Le Comptoir 康拓洋行起司吧 》推薦內用各種特別的起司搭葡萄酒

Last Updated on 2022-11-07 by Foodelicious

新北市哪裡可以買起司?  新開幕 Le Comptoir 康拓洋行是一家可內用的板橋起司吧, 康拓洋行起司吧菜單有起司鍋, 起司火腿拼盤, 葡萄酒, 與法式輕食.
Where can you buy cheese at New Taipei City? Newly-opened Le Comptoir is a dine-in Cheese Bar at Banqiao District. Le Comptoir Menu has various Cheese & Ham Plate, Melted Fondue , Wine, and Light Meal.

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關於 Le Comptoir 康拓洋行

About Le Comptoir

康拓洋行位於新北市板橋區文化路二段109-2號, 離新埔站5號出口約 5 分鐘路程, 康拓洋行 是 Somm Spirit’D 侍酒魂酒類代理商創立的品牌, 一樓有販售各類法國起司, 台灣製火腿, 法國葡萄酒與其他法國進口食品. 老闆是法國人, 店裡有會講中英文的店員, 懂起司與葡萄酒相關知識.
Le Comptoir is located at No. 109-2, 2nd Section, Wenhua Road, Banqiao District , New Taipei City. It is about 5 minutes walking distance from Xinpu MRT station Exit 5. Le Comptoir brand is created by Somm Spirit’D Company, which is a wine importer company. They offer various French Cheese, Made in Taiwan Hams, French Wines, and other French imported Food. Several staffs can speak both Chinese and English. They are both familiar with Cheese and Wine knowledge.

Le Comptoir 康拓洋行 Website: https://www.taiwansommspiritd.com



Le Comptoir Reservation & Parking

最特別的是戶外座位, 可坐4 ~ 5人左右, 頗有歐洲風格. 一樓有L型吧台座位, 可坐 6 人左右, 我個人建議坐 2 ~ 4 人會比較舒適. 二樓內用空間很大, 有沙發區, 中間也有長桌適合 6 ~8 人. 消費金額NTD $800 以上可刷卡, 康拓洋行訂位可打電話 (02- 2254-2375 ), 附近也有停車場.
The most special part would be the European Style outdoor seating area, which can fit about 4 ~ 5 people. There is a L Shape Bar seating area, which can fit 6 people. 2nd Floor dining area is quite large, which has the sofa area and a long table. You can use the credit when the invoice value exceeds NTD $800. You will need to call to reserve seats (02-2254-2375 )


2022.11月 康拓洋行菜單 ⭐

2022.November Le Comptoir Menu


康拓洋行菜單 – 起司

Le Comptoir Menu – Cheese

因為有很多不同類型的起司, 可直接給店員預算, 讓他們幫你搭配, 成為客製化起司拼盤. 康拓洋行公司空運進口起司時都是原裝進口, 體積偏大, 為了台灣消費者喜歡嚐鮮, 特別分切成小 Size , 再用真空包裝保存起司香氣.
Because there are various cheeses, you can let the staff know your budget. So, the staff can put together your favorite or new cheese for you to become the custom-made Cheese Plate. Le Comptoir air-ships the cheese in original package, which the size is a bit large. They cut and vacuumed package the cheese in smaller pieces to reserve the aroma and flavor for Taiwanese consumers.



Custom Made Cheese Plate
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

此款拼盤可以 2 ~ 3 人分享
This Cheese plate is for 2 ~ 3 people to share.



Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

整個 200g IGP頂級松露布里亞薩瓦蘭起司 (圖二) 是 NTD $850. 這一款是近期我吃到最奢華的法國進口起司, 產地為法國勃根地出產, 圖片裡的三倍乳脂起司如同冰淇淋般誘人, 那一層義大利夏季黑松露緊附著在起司夾層, 幾乎每一口都可以品嘗到微量黑松露風味, 不會搶走滑順起司奶香風味. 我完全沒有想到會在Le Comptoir 康拓洋行起司吧吃到松露起司, 不錯的品嚐經驗
200g TRUFFLE ROYAL BRILLAT SAVARIN BY A.HESS (Pic 2) is NTD $850. This is probably the most luxurious French cheese that I have tasted lately. The origin of this cheese is Burgundy. The triple cream soft cheese is as attractive as the ice cream. The black slim line in between is Italian Black Truffle. You can taste small amount of black truffle flavor. It won’t take over the creamy milky flavors from the cheese. It is unexpected to taste the black truffle cheese at Le Comptoir.



Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

Le Comptoir 康拓洋行的起司 “乳源” 來自世界各地, 大部分的起司熟成與製造皆是在法國完成. 這一款 250g 義大利水牛乳卡門貝爾起司 (圖二) 是 NTD $540. 店員將核桃碎末與少量洋蔥碎末灑在起司外層, 核桃與水牛起司是恰到好處的組合, 我個人喜歡這一款有著絲滑口感且不會過於濃郁的起司.
The “milk” origin is from world wide. Most cheeses are aged and made at France. 250g CAMEMBERT DI BUFALA (BUFFALO MILK) (Pic 2) is NTD $540. The staff spreads small amount of walnut and minced onion on the cheese appearance. Walnut and Buffalo Cheese is a great combination. I personally like the silky texture with fair amount of rich cheese flavor.



Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

一款 250g 普利尼聖皮耶爾山羊起司 (圖3) 是 NTD $755, 金字塔外型頗為特別. 店員提到此款起司是來自法國知名山羊起司製造區- 羅亞爾河谷, 建議用刀切開分享, 山羊起司本來風味就偏濃郁, 但是這一款起司有榛果風味, 整體品嚐經驗蠻特別.
250 g POULIGNY SAINT PIERRE FERMIER – FERME DES CABRIOLES (FARMHOUSE) Pic 3 is NTD $755. The shape is similar with pyramid. This particular goat cheese is from the famous goat cheese area at Loire Valley, France. The goat cheese flavor is thick as usual. However, this cheese has walnut flavor, which makes this tasting experience quite special.


荷蘭 PGI 老高達24個月起司

Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

許多台灣饕客都吃過普通的高達起司, 這一款是更特別的熟成 +24個月高達起司,結合起司與微焦糖風味. 100g 價格是 NTD $265.
Many Taiwanese foodie has experience tasting regular gouda. This cheese is aged 24+ months Gouda cheese. Cheese flavor is thicker along with light caramel flavor. 100g of this cheese is NTD $265.


熟成 12 個月法國起司

Aged 12 Months French Cheese
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

I prefer other cheeses in this Cheese Plate.



Around France – Cheese Plate for 4 people
Price: NTD $990
Foodelicious: N/A

此款拼盤是 “環遊法國冠軍起司拼盤- 四人份” , 這張照片是 Le Comptoir 康拓洋行提供, 我不是吃這一款, 我是吃客製化起司拼盤
This picture is provided by Le Comptoir. This particular cheese plate is for 4 people to share. I tried out the custom-made cheese plate instead of this one.

** This picture is provided by Le Comptoir


康拓洋行菜單 – 火腿

Le Comptoir Menu – Ham


Custom Made Ham Plate
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

火腿拼盤也可以客製, 此款拼盤有法式起司臘腸, 瑞士博洛尼雅火腿, 義大利風味冷燻大里肌. 豬肉皆是採用台灣豬肉, 我個人最喜歡法式起司臘腸 (圖二) .
You can also have custom-made Ham plate. This Plate has SAUCISSON CHEESE, BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, and SMOKED PORK LOIN LONZINO. They use Taiwanese pork. I personally like the Saucisson Cheese.


康拓洋行菜單 – 輕食

Le Comptoir Menu – Light Meal


Alpine Panini
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

熱騰騰且酥脆的帕尼尼端上桌 , 我蠻喜歡拉可雷起司搭配法國里昂火腿, 味蕾可感受到來自芥末醬與酸瓜多樣風味.
Hot and crispy Panini is served! I like the combination with Raclette Cheese and Lyon Sausage. The tastebuds can also sense the pickles and Dijon mustard, which adds more layers of flavors.



Truffle Croissant
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

店員提到康拓洋行的可頌皆是在店裡直接”烘烤可頌麵團” , 而不是在其他麵包店先烤好再運到店裡. 如白花瓣般的起司是修士頭起司 ( Tête de moine ) , 有著濃醇起司風味, 很適合搭配法式白火腿與菌菇香氣頗重的黑松露蘑菇醬, 可頌的酥脆口感更是加分.
The staff mentioned that they “bake the croissant dough” at Le Comptoir store. It is not pre-bake at other bakeries and deliver. The flower pedal shape cheese is Tête de moine, which has thick cheese flavor. It is suitable pairing with Jamon Blanc and Black Truffle Tartufata. The crispy texture of croissant is a selling point too.



Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

熱壓帕尼尼夾層裡有哈魯米起司, 番茄, 與青醬. 我個人是比較喜歡上一款阿爾卑斯山帕尼尼.
There are grilled Halloumi, tomatoes, Pesto inside Ciabatta Bread. I prefer the Alpine Panini though.




Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

烤酸種麵包片上置放法國維科斯藍紋起司, 核桃與適量蜂蜜加以點綴, 組合很特別, 不錯吃.
The staff places the Bleu du Vercors on the Toasted Sourdough Bread. The walnut and fair amount of honey makes the tasting experience better and more special.


康拓洋行 – 葡萄酒

Le Comptoir – Wine

IGP Vaucluse “Tire-Bouchon” Rouge

Le Comptoir 康拓洋行的葡萄酒皆是 Somm Spirit’D 侍酒魂代理 , 尚未販售單杯酒. 這一支酒是店員挑選, IGP Vaucluse “Tire-Bouchon” Rouge 來自法國隆河谷地的 Domaine D’ourea 酒莊, 這一支紅葡萄酒是自然酒, 並沒有台灣人害怕的酵母味道, 反倒有著適量花香, 最明顯的是櫻桃與野草莓風味, 葡萄酒品種有 50% Grenache, 10% Syrah, 20% Carignan, 10% Aramon, 10% Oeillades. 不錯喝.
Wines at Le Comptoir store are imported by Somm Spirit’D company. They do not offer the single glass wine. This red wine, IGP Vaucluse “Tire-Bouchon” Rouge , is selected by the staff. This is a natural wine but without odd and yeast aroma. This red wine actually has fair amount of floral aroma. The most obvious flavors would be cherry and strawberry. The grapes types include 50% Grenache, 10% Syrah, 20% Carignan, 10% Aramon, 10% Oeillades. Overall, the wine is a good choice.

警語: 禁止酒駕, 未滿十八歲, 禁止飲酒, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. People under 18 years old are prohibited to drink alcohols. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health


結論 & 讀者專屬優惠 

Conclusion & Readers’ Exclusive Discount 

Le Comptoir 康拓洋行除了有販售起司與酒之外, 還可以內用, 有戶外座位也有二樓寬敞座位區

✅ 建議訂位
如果天氣好, 可以訂位坐在戶外, 建議 2 ~ 4 人來即可, 當然你一人也可以自己來
✅ 有菜單, 我建議客製化起司盤會比較特別
Le Comptoir 的起司在超市與大賣場通路買不到,  來店面可以品嚐到多款特別的起司. 內用時, 先與朋友討論喜歡哪一種起司, 給店員預算, 讓他們幫你們配起司拼盤, 我這次吃到的松露布里亞薩瓦蘭起司與義大利水牛乳卡門貝爾起司很不錯, 但是我不確定這兩款起司是不是限量.

✅ 也可以客製化火腿拼盤
因為有些起司是軟質起司, 我個人是建議火腿與起司拼盤分開放
✅ 建議搭酒
Le Comptoir 康拓洋行是 Somm Spirit’D 侍酒魂酒商創立的品牌, 店員也有 Pairing 的專業知識, 可直接詢問起司要搭配哪款酒比較適合, 目前尚未販售單杯酒


🔥讀者專屬優惠: 只要「 電話訂位 02- 2254-2375 」說是「娜姐文章的讀者 」 , 就能享內用九折優惠, 不與其他折扣併用
期限: 1/31/2023
🔥Readers’ Exclusive Discount: Whenreserving seats via phone call 02- 2254-2375 , please notify that you are「  Foodelicious Tina Article Reader 」.  You will have 10% Off for the Dine-In Invoice value. The exclusive discount cannot be combined with other discounts
Exclusive Discounts Ends on: 1/31/2023


Besides selling cheese and wines, You can also dine in Le Comptoir store. They have outdoor seating area and 2F large seating area.

✅ Suggest to reserve seats
If the weather is sunny, you can reserve to sit outdoors. I would suggest 2 ~ 4 people. And of course, you can come alone.
✅ They have menu. I will suggest custom-made cheese plate since it is more special
Le Comptoir cheeses are not sold at retail sales channel. At the store, you can find various and special cheese. You can discuss with friends which cheese you guys like. You tell the staff about your budget and ask them to select the cheese for the custom-made plate. I like TRUFFLE ROYAL BRILLAT SAVARIN BY A.HESS and CAMEMBERT DI BUFALA (BUFFALO MILK). I am not sure if those two cheeses are limited quantity

✅ You can also custom made the ham plate
Since some cheeses is soft cheese, I would suggest to place hams in another plate.
✅ Pairing with Wine
Le Comptoir Store is created Somm Spirit’D Company, which is a wine importer company. The staff also have professional pairing knowledge. You can ask them about the pairing suggestion. They not yet offer single glass wine.

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Le Comptoir 康拓洋行 資訊

Le Comptoir Information

店名: Le Comptoir 康拓洋行
地址: 新北市板橋區文化路二段109-2號 (Map)
捷運站: 新埔捷運站
電話: 02-2254-2375

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lecomptoir.tw
Website: https://www.taiwansommspiritd.com

Restaurant: Le Comptoir
Address: No. 109-2, 2nd Section, Wenhua Road, Banqiao District , New Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Xinpu MRT station
Tel: 02-2254-2375




