JJ BAKERY – Irvine 》美國加州台式麵包店 | Irvine Bakery

Last Updated on 2018-05-17 by Foodelicious

JJ Bakery-Irvine 位於加州爾灣城市, 除了販售台灣款式麵包與中式酥餅外, 也有許多甜點與生日蛋糕.
JJ Bakery-Irvine is located at Irvine, California. Besides Taiwanese breads and Chinese pastries, they also offer desserts and birthday cakes.


JJ BAKERY-Irvine 和 “三和餐廳”與“大華超市” 位於同一個廣場, 橘郡的亞洲華裔幾乎曾經都來過. JJ BAKERY- Irvine 分成兩個區域 – 麵包店與餐廳, 餐廳區販售以台式料理套餐與飲料為主, 例如鹹酥雞飯和波霸奶茶.
JJ Bakery-Irvine is located at the same plaza and “Sam Woo Chinese Restaurant” and “99 Ranch Supermarket”. Almost every Asian American has been in this plaza. There are two sections of this bakery – Cafe and the regular bakery. The cafe area sells Taiwanese cuisine set and drink, such as herbs salted chicken and boba milk tea.



麵包店的麵包種類則是以台式麵包為主 (例如 :菠蘿麵包), 歐式麵包為輔 (例如可頌). 展示櫃的蛋糕有8吋蛋糕,切片蛋糕, 和長條蛋糕, 事先也可預訂更大尺寸的蛋糕, 大小家庭皆適合購買. 中式酥餅應有盡有, 有酥餅,蛋黃酥和月餅. 我最喜歡吃的是芋頭酥, 杏仁酥條和布丁, 那天外加多買一個芒果奶酪.
Their breads are mainly Taiwanese style bread, but they also offer European style bread. The display shelf also have 8 inch cake, sliced cake and long shape cake. You can also custom-made the larger size cake for party or special occasion. The pastry items include Chinese pastry, Egg Yolk pastry and moon cake. My favorite would be the Taro pastry, Almond Crispy Cookie and Flan. I purchased Mango Panna Cotta that day as well.




Price: USD $1.95
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

手工布丁放置在冷藏展示櫃, 並不是像 “鎌倉咖啡” 倒扣布丁,鮮黃色表層皺摺, 意味著高熱烘烤, 第一口即可感受到扎實且有蛋的香氣, 深深地挖到底部, 不過甜的焦糖讓我可以連吃兩杯, 受歡迎的程度到有時候還買不到.
The hand-made flan is placed at the refrigerated display shelf. The flan is different from “Kamakura Cafe” brown sugar flan. The yellow appearance has hints of ruffle, which means high temperature baking. The first bite has dense and egg flavor. When scooping deeply, the tastebuds can sense the perfect caramel sugar. It is not too sweet, therefore, I can always enjoy two cups of their flans.



Almond Crispy Cookie
Price: USD $4.45
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

杏仁酥條是我認為 JJ Bakery 餅乾類最費工也最好吃的產品.咬下去會有ㄎㄠˇ一聲, 接下來幾口稍微有鬆軟口感, 搭配杏仁碎片風味, “唰嘴“是我會用在這款酥脆餅乾的最佳形容詞.
Almond Crispy Cookie is my favorite cookie of all time. I can hear the crispy sound while taking the first bite. The fluffy texture is also a great selling point. It tastes great pairing with almond flavor.



Taro Pastry
Price: USD $2.50
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

紫色漩渦的中式酥餅放在較不起眼的地方, 幾乎每天限量手工製作販售, 店家採用墨西哥芋頭泥製作芋頭內餡, 有時會吃到微小的芋頭塊, 充足芋頭風味加上紮實滿滿的內餡, 相當不錯.
The purple whirl taro pastry is placed at the bottom of the shelf. It is freshly-made almost every day. The bakery uses the Mexican yam for the dense filling . Sometimes, you can taste the actual yam dice with fair amount of yam flavor.



Mango Panna Cotta
Price: USD 3.35
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

芒果奶酪冷藏在長條蛋糕展示櫃, 最上層為金色芒果並不是芒果濃縮糖漿製作而成, 而是用芒果果泥 (Mango Puree), 風味較為濃郁, 建議品嚐的時候跟底層的白色奶酪一起吃, 較不會過甜.
Mango Panna Cotta is placed at the long shape cake display shelf. The appearance is golden mango color, which is made with Mango puree. It brings more mango flavor. I would suggest to eat this dessert with both mango appearance and white color Panna Cotta.





店名: JJ Bakery-Irvine
地址: 15333 Culver Dr, Irvine, CA 92604, USA (Map)
營業時間: 以 Google 為主
Facebook: N/A
Restaurant Name: JJ Bakery-Irvine
Address: 15333 Culver Dr, Irvine, CA 92604, USA (Map)
Tel: 949-653-1678
Operation Hour: Check Google



