花滔廚房 La Cucina di Flora 》南京東路巷弄美食餐廳推薦
Last Updated on 2019-02-24 by Foodelicious
花滔廚房 ( La Cucina di Flora ) 是台北小巨蛋義大利餐廳, 目前花滔廚房義大利餐廳在我的小巨蛋捷運美食推薦名單裡
La Cucina di Flora Italian Restaurant is one of the restaurants near Taipei Arena. It is also on my Taipei Arena MRT restaurant recommendation list.
花滔廚房菜單在文末 La Cucina di Flora Menu is at the end of article
花滔廚房義大利餐廳在 2018 年新開幕, 只是默默地在巷弄內經營, 並沒有任何行銷媒體曝光. 寫著商業午餐的小黑板擺放在餐廳外面, 店家用少數葡萄酒瓶一字排開作為裝飾, 有趣的是餐廳目前並沒有販售葡萄酒, 卻可以帶酒去喝只收酒杯清潔費 (NTD $70), 也辦過品酒會. 走進暖黃色空間裡, 第一印象就像“A.B House 義式私房料理” 給我的感覺, 也就是 “朋友家“. 座位不多, 比較適合小家庭聚餐. 餐廳內與 “OZ Bistro“ 一樣有展示櫃, 產品包括在復興北路 “Belini Cafe” 才看得到的知名 De Cecco 義大利麵條品牌, 入座時, 很難想像花滔廚房已跟高級 “DOMANI 義式餐廳”一樣都先擺好叉子湯匙和刀, 店員親切遞上菜單, 先看到商業午餐(附飲料) 相當便宜, 再看花滔廚房單點價格, 比台北東區便宜相當多, 於是決定單點.
La Cucina di Flora Italian Restaurant a 2018 newly-opened restaurant. It doesn’t have any media exposure. The little black board, which is stated the business lunch, is placed outside of the restaurant. They also use wine bottles as parts of the restaurant decoration. Interesting enough , they didn’t offer wines but allow people to bring wines to drink. The glass cleaning charge would be NTD $70/glass. The first impression of this warm yellow restaurant space is similar with “A.B. House Italian Restaurant” , which is quite friendly. La Cucina di Flora Italian Restaurant also has display shelf, just like at “OZ Bistro”. It is also surprisingly that the staff placed the utensils (fork, knife, spoon) on the table prior, just like at the high-end “Domani Italian Restaurant”. The price of the business lunch is price reasonable, and so are the single dishes. So, this time, I decide to order single dishes.
延伸閱讀: A.B House 義式私房料理 》台北永康街義大利餐廳推薦
延伸閱讀: OZ Cafe & Bistro 》台北信義區美食推薦 | 巷弄內餐點與甜點出乎意料地精采
延伸閱讀: DOMANI 義式餐廳 》 台北大安區義大利美食 | 新開幕 | Italian Restaurant
Deep Fried Anchovies and Eggplant Balls
Price: NTD $120
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
其實我本來想點在”微巷義大利小餐館“吃的南歐炸丸子, 但因為缺貨,花滔廚房店員告知綜合炸海鮮和自製黑豬肉熟火腿也相當受歡迎, 我最後決定點茄丸裹鯷魚. 一顆丸子平均 NTD $20. 花滔廚房丸子Size不大, 咬一口時有令人心動的ㄎㄠˇ一聲, 酥脆口感卻不油膩, 雖然丸子是茄子混合鯷魚, 濃郁馬茲瑞拉起司內餡基本上蓋過鯷魚風味, 我會推薦給喜歡吃起司球的人, 建議兩人分享.
I was going to order the croquettes because I simply miss the croquettes that I ate at “Vicolo Trattoria”. But, sadly, they don’t have the dish at the moment. La Cucina di Flora Italian Restaurant staff mentioned that the fried seafood and the homemade pork ham dishes are also popular. So, I decide to order deep fried anchovies and eggplant balls. The average price of each ball is NTD $20. The size is a small but very crispy. Even though the meatballs are mixed with anchovies and eggplants, the mozzarella cheese filling covers all other flavors. I would recommend this dish to people who likes cheese balls.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
Homemade Ravioli
Price: NTD $360
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
花滔廚房菜單上顯示手工義大利餃子是時價, 而且內餡會不定時更改, 這次手工義大利餃子內餡是鴨肉馬鈴薯. 手工義大利餃子共有十個, 平均價格是 NTD $36, 比台北東區義大利餐廳便宜許多. 這道義大利餃子的形狀並不是常見的正方形, 餃子皮硬度適量, 程度可稱作為 al dente, 微鼓內餡大部分都是馬鈴薯的沙沙口感, 鴨肉內餡並沒有多餘存在感, 幸虧廚房有將鹹香肉醬與起司放置於餃子上方, 增加鴨肉風味卻不會過膩與過鹹. 我個人蠻推薦這一道料理, 但是前提是你可以接受沙沙口感馬鈴薯泥內餡.
La Cucina di Flora Italian Restaurant menu stated that the Homemade Ravioli price may vary. The main reason would be the filling changes from time to time. This time, my ravioli filling is duck meat with potato. There are 10 homemade raviolis, which the average price is NTD $36. It is cheaper than most of the Italian restaurants at Taipei East District (ok, maybe all). The ravioli texture is al dente. The mash potato filling covers most of the duck meat flavor and texture. However, the chef places fair amount of the duck meat and cheese on the top of the raviolis. The whole dish becomes full of meaty flavor and aroma. But, it is not overly too salty, which is great and tasty! I would definitely recommend this dish only if you can accept the mash potato filling.
ღ 台北義大利餐廳 Taipei Italian Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 台北義大利餐廳列表 》Taipei Italian Restaurant
延伸閱讀: 台北義式餐廳推薦名單 (分區) 》 Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommendation
Price: NTD $110
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
花滔廚房其中一位老闆是甜點師傅, 雖然已經吃飽, 但還是要點一份著名的西西里冰糕來吃, 西西里冰糕如名就是雪糕, 口感類似冰凍後的慕斯, 店家再發揮巧思加上焦糖堅果,連同微甜雪糕入口, 滿滿堅果香氣與風味令人滿意地一口接一口, 我個人相當喜歡!
One of the owners is pastry chef. Even though I am full, I still insist to order the famous Semifreddo. The texture is similar with frozen ice cream mousse. Eating the semifredo with the caramel hazelnuts is tasty. I personally love the full amount of the nutty flavor.
餐廳:花滔廚房 La Cucina di Flora
地址: 台北市松山區光復北路120巷31號 (Map)
捷運站: 小巨蛋捷運站
電話: 02-2577-2445
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lacucinadiflora/
Restaurant: La Cucina di Flora
Address: No. 31, 120th Lane, Guangfu North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City ( (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Taipei Arena MRT station
Tel: 02-2577-2445
Operation Hour: Check Facebook
花滔廚房菜單 》La Cucina di Flora Menu