布夫 La Bonne Bouffe 》綜合瑞士起司盤值得點 (內有菜單)
Last Updated on 2023-12-02 by Foodelicious
瑞士起司美食哪裡買? 二訪搬家後的 布夫歐式私房菜 La Bonne Bouffe 是台北瑞士起司專賣店, 也可內用, 布夫瑞士起司鍋最受歡迎, 這次則是品嚐內用菜單上的綜合瑞士起司盤與輕食.
Where to buy Swiss Cheese and Swiss Food in Taipei? La Bonne Bouffe moved to a new location. At my 2nd visit, I tried their Swiss Cheese Platter and light food instead of their Cheese Fondue on the menu. They also offer Swiss Cheese to purchase at the store.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
布夫 歐式私房菜 訂位
La Bonne Bouffe Reservation
布夫 La Bonne Bouffe 搬至大安區, 地址是台北市大安區仁愛路四段408巷13號, 離國父紀念館捷運站二號出口約 5 ~ 8 分鐘路程. 巷弄內的店面裝潢頗具有特色, 窗邊的瑞士 AOP 葛瑞爾乳酪 ( Gruyère ) 模型更是令人難忘.除了內用外, 客人也可直接在店面買各類起司與其他產品. 布夫訂位是用inline的方式 ( https://inline.app/booking/-NfsteBEFKkEw3-8pLYe:inline-live-3/bouffetw )
La Bonne Bouffe moved to Da’an District. The address is No. 13, 408 th Lane, Section 4, Renai Road, Taipei City. It is about 5 ~ 8 minutes walking distance from SYS Memorial Hall MRT station Exit 2. The large Gruyère cheese model near the window is quite impressive. Besides dining-in, the customers can purchase cheeses or other products at the store. You can reserve seats via inline ( https://inline.app/booking/-NfsteBEFKkEw3-8pLYe:inline-live-3/bouffetw )
延伸閱讀: First Visit 》布夫 歐式私房菜 La Bonne Bouffe
布夫 歐式私房菜二樓
La Bonne Bouffe 2F
店面有兩層樓,二樓適合團體聚會或是品酒會之類. 樓梯旁的牆壁畫著關於瑞士的場景, 是著名的馬特洪峰與製造乳酪的元素 – 牛與製造搬運起司的人, 右上角則是代表瑞士葛瑞耶爾起司 ( Gruyère ) 紋章上的鶴.
The restaurant store has two floors. The 2nd floor is suitable for group gathering or wine tasting event. The wall art is painted with the elements related to Swiss cheese, which include Matterhorn , cow and cheese maker & movers. At the upper right hand corner, there is also a crane that represents Gruyère cheese.
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
關於 布夫 歐式私房菜
About La Bonne Bouffe
布夫 歐式私房菜其中一位老闆( Damien Kaeser ) 是瑞士籍. 布夫是少數”專賣瑞士乳酪”的台北店面,只進口瑞士乳酪, 經營模式是可以內用, 也可以直接買食材. 布夫是 瑞士 AOP 1655 冠軍葛瑞耶爾乳酪( Gruyère 1655 AOP) 的獨家代理商 , 布夫在台灣打造專門儲存乳酪的恆溫恆濕儲藏室, 自製瑞士各地特色香腸與熟成室.
One of the La Bonne Bouffe owners Damien Kaeser is from Switzerland. La Bonne Bouffe is a Taipei restaurant/shop that only offers Swiss Cheese. You can dine-in or purchase cheese ingredients. La Bonne Bouffe is the official distributor of Fromage Gruyere SA in Taiwan.They also build a climate-controlled room for cheese storage. They also make their own Swiss sausages and build an aged room for the meats.
布夫瑞士起司拼盤 Review
La Bonne Bouffe Swiss Cheese Platter Review
✅ 12 種瑞士起司口味 = NTD $150 (圖一)
✅ 3 種瑞士起司口味 = NTD $320 (每款起司皆是 8 ~ 9 pcs )
✅ 增加一個瑞士起司口味 / NTD $100
備註: 初訪建議直接選12 種口味綜合起司拼盤, 一整盤價格 NTD $150, 非常超值.✅ 12 pieces of different Swiss Cheese flavors = NTD $150 (Pic 1)
✅ 3 types of Swiss Cheese flavor = NTD $320 (Each cheese is 8 ~ 9 small pieces)
✅ Add one more Swiss Cheese flavor means add NTD $100
Remark: I would suggest to order 12 pieces of different flavors Cheese Platter at your first visit. The price is only NTD $150, which is very price-worthy.
瑞士文森草堡乾酪 Wiesenzauber
觀察到這一款進口瑞士乳酪有綠色草本碎末, 網路上提到是來自瑞士高山的草本植物, 淡雅草本香氣頗特別, 可搭配濃郁的起司香.
You can see the tiny green herbs on this imported Swiss Cheese. The website stated that the herb is from Swiss Mountain. The herbal note is delightful and interplay wells with the cheese flavor.
葛瑞耶爾起司系列 Gruyère Series (2-4)
葛瑞耶爾起司 ( Gruyère )是瑞士最具代表性的乳酪之一, 也有AOP原產地名稱保護. 布夫 La Bonne Bouffe 與 格魯耶爾 La Gruyères地區 最大的生產商合作, 並取得 AOP 1655 冠軍葛瑞耶爾乳酪台灣獨家代理, 店內總共有三種不同的葛瑞耶爾起司可以做比較, 有點類似葡萄酒的垂直品飲概念. 這三款起司皆各有特色, 我個人最喜歡「 Gruyère 1655 AOP 冠軍葛瑞耶爾起司 」, 有著結晶口感與鳳梨風味, 果然是得過金牌的冠軍乳酪.
瑞士 Gruyère D’Alpage AOP 高山葛瑞耶爾起司 (15個月) > 瑞士 Gruyere 1655 AOP 冠軍葛瑞耶爾起司(12 個月) >瑞士 Gruyere AOP 經典葛瑞耶爾起司 (5 個月)
Gruyère is one of the famous Swiss Cheeses with AOP ( appellation d’origine protégée). La Bonne Bouffe is the exclusive distributor of Gruyere 1655 AOP. Therefore, there are three types of Gruyère Cheese. Tasting those three cheese is similar with wine vertical tasting. All three cheeses have its own characters. I personally prefer the「 Gruyère 1655 AOP」, which is the champion cheese. I like its pineapple flavor and crystalline texture.
Aged Time:
Gruyère D’Alpage AOP ( 15 months) > Gruyere 1655 AOP(12 months) > Gruyere Classic AOP (5 months)
汎德麥斯特爾乾酪 Waldmeister
奶香為主導風味, 有微蕈菇風味, 可單吃也耐吃的一款瑞士起司。
The tastebuds can sense the milky and mushroom flavor as the dominate flavors. You can taste this cheese alone and doesn’t need to pair with anything.
修道士乾酪 Tete de Moine AOP
這款起司搭配專用刮花刀刮出類似康乃馨的起司花朵 (圖二) , 瑞士修道士乾酪起司有光滑口感, 核果香氣是我喜歡的風味.
This cheese will need the special knife/tool to slice the cheese into the shape of carnation petals (Pic 2). Tete de Moine AOP has silky texture. I love the nutty flavor.
紅酒熟成汎格斯泰乾酪 Weingestein
紅酒熟成起司的名稱很誘人 , 品嚐時有醇香與果香風味, 堅果香與奶香打造更立體的風味, 也造就這一款 2022 最佳瑞士乳酪第一名, 也是我當天最喜歡的起司.
The name of Red Wine Aged Cheese is quite charming. During tasting this cheese, you can sense the fruity flavor and thick aroma. The nutty aroma and milky flavor construct a great flavor profile of this cheese. This is the No. 1 Swiss Cheese Awards 2022 . This is also my favorite cheese of the day.
波芙娜乾酪 Poivrin
這一款特殊起司加了馬達加斯加黑胡椒, 因此味蕾明顯可感受到黑胡椒香氣與風味.
This special cheese is mixed with Madagascar wild pepper. The tastebuds can sense strong black pepper aroma and flavor.
紅魔鬼乾酪 Roter Teufel
與波芙娜乾酪 Poivrin 皆有辣的風味, 這一款是偏像直球般的辣椒風味, 起司奶香緩衝整體的辣度.
Similar with Poivrin, both have spicy flavor. Roter Teufel flavor is toward straight-forward chili spicy. The milky flavor balances well with the strong spicy flavor.
弗里堡乾酪 Vacherin Fribourgeois AOP
這是製作布夫瑞士起司鍋的起司, 單吃弗里堡乾酪感受到比其他款起司更香濃的奶香.
This is the cheese that offers the best fondue from the owner’s home town. While tasting this cheese, you can sense thicker milky flavor than other cheese.
沃格斯泰 Urgestein
It tastes quite savory.
松露乾酪 Truffle Pearl
乾酪裡有特殊的義大利黑松露風味, 起司本身的奶香平衡了松露賦予的菌菇風味, 在台灣非常受歡迎,我個人也蠻喜歡.
There is black Italian truffle flavor while tasting this cheese. The milky flavor balances the mushroom note from the truffle. It is very popular in Taiwan. I personally like it too.
布夫菜餚 Review
La Bonne Bouffe Dish Review
Salmon Gravlax Tartare
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這一道菜餚將台灣在地食材 – 烏龍茶與馬告( 山胡椒 ) 融入用甜菜根調色與調味的鮭魚塔塔. 置放於旁邊番紅花麵包是店家自己的 recipe, 店家老闆之一Damien Kaeser 提到瑞士番紅花布里歐麵包 ( Cuchaule ) 是瑞士烘培有認證AOP 的代表產品之一. 將塔塔抹在麵包,主角漬鮭魚塔塔不會過鹹, 有感覺到烏龍山胡椒賦予舌尖微刺激.
Magao pepper and Oolong Tea are mixed within their homemade Salmon Gravlax and beetroot sauce. The saffron brioche (cuchaule) is made with one of the owners’ recipe -Damien Kaeser. First, you need to spread the tartare on the bread. The gravlax tartar doesn’t taste too salty. The tastebuds can sense the stimulation from the Magao pepper.
Raclette Cheese Corned Beef Sandwich
Price: NTD $650
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這一款的份量偏多, 店家先將半圓型瑞士雷半硬質起司放在機器上熱融 (圖三) ,布夫採用傳統吃法 – 用刀子豪邁地將融化的起司刮下, 熱騰騰起司滑到牛肉上的瞬間有視覺效果, 店家可以協助將潛艇堡切一半, 具有堅果濃醇度起司搭配自製鹽漬牛胸肉是經典組合, 風味圓潤與鹹度恰到好處. 一旁的沙拉可以解膩.
This dish has large quantity. They melt the half wheel of Raclette du Valais AOP cheese on the machine (Pic 3). The staff will scrap the hot cheese from the cheese wheel on your sandwich at the table. The staff can assist you cutting the sandwich in half. The thick nutty flavor cheese interplays well with the homemade mild-salty corned beef brisket. The salad aside can offer refresh taste.
其他產品 Other Products
結論 Conclusion ⭐
布夫 La Bonne Bouffe 優點
✅ 初訪推薦點 1 人份的 12種口味綜合瑞士起司拼盤, 價格只有 NTD $150 , 非常值得. 請記得布夫六日晚餐為需事先預約的瑞士起司火鍋專場, 前菜招待也吃的到超值起司拼盤,但是六日晚餐不提供其他的日常私房菜單。
✅ 因為份量多 , 建議分享布夫秘製牛胸肉瑞克雷潛艇堡 , 順便也可以觀賞店家現刮熱融起司
✅ 店家有販售布夫自己製作瑞士香腸火腿,經典白蘭地肝醬, 白金干貝慕斯與其他產品
✅ 他們也有提供飲料, 目前是販售一整瓶酒, 未來可能會推出單杯酒
La Bonne Bouffe Selling Points
✅ Recommend to order 12 flavors Swiss Cheese Platter for your first visit. The price is only NTD $150. It is very price-friendly. Saturday night and Sunday night are Cheese Fondue Dinner, which are reservation-only. The appetizer will also include this particular 12 flavors Swiss Cheese platter. They do not offer other light food menu during Saturday dinner and Sunday dinner.
✅ Since it is large quantity, I would suggest to share the Cheese corned beef sandwiches. You can also see the melting cheese and scraping cheese process.
✅ They make their Swiss sausage, Mousse De Foie De Volaille (Chicken Liver Sauce) and Mousse De Noix De St-Jacoues (Scallop Sauce). You can purchase it at the store.
✅ They also offer drinks. They now offer wine in bottle. In the future, they might offer single glass wine menu
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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布夫 La Bonne Bouffe 資訊
La Bonne Bouffe Information
店名: 布夫歐式私房菜 La Bonne Bouffe
地址: 台北市大安區仁愛路四段408巷13號 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館站 (BL17)
電話: 02-3322-1120
Website: https://www.bonnebouffe.tw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bouffetw/
Restaurant: La Bonne Bouffe
Address: No. 13, 408th Lane, Section 4, Renai Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT Station (BL17)
Tel: 02-3322-1120
布夫 歐式私房菜菜單⭐
La Bonne Bouffe Menu