JJ BAKERY – Irvine 》California Asian Bakery ( My Item Rank List )
Last Updated on 2025-02-18 by Foodelicious
(2025.2 Update) JJ Bakery-Irvine is one of the famous Taiwanese Bakeries, which is located at Irvine, California. Besides offering western breads, traditional Taiwanese breads, and Chinese pastries, they also offer desserts and birthday cakes.
(2025.2 月更新) JJ Bakery-Irvine 是知名的美國加州爾灣台式麵包店之一 , 除了販售西式丹麥可頌, 傳統台式麵包與中式酥餅外, 也有許多甜點與生日蛋糕.
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Because this is a foreign Bakery instead of Taiwan bakery, I put the English version up front instead of Chinese version. Thank you for understanding.
這是一家外國烘培坊, 而不是位於台灣的烘培坊. 最主要的客群是外國人, 因此將英文放在中文之前. 謝謝
目錄 / Table of Contents
About JJ Bakery Irvine
關於 JJ Bakery Irvine
JJ Bakery Irvine address is 15333 Culver Drive, Suite No. 660 , No.650 , Irvine, CA 92604, USA (Map). It is near the Chinatrust Bank and 99 Ranch Supermarket at the Culver Plaza.
JJ Bakery Irvine 地址是 15333 Culver Drive, Suite No. 660 , No.650 , Irvine, CA 92604, USA (Map). 與中國信托與大華超市在同一個 Culver Plaza. JJ Bakery Irvine 現在有 Instagram 帳號: https://www.instagram.com/jjbakeryirvine
JJ Bakery Irvine Social Media
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jjbakeryirvine
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61564645877404
JJ Bakery Irvine – My Item Rank List
JJ Bakery Irvine – 我的麵包甜點排行榜
Egg Tart
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
The egg tarts at JJ Bakery Irvine are not Portuguese-style or mille-feuille-style tarts—they’re simply classic Taiwanese egg tarts. The crust is slightly crisp, while the custard filling is silky smooth and rich in flavor, making it absolutely delicious. I always need to have at least two to feel satisfied! Since it’s one of the bakery’s signature items, it often sells out quickly.
JJ Bakery Irvine 的蛋塔並不是葡式蛋塔或是千層蛋塔, 只是很單純的台式蛋塔. 有著微脆蛋塔外皮. 蛋塔內餡口感嫩滑且濃香, 整體非常美味. 每次要吃兩個才過癮. 因為是店裡的招牌產品, 常常賣完.
Taro Pastry
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
The purple whirl taro pastry is placed at the bottom of the shelf. It is freshly-made almost every day. The bakery uses the Mexican yam for the dense filling . Sometimes, you can taste the actual yam dice with fair amount of yam flavor. I would definitely recommend to purchase it.
不常見的紫色漩渦中式酥餅放在較不起眼的地方, 幾乎每天限量手工製作販售, 店家採用墨西哥芋頭泥製作芋頭內餡, 有時會吃到微小的芋頭塊, 充足芋頭風味加上紮實滿滿的內餡, 相當不錯. 推薦買
Custard Bread
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
This is one of the most popular breads at JJ Bakery, featuring a fusion of Taiwanese and Japanese styles. In Japanese bakeries, it’s commonly called Cream Pan, but I personally think Custard Bun is a more fitting name for this bread. The filling is mildly sweet and luxuriously smooth, making it enjoyable to eat straight out of the bag without needing to be reheated.
這是其中一款JJ Bakery 很受歡迎的麵包之一 , 有台灣與日本混合風格. 在日本麵包店都是稱為 Cream Pan. 我覺得 Custard Bun 比較符合這款麵包. 味蕾感受到內餡的微甜與綿密, 可以不用加熱就直接吃.
Scallion Bread
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
The reason I first bought this bread was its affordable price. I also personally enjoy the mildly savory flavor of scallions. If I see this bread on the shelf, I always grab one to eat.
我當初會買這一款麵包的原因是很平價. 我個人也喜歡微鹹的蔥花風味. 如果架上有這款麵包, 我都會買來吃.
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
The hand-made flan is placed at the refrigerated display shelf. TThe yellow appearance has hints of ruffle, which means high temperature baking. The first bite has dense and egg flavor. When scooping deeply, the tastebuds can sense the perfect caramel sugar. It is not too sweet, therefore, I can always enjoy two cups of their flans.
手工布丁放置在冷藏展示櫃. 鮮黃色表層皺摺, 意味著高熱烘烤, 第一口即可感受到扎實且有蛋的香氣, 深深地挖到底部, 不過甜的焦糖讓我可以連吃兩杯, 受歡迎的程度到有時候還買不到.
Almond Cookie
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
JJ Bakery Irvines sells many types of hand-made cookie. This particular almond cookie is my favorite.
JJ Bakery Irvine 也有販售許多手工餅乾. 杏仁酥條是我喜歡的餅乾.
Mango Panna Cotta
Foodelicious 👍👍👍
The appearance is golden mango color, which is made with Mango puree. It brings more mango flavor. I would suggest to eat this dessert with both mango appearance and white color Panna Cotta.
最上層為金色芒果並不是芒果濃縮糖漿製作而成, 而是用芒果果泥 (Mango Puree), 風味較為濃郁, 建議品嚐的時候跟底層的白色奶酪一起吃, 較不會過甜.
JJ Bakery Irvine Information
Bakery Name: JJ Bakery Irvine
Address: 15333 Culver Drive, Suite No. 660 , No.650 , Irvine, CA 92604, USA (Map)
Tel: 949-653-1678
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61564645877404
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jjbakeryirvine/