Kappou Roku 》關於 陸 和洋私廚料理 的三個重點 (內有菜單價格 )

Last Updated on 2024-12-20 by Foodelicious

陸 和洋私廚料理 是 台北無菜單日本料理餐廳之一, 也是台北中山捷運站附近日料餐廳. 文章裡的三個重點包括 訂位 , 菜單價位 與 餐酒搭配價格.
Kappou Roku Japanese Restaurant is one of the Taipei omakase Japanese restaurants. It is also a Japanese restaurant near Zhongshan Metro Station.  This article includes three important points – reservation, set menu price, and alcohol pairing price.


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陸 和洋私廚料理 訂位

Kappou Roku Restaurant Reservation

陸 和洋私廚料理地址是台北市中山區林森北路107巷91號 , 離中山捷運站約 15 分鐘路程. 陸 和洋割烹 訂位是用 inline ( LINK) , 無法直接 Walk- in. 訂位時段有 6:30pm 與 7:30pm. 餐廳並沒有預期地日式裝潢風格 , 反而符合 “ 和洋私廚料理 ” 日式與西式的風格融合. 我覺得最貼心的是餐廳會列印出今日菜單給客人.
Kappou Roku Japanese Restaurant is located at No. 91, Lane 107, Linsen North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, approximately a 15-minute walk from Zhongshan MRT Station. Reservation is through inline ( Link). Walk-ins are not accepted. Reservation time slots are available at 6:30 PM and 7:30 PM. Contrary to the expected traditional Japanese decor, the restaurant features a fusion of Japanese and Western styles, aligning with its “Japanese-Western Private Kitchen” concept. One of the most thoughtful touches is that the restaurant prints out the day’s menu for its guests.

延伸閱讀: 台北中山站美食推薦懶人包 》 Zhongshan Station Restaurants Guide



陸 和洋私廚料理菜單與價位

Kappou Roku Menu and Price

請注意菜單與價格不定期更改. 這一篇文章裡的套餐菜餚是 NTD $3880+10%/人 (2024.12月) .
Please note that the menu and price could change. In this article, the set menu price is NTD $3880+10%/人 (2024.December) .



Chef’s Beef Bone Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

牛骨熬煮三天, 適度過濾後呈現清澈卻濃郁的湯頭. 湯裡的多汁牛肉丸也提升整道湯品的肉香.
Beef bones are simmered for three days and carefully filtered to create a broth that is both clear and rich in flavor. The juicy beef meatballs in the soup further enhance its meaty aroma.


日本紅喉 / 海瓜子 / 羽衣甘藍

Rosy Seabass/Clams/Kale
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

新鮮漁貨不定期更改, 這次是日本紅喉.  在陸 和洋私廚料理可以品嘗到西式與日式料理融合的菜餚. 將最上方的日本紅喉薄片油炸, 吃起來頗為焦脆 . 我希望魚肉可以比例可以再多一點,這樣更能品嚐更多來自日本紅喉的鮮嫩. 底部的海瓜子則是增加鮮味.
The selection of fresh seafood changes periodically, and this time it featured Japanese rosy seabass. It’s common to see a fusion of Western and Japanese cuisines in Japanese kappo-style restaurants. For this dish, the thin slices of Japanese rosy seabass on top were deep-fried, resulting in a crisp and slightly charred texture. However, there wasn’t much fish meat to savor. The clams at the bottom added a layer of umami to the dish. Personally, I would have preferred to enjoy more of the tender and juicy Japanese rosy seabass meat.



烏魚白子/烏魚子 / 春菊

Shirako / Mullet Roe/Crown Daisy
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

在台北日料餐廳吃到的食材是鱈魚白子居多,陸和洋選用「烏魚白子」是一個少見的選擇,白子堆疊起類似鱈魚魚塊. 份量比預期地多.已經超越 Tasting Menu 的份量. 白子口感軟綿, 現刨烏魚子與魚子醬增加不同層次的鮮度. 如果喜歡品嚐白子, 會喜歡這一道菜餚.
Shirako has become a common ingredient in Japanese restaurants in Taipei. The shirako was arranged in layers resembling codfish fillets, with a portion size that exceeded expectations—going beyond what is typically offered in a tasting menu. The shirako’s texture was soft and creamy, while freshly shaved mullet roe and caviar added different layers of umami. If you enjoy savoring shirako, this dish will definitely appeal to you.



Oyster/Mascarpone/Kiwi/Cocoa/ Golden Berry
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

廣島生蠔搭配馬斯卡彭起司,是「陸 和洋私廚料理」的招牌經典之一。不同於一般餐廳將馬斯卡彭製作成佐醬,這裡的呈現方式更具巧思。客人需將覆蓋在廣島生蠔上的馬斯卡彭起司輕輕抹平,再一口將生蠔送入口中。馬斯卡彭獨特的濃郁奶香,與廣島生蠔所散發的鮮味完美融合,令人印象深刻。
The Hiroshima oyster paired with mascarpone cheese is one of the signature dishes. Unlike most restaurants that use mascarpone as a sauce, this dish is presented with a touch of creativity. Diners are instructed to gently spread the mascarpone cheese over the Hiroshima oyster before enjoying it in one bite. The rich, distinctive creaminess of the mascarpone blends seamlessly with the briny freshness of the oyster, creating a remarkable combination that leaves a lasting impression.



Fish Fin/ Biack pork/Mushroom/Pepper
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

Mar 桑主廚 來自橫濱地區附近, 很熟悉中華料理. 很難想像在日式餐廳看到魚翅這一項食材. 主廚採用干貝與昆布熬煮日式風味的湯頭. 堆疊起魚翅 ,黑豬肉燒賣與冬菇, 再以金箔點綴. 中式魚翅隨著帶有山椒及青花椒麻香的昆布湯頭入口, 我喜歡兩種截然不同的鮮味. 扎實口感的黑豬肉燒賣比許多台北粵式餐廳的燒賣好吃.
Chef Mar, who is from the Yokohama area, has a deep familiarity with Chinese cuisine. It is quite surprising to encounter Fish fin as an ingredient at a Japanese restaurant. The chef crafts a dashi broth infused with scallops and kombu, layering it with fin, black pork shumai, and shiitake mushrooms, topped with a touch of gold leaf for elegance. The interplay of traditional Chinese fish fin with the umami-rich Japanese kombu broth along with peppercorn flavor creates a delightful harmony of contrasting flavors. The black pork shumai, with its firm texture, surpasses the quality of shumai found at many Cantonese restaurants in Taipei.



White eel / Toyama Koshihikari Rice
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

鰻魚採用直火炭烤的方式,不經過蒸製, 保留了炭火獨有的香氣。主廚在客人面前親自組合每一口的精緻層次:炭烤海苔、來自富山縣的越光米、山葵、炭烤鰻魚,以及清脆的小黃瓜絲,層層疊加,最後呈現於客人手中。鰻魚的油脂巧妙地隱藏在脆皮與細嫩肉質之間,與山葵的辛香完美融合,瞬間挑逗味蕾。這道菜是我當天最愛的一道佳餚
The eel is grilled directly over charcoal, without steaming, preserving the distinctive aroma of the open flame. The chef assembles each bite meticulously in front of the guests, layering charcoal-grilled seaweed, Koshihikari rice from Toyama Prefecture, wasabi, charcoal-grilled eel, and crisp cucumber shreds, creating a harmonious composition before handing it to the guest. The eel’s rich oils are delicately nestled between its crispy skin and tender flesh, perfectly complemented by the sharp, stimulating notes of the wasabi, creating an explosion of flavors on the palate. This dish was undoubtedly my favorite of the evening.


馬冀海膽/鮭魚卵/魚子醬/安康魚肝 / 富山縣越光米

Sea Urchin/Salmon Roe/ Caviar / Monkfish Liver/Toyama Koshihikari
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

陸 和洋私廚料理的 Omakase 菜單雖未包含傳統的釜飯,卻以一道深受台灣食客喜愛的「海鮮珠寶盒」為亮點。這次的珠寶盒雖然未見魚肉,但內容毫不遜色,豪華地呈現了馬冀海膽、鮭魚卵、黃金魚卵與魚子醬,每一口都帶來濃郁鮮味的直球衝擊。最讓人驚喜的部分,是米飯中融入了安康魚肝,賦予整道料理截然不同的溫潤鮮味,層次豐富而馥郁。
The Omakase menu does not include the traditional clay pot rice. But it shines with a dish that is beloved by Taiwanese diners — the Seafood Jewel Box. While this jewel box does not feature fish fillets. It lavishly presents Maji sea urchin, salmon roe, golden fish roe, and caviar, with each bite delivering a powerful burst of fresh, direct flavors. The most surprising element is the rice, which incorporates monkfish liver, imparting a smooth, distinct flavor that contrasts beautifully with the other ingredients. The dish offers rich layers of flavor.



Shrimp/Eggplant/Shrimp Sauce/Bamboo Charcoal Soft Bread
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這一道料理細節滿滿. 首先,客人會看到店家自製的尚未烤過的竹炭軟法麵包. 再展示活蹦亂跳的野生北海岸活扇蝦. 口感類似龍蝦肉有彈性. 單吃扇蝦有鮮甜風味 . 主廚貼心地將圓茄置放於蝦與蝦醬的中間. 喜歡更濃郁風味的客人可以自行加入蝦醬,為這道菜增添不同層次的滋味。而那款美味的竹炭軟法麵包,更是完美的搭檔,搭配蝦醬一同享用. 每一位客人清空這道美味佳餚。
This dish is full of attention to detail. First, guests are presented with the house-made bamboo charcoal baguette, which has yet to be baked. Then, the lively wild North Coast fan shrimp is introduced. These shrimps have a texture similar to lobster meat, with a delightful elasticity. The sweetness of the lobster-like shrimp is truly remarkable. The chef thoughtfully places a round eggplant between the shrimp and shrimp sauce. For those who prefer a richer flavor, guests can add more shrimp sauce, enhancing the dish with layers of depth. The delicious bamboo charcoal soft bread is the perfect companion, ideal for dipping into the shrimp sauce. Every guest thoroughly enjoys and finishes this delightful dish.




Hokkaido F1 Wagyu Fillet/ Organic Vegetable
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道料理充滿了細緻的儀式感。當盤子端上桌後,老闆娘將月桂葉輕輕放置在炭塊上燒烤,煙霧繚繞,瞬間釋放出獨特的香氣。隨後在和牛上灑下雪花鹽,這樣的舉動更增添了一份儀式感. 這次品嚐的是北海道十勝和牛,肉質嫩滑但並未過多呈現肉香或鹹香.
This dish is filled with a sense of refined ceremony. When the plate is brought to the table, the owner gently places a bay leaf on the charcoal, letting the smoke swirl and instantly release its unique aroma. Afterward, salt flakes are sprinkled over the Wagyu, adding another layer of ritual to the experience. This time, the dish featured Hokkaido Tokachi Wagyu, which was tender and smooth, yet it didn’t emphasize the strong meaty or salty flavors, instead offering a more subtle and refined taste.


日本白胡麻/ 黑豬/松子/手延五島烏龍麵

Sesame/Pork/Pine Nuts/ Handmade Udon
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

Display 類似義式肉醬義大利麵. 日本三大手打烏龍麵之一「手延五島烏龍」富有彈性口感。 手作製作烏龍麵搭配主廚 Mar 桑製作的白胡麻醬.  松子的搭配不僅增加更多堅果香氣, 也增加不同口感.
The dish resembles an Italian pasta with meat sauce. It features famous handmade udon noodles paired with Chef Mar’s white sesame sauce. The addition of pine nuts not only enhances the nutty aroma but also adds a delightful contrast in texture.



Chef’s Dessert
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

杏仁豆腐的口感介於麻糬與 奶酪 ( Panna Cotta ), 朋友與我都很喜歡吃.
The texture of the almond tofu is between mochi and panna cotta, and both my friend and I liked it.


有日籍侍酒師顧問 與 平價洗杯費

Japanese Sommelier consultant and price-friendly corkage fee fee

陸 和洋私廚料理有日籍侍酒師顧問 , 不僅熟悉日本料理, 也將日本清酒放進 餐酒搭 ( Alcohol Pairing Menu ). 酒款不定期更改. 這次的北加州白酒是我最滿意的餐酒搭. 經過陳年10個月的洗禮, 柑橘與檸檬香氣並不會過於明顯, 入口後的梨子風味與堅果風味為主導, 並不會被料理裡的醬料或是香料覆蓋住. 很適合搭配陸和洋私廚料理的各種海鮮料理. 這次搭配的日本御前酒1859 純米無過濾生原酒, 微氣泡開啟味蕾 , 微酸乳酸風味與鮮味 (umami ) 意外地的合拍.陸 和洋私廚料理餐廳是酒類友善餐廳, 只收洗杯費 NTD $100/杯

✅ 餐酒搭價格是 NTD $1200/3杯
✅ 洗杯費是 NTD $100/杯

Kappou Roku Japanese Restaurant collaborates with a Japanese sommelier consultant who is not only well-versed in Japanese cuisine but also expertly incorporates Japanese sake into the alcohol pairing menu. The selection of wines and sakes is updated periodically. Among the pairings, the Northern California white wine stood out as my favorite this time. Aged for 10 months, its subtle citrus and lemon notes were not overpowering, allowing the pear and nutty flavors to dominate. This balance ensured it complemented the sauces and spices in the dishes without being overshadowed, making it an excellent match for the restaurant’s seafood offerings.Another standout from this pairing was the Japanese sake, Gozenshu 1859. The sake’s slight effervescence awakened the palate, while its gentle lactic acidity and umami flavors harmonized unexpectedly well with the dishes.It is a wine-friendly restaurant, only charging a glass cleaning fee of NTD $100 per glass.

✅ Alcohol pairing price: NTD $1200 for 3 glasses
✅ Glass cleaning fee: NTD $100 per glass

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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陸 和洋私廚料理  資訊

Kappou Roku Japanese Restaurant Information

餐廳: 陸 和洋私廚料理 
地址: 台北市中山區林森北路107巷91號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山捷運站
電話: 02-2873-7585
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/240539729/kappouroku/
Restaurant:Kappou Roku Japanese Restaurant 
Address: No. 91, 107th lane , Linsen North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan MRT Station
Tel: 02-2873-7585
