KICHI 吉天婦羅 》台北忠孝 SOGO 日式美食 (內有菜單 )

Last Updated on 2023-02-09 by Foodelicious

吉天婦羅 KICHI台北專賣各式天婦羅的日式餐廳 , 包括炸蝦天婦羅與天丼, 吉天婦羅菜單裡也有兒童餐, 也是台北適合家庭聚餐的餐廳之一.
KICHI Restaurant is Taipei Japanese Restaurant that offers various Tempura, which includes Shrimp Tempura and Tendon. KICHI Menu also has Kids Set. It can be considered a family restaurant.


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KICHI 吉天婦羅訂位

KICHI Reservation

KICHI 吉天婦羅有兩家, 一家在 SOGO 忠孝店 11 樓, 另一家在竹北遠百店 7F , 整天都有營業. 訂位皆是用 inline ( ) . 我在 2017有一訪過, 因此有些照片我就沿用一訪的照片. 二訪裝潢沒有變, 同樣有吧台與四人座位在後方. 因為二訪這次有嬰兒, 店員也準備好嬰兒椅 (圖三). 桌上也有四種調味料 – 玫瑰岩鹽, 七味粉, 咖哩粉和柚子胡椒辣醬.
There are two KICHI restaurants – One is at Zhongxiao SOGO 11F, and the other is at Zhubei Far Eastern Mall 7F. They are opened all day. You can reserve via inline. ( ) .I visited once during 2017. So, there are so pictures from my first visit. At the second visit, decoration remains the same. There are counter seats and also table seats at the back. They also prepare baby seat (Pic 3) for us.


延伸閱讀: 台北下午營業的餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Restaurants that open in the Afternoon Recommendation (By District)


KICHI 吉天婦羅菜餚



Deluxe Tendon Set
Price: NTD $680
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

2017 一訪 與 2023 年二訪的菜單不同, 上次吃的已經停售, 為了不誤導, 這次就單獨寫二訪的豪華天丼套餐 Review. 請注意豪華天丼套餐只有週一至週五限定販售! 週末並沒有提供. 天丼內容眾多 , 炸物與飯放置在碗中一次上桌. 天丼部分也沒有額外大根泥炸物沾醬. 有穴子 (鰻魚), 鮮蝦兩尾, 酥炸蝦頭, 今日現流魚, 台農 57號地瓜, 舞菇, 溫泉蛋, 紫蘇. 中型炸蝦麵衣並沒有想像中地薄, 一咬下依舊有ㄎㄠˇ的酥脆聲響, 炸天婦羅不會過於粗糙, 戳破炸溏心蛋讓蛋黃流入飯中代替沾醬, 讓丼飯不會無趣或乾, 白飯可以免費續, 整體豪華天丼套餐還可以.
The menu is different from my first visit. Please note that Deluxe Tendon Set are only sold during Monday to Friday. They do not offer this set during weekends. The set content is various. It includes eel, shrimp x 2 , shrimp head, daily fish, Taiwanese sweet potato, mushroom and egg. The tempura coating is quite thick and crispy. Even though the shrimp tempura is not delicate, it still tastes all right. It is great eating the rice with the egg yolk together. It is free to add extra rice. Overall, the set is all right.



Steamed Egg with Seafood
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

打開碗蓋, 表面依舊濕潤不乾裂, 口感滑順, 頗美味.
The appearance is moist and not dry. The taste is absolutely soft.



English Name: Miso Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

赤味噌發酵時間較長, 鹽加較多, 本身風味較鹹. 但 KICHI 吉天婦羅的味噌湯保持著味噌香氣, 而且不會過鹹, 湯裡的豆腐與小香菇吸收少許湯汁,相當順口, 是會讓想再續碗的味噌湯.
The fermented time is longer than the regular miso, therefore, the flavor is supposed salty. However, KICHI’s miso aroma remains and not too salty. The small mushroom and tofu absorbs fair amount of soup. This is actually the type of soup that I am willing to keep drinking.



Daily Dessert
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

抹茶生果凍的滑嫩印象深刻, 抹茶風味不會太重
The matcha jelly’s smooth texture is quite impressive. Matcha flavor is not too strong.




Coffee or Tea

檸檬汁 (冰) 清爽不會過酸.
Ice Lemon Juice is not refreshing without much acidity.



Chi Tempura Set
Price: NTD $980
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

家人點的, 我沒吃, 會依序上桌, 比較特別有四格松花堂, 類似高級日式便當, 炸物則是放在鍍24K金炸盤上.
My family ordered it. I didnt taste it. The most important part is with hit-end Benton. The tempuras are placed separately.


KICHI 吉天婦羅菜單


Menu Link:




KICHI 吉天婦羅 資訊

KICHI Japanese Restaurant Information

店名: KICHI 吉天婦羅
地址: 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段45號遠東SOGO忠孝館11樓 (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝復興站
Restaurant: KICHI Japanese Restaurant
Address: Zhongxiao SOGO Deparment Store 11F (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT Station
Tel: 02-2731-2518
