Restaurant will let the customers trial taste their three types of Cantonese Style Broth.

Order SOP
1. After seating, the server will introduce the menu.
2. The server will offer the trial-taste of three types of broths from the menu (Pic 1). From left to right is Pumpkin & Pork Broth , Tomato Fish Broth and Chicken Broth with Fish Maw.
3. Choose the Set – Meat or Seafood. Choose Pumpkin & Pork Broth or Tomato Fish Broth. You can pay extra + NTD $250 for Chicken Broth with Fish Raw. They also have Weekday Business Lunch Set.
4. You can also order single dish and they have Daily Special too.
5. After ordering, you can take the sauce from the counter.

延伸閱讀: 南京復興站美食推薦 》Nanjing Fuxing Restaurant Recommendation

延伸閱讀: 台北粵菜餐廳 & 港式飲茶 懶人包 》Cantonese Restaurants in Taipei Guide


梁湯良湯 – 湯頭介紹

Leung Soup Restaurant – Broth Introduction

煲湯是港澳地區常見的菜餚, 梁湯良湯餐廳菜單上的「 三款港式煲湯 」皆沒有中藥材, 不僅採用天然食材, 也費時費工熬煮數小時. 梁湯良湯的火鍋是小鍋, 很適合單人吃或是跟小孩共鍋 加湯 ( Refill ) 則是加高湯, 也可加價追加這三款煲湯湯頭.
Leung Soup Restaurant Menu has three types of Cantonese Broths. All of them do not have Chinese medicine. They only use natural ingredients and stew for hours. The size of the pot is small, which is suitable for one person or share with kids. Refill is to add clear regular broth. You can also pay extra for the flavored broth.



Pumpkin & Pork Broth

煲湯常見食材是龍骨, 也就是豬的背脊骨, 梁湯良湯的南瓜龍骨湯並不會像西式南瓜濃湯般濃稠, 湯頭過濾後的清澈讓味蕾可以感受到微量南瓜風味, 煲湯食材裡也有胡蘿蔔與玉米. 我相信喜歡喝蔬菜湯會喜歡這一款湯頭.
The pork spine bone is one of the important ingredients in Cantonese Style Broths. The pumpkin soup is not as thick as in Western cuisine. The tastebuds can sense the hints of pumpkin flavor after tasting the filtered pumpkin soup. It also has vegetables and corns as ingredients. I believe that people who like vegetable soup will like this broth.



Tomato Fish Broth

這款煲湯火鍋用整隻魚熬煮 3 ~ 4 小時 .  主角番茄的香氣與微酸甜風味串連, 沒有多餘的香料, Serve 的湯頭有過濾且沒有魚肉, 湯頭可以安心喝.
The restaurant uses a whole fish to stew for 3 ~ 4 hours.  In this soup , the tomato aroma appears obvious along with small amount of acidity and sweet. There aren’t extra spices. The soup is filtered and served without fish meat.



Chicken Broth with Fish Maw

我在台北喝到的花膠雞湯都是在台北高級餐廳 – 例如 “聚苑 ” 與 “請客樓” , 沒想到可以在梁湯良湯餐廳喝到單人 Size 的花膠雞湯, 而且煲湯裡有真材實料的魚肚花膠. 濃郁雞香風味, 微黏口令人著迷, 一口接著一口入喉, 即使 Refill 加高湯也不失飽滿風味. 點這款金湯花膠雞湯會附一盤紹興酒香雞腿, 建議最後再放進去煲湯煮. 我是個愛喝雞湯的人,我會推薦點金湯花膠雞湯作為火鍋湯底.
I only taste Chicken Broth with Fish Maw at Taipei High-End restaurant , such as at “Ju Yuan” and “Guest House”. I didnt expect to taste one-person size chicken broth with actual fish maw in this restaurant. The broth is thick but not oily. The fish maw adds more density into the broth. Even the refill with regular broth doesn’t decrease its delicious level. This broth also comes with a dish of chicken thigh meat marinated with Shaoxing Wine. I would suggest to cook the chicken at last though. I am a chicken broth lover. I would definitely recommend this Chicken Broth with Fish Maw.

延伸閱讀: 聚苑 Ju Yuan 》關於這家台北無菜單料理餐廳的五個重點

延伸閱讀: The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)


梁湯良湯菜單 – 套餐

Leung Soup Restaurant Menu Content

美國 Prime 牛小排拼盤套餐

USDA Prime Beef Ribs Plate
Price: NTD $1090
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

套餐皆是搭配南瓜龍骨湯或番茄鮮魚湯, 若套餐要搭配金湯花膠雞湯, 則是再加價 NTD $250 . 美國 Prime 等級牛小排拼盤有牛小排薄片, 骰子牛, 與手切厚片牛小排, 值得一提的是“薄”肉片比預期地厚, 骰子牛需要 4 ~ 5 分鐘煮, 薄片與厚片牛小排的最佳熟度是 5 分熟, 我最喜歡的是手切厚片牛小排 (圖二). 即使在花膠雞湯裡涮, 牛肉也維持著經典的濃郁肉香風味, 我個人會推薦點這款牛小排拼盤搭配金湯花膠雞湯, 再加上雞湯附的紹興酒香雞腿, 會吃得很飽.
You can choose Pumpkin & Pork Soup or Tomato Fish Soup for the set. If you want to choose the chicken broth, you only need to add extra NTD $250. The Beef Ribs plate includes thin rib slice, rib dice, and thick rib slice. The rib dice will need 4 ~ 5 minutes to cook. It is best to cook the thick slice and thin slice for medium-rare texture. I prefer the thick rib slice (Pic 2). The classic meaty flavor and aroma remain even cooking in the chicken broth. I would recommend to order this plate pairing with the chicken broth.

延伸閱讀: 台北火鍋推薦懶人包 (分區) 》TAIPEI HOT POT GUIDE (By District)



Daily Fish
Price: 時價 Present Price
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

小黑板會標註當日鮮魚的時價, 那天我吃的魚是 “黃雞魚” ( NTD $680) , 這種 Display 在喜宴才會看到. 整條魚有著厚實的魚片, 煮的魚片不輕易散落, 且油潤偏嫩,  有些微細的魚刺, 我三款湯頭都有試著搭配, 我會建議搭配番茄鮮魚湯, 如果喜歡吃魚肉, 可以考慮點.
Daily Special price is at black board. I tried the Striped Grant Fish (NTD $680 ) . You can only see this type of beautiful display at the wedding. The thick fish slice is not easy to break apart. There are some tiny fish bones though. I tried to pair the fish with three types of broths. The Tomato Fish soup is best match.



Boston Lobster
Price: 時價 Present Price
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

梁湯良湯港式煲湯.鍋物 餐廳也有販售波士頓龍蝦, 當天的時價是 NTD $880.
Chinesipsoup Restaurant also offers Boston Lobster. The market price is NTD $880.


梁湯良湯 – 套餐配菜

Leung Soup Restaurant – Set Side Dish

套餐配餐內容有綜合菜盤, 澱粉三選一, 與港式甜湯. 綜合菜盤的份量很多, 也有少見且好吃的頂級花枝漿, 還有鈴鈴捲 (炸豆皮), 寬冬粉/烏龍麵/白飯 三選一, 桃膠甜湯作為 Ending 也很特別.
The set content includes mixed vegetable plate, starch, and Cantonese sweet soup. There are large amount of mixed plate, includes rare and delicious squid paste. There are also fried tofu sheet. You can pick one out of glass noodles, udon or rice. Tasting Cantonese sweet soup at the end is also special.


梁湯良湯 – 單點

Leung Soup Restaurant – Single Dish


Juicy Beef Meatball
Price: NTD $60
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

梁湯良湯的套餐份量頗多, 應該會吃得飽. 若食量大或是初訪想要跟朋友共鍋, 建議也可以點單點菜品來填飽肚子. 如果點爆汁牛肉丸, 建議先放進煲湯火鍋煮久一點, 吃起來才會有爆汁口感, 不錯吃.
Honestly, you can definitely fulfill the appetite by eating the set menu. If you have large appetite or decide to share with friends, you can order single dish as well. This beef meatball is juicy and delicious after cooking in the broth for a long time.




Tainan Fish Meatball
Price: NTD $60
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

很少在台北餐廳可以吃到台南的浮水魚丸, 有些魚漿還有新鮮魚肉, 微鮮甜, 如果沒吃過浮水魚丸, 可以點來試試, 搭配花膠雞湯沒問題.
You don’t usually eat Tainan Fish meatball at Taipei restaurants. Some fish paste has actual fish meat in it, which has a bit of umami. If you never try this type of fish meatball, you can order to try. It can pair with the chicken broth.


梁湯良湯 – 單杯紅白酒

Single Glass of Red Wine and White Wine
Price: NTD $90/Glass
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

單杯酒價格才 NTD $90. 而且並不會像普通的 House Wine , 店員特別介紹這是大倉久和的指定葡萄酒. 我個人比較喜歡這款智利白酒.
The single glass wine is only NTD $90. It is not like the regular House Wine. The staff also mentioned that those two wines are appointed by The Okura Prestige Taipei. I personally prefer the Chile white wine.


結論 – Conclusion⭐

我必須說「 梁湯良湯港式煲湯.鍋物 」比預期地好, 推薦給你們的理由如下:

梁湯良湯有三款湯頭 – 南瓜龍骨湯 , 番茄鮮魚湯與金湯花膠雞湯.我會推薦金湯花膠雞湯, 單人份的魚肚花膠雞湯煲湯不常見, 重點是Refill 加高湯後的雞湯也是非常好喝, 另附一盤紹興酒香雞腿

推薦點 USDA Prime 美國牛小排拼盤套餐
平日中午有商業午餐, 但是牛小排沒有在商午菜單. 別擔心, 午餐時段也是可以點美國牛小排拼盤套餐, 套餐額外加價 NTD $250 就可以搭配金湯花膠雞湯.

內容有不錯吃的花枝漿與鈴鈴捲 (炸豆皮). 套餐份量吃得飽, 也可選擇加價共鍋分享.

單杯紅白酒價格平價, 才 NTD $90/杯


I have to say that Leung Soup restaurant is better than expected. There are a few reasons that I recommend:

You can trial-taste three types of broth
The restaurant has three types of broths – Pumpkin & Pork Broth, Tomato Fish Broth, and Chicken Broth with Fish Maw. I would recommend the chicken broth because it is not easy to taste small size chicken broth with fish maw. The soup is delicious even after refilling with regular broth.  And it comes with one small plate of chicken thigh marinated with Shaoxing Wine

Recommend to order USDA Prime Rib Plate
They have business lunch set, but prime rib is not at the business lunch menu. But, no worries, you can still order the USDA Primate Rib Plate Set menu during lunch time. You can add extra NTD $250 to pair with the chicken broth.

Large Quantity of Set Content
Set has delicious squid paste and fried tofu sheet. The quantity is large enough to fulfill the appetite. You can also choose to add extra single dishes to share with your friends.

Single Glass of White Wines and Red Wines are price-friendly. The price is only NTD $90/glass


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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梁湯良湯 資訊

Leung Soup Restaurant Information

店名: 梁湯良湯港式煲湯.鍋物
地址: 台北市松山區八德路二段451巷1號 (Map)
捷運站: 南京復興 或 小巨蛋站
電話: 02-2772-3838
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087664532437&mibextid=LQQJ4d
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leungsoup/
Restaurant: Leung Soup Restaurant
Address: No. 1, 451th Lane, 2 Section, Ba-De Road, Songshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Nanjing Fuxing or Taipei Arena MRT Station
Tel: 02-2772-3838



Menu Link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.119147354350749&type=3&mibextid=ncKXMA



