Taipei Steamed Dumpling 》福大蒸餃館是上班族公認的台北平價美食小吃之一
Last Updated on 2023-12-08 by Foodelicious
每逢用餐時間, 福大蒸餃館總是大排長龍, 由於 福大蒸餃菜單 價格親民, 算是附近上班族公認的台北中山站平價美食餐廳之一.
During dining hour, Fu-Dai Steamed Dumpling restaurant always has a line of customers waiting. Since the price is quite friendly, it is considered one of the budget-wise restaurants near Taipei Zhongshan MRT station.
福大蒸餃 菜單在文末 》Fu-Dai Steamed Dumpling Menu is at the end of article
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關於 福大蒸餃 餐廳資訊
About Fu-Dai Steamed Dumpling Restaurant Information
福大蒸餃館有另一個名稱福大山東蒸餃大王, 離中山站一號出口大概只有十分鐘路程, 這家餐廳下午有營業, 晚上則只營業至8:30pm, 而且星期日休息, 餐廳一走進去則是蒸籠台與手工做蒸餃的料理台. 餐廳有單人面對牆的位置, 也有面對電視的座位, 以小吃店來說, 用餐環境還算不錯. 最特別的是入座後, 服務生會來點菜, 將點的菜餚寫在便條紙貼在牆壁上.我住在中山區的 “六福居公寓式酒店”時, 我去過福大蒸餃餐廳兩次.
Fu-Dai Steamed Dumpling Restaurant is located near Exit No.1 of Zhongshan MRT station about 10 minutes walking distance. This restaurant operates in the afternoon but close at 8:30pm. And it closed on Sunday. The restaurant has single seats facing the wall. There are also group seats. As for the small Chinese restaurant, the dining environment is not bad. The most interesting part would be the waiter would come to ask you which dish that you want to order. They would write down on the post-it and put on the wall. I have been there twice since I lived at “Taipei Leofoo Residences“ near Zhongshan MRT station.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Leofoo Residences 》選擇六福居的五個理由與優缺點 (自費非業配)
📌台北區域美食推薦 Taipei District Restaurants Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide
連結 (Link): 台北信義區美食餐廳推薦 》Taipei Xinyi District Restaurants Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北信義安和美食推薦 》Restaurant Recommendation near Xinyi Anhe MRT station
連結 (Link): 台北中山站美食推薦懶人包 》 Zhongshan Station Restaurants Guide
連結 (Link): 東門站永康街美食推薦懶人包 》 Dongmen Station & Yongkang Restaurants Guide
連結 (Link): 台北華山文創園區與週邊美食 》Huashan Creative Park Restaurants and Cafes
連結 (Link): 台北民生社區美食餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Minsheng Community Restaurant Guide
Steamed Dumpling
Price: NTD $100
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
我以前很喜歡仁愛路的朱記, 但自從朱記轉型成百貨公司餐廳後, 蒸餃品質完全變了, 傷心. 福大蒸餃館的一籠有10 個蒸餃, 平均 NTD $10/顆. 也許不是台北最低價格, 但是以交通便利度與地址來看, NTD $10 是我可以接受的價格.蒸餃size就跟 “利長春“的蒸餃差不多大, 先咬一口, 福大蒸餃外皮並不會過硬, 肉香與多汁程度都不錯, 女生這一籠應該可以吃到八分飽?! 我覺得很適合路過速速吃完就走的餐廳, 我會放這家餐廳在台北下午營業的餐廳推薦名單裡.
There are total 10 steamed dumplings. The average price is NTD $10/pcs. Considering the location, NTD $10 is quite reasonable. The size of the steamed dumpling is as large as “Li-Zhang-Chun”. The appearance texture is not too hard. The juicy and meaty flavor is above average. I am sure that girls can fulfill her appetite with this dish alone. I would put this restaurant into my Afternoon Restaurant Recommendation list.
延伸閱讀:【 信義安和捷運站 | Taipei Food 】利長春 | Li- Zhang-Chun
延伸閱讀: 台北下午營業的餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Restaurants that open in the Afternoon Recommendation (By District)
Wonton Dry Noodle
Price: NTD $95
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
福大蒸餃的炒手麵並沒有寫 “紅油”這兩個字, 所以其實辣度沒有想像中地高, 餛飩還算不錯吃, 最有趣的是有花生粉, 我個人是不排斥花生粉, 只是跟餛飩麵搭配變得濕濕黏黏口感, 甚至變成主導風味, 我個人比較不習慣. 心裏的最愛還是 “鼎泰豐“的紅油炒手.
Fu-Dai Steamed Dumpling restaurant menu doesn’t have “chili oil” on the wonton dumpling dish name. So, the spicy level is not as high as expected. The most interesting part would be that it has peanut powder on the top. I like peanut powder. But, pairing with Wonton would be sticky and wet texture. I honestly don’t prefer that type of texture. My no. 1 Wonton with chili oil is still “Din Tai Fung”.
延伸閱讀: Din Tai Fung 2020 》N 訪到我有自己的鼎泰豐菜單 2020 推薦美食排名
Vegetarian Chicken
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
素雞在台北小吃店並不常見, 吃素的人可考慮點這道, 素雞是黃豆的加工製品, 吃起來比豆乾滑嫩, 也相當入味, 喜歡吃辣可再加店內自製辣醬, 但是並不是每次去都有, 我個人覺得不錯吃.
Vegetarian chicken appetizer is not common in Taipei Small restaurant. If you are a vegetarian, you can consider this dish. This dish is made with soy bean. The texture is softer than dried tofu. You can also add their custom-made chili sauce to enhance the spicy level. However, they don’t have this appetizer at my first visit. And I have this appetizer at my 2nd visit.
Preserved Egg with Tofu
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
因為初訪的時候沒有涼拌素雞, 只好點這道, 並沒有特別之處.
My first visit doesn’t have Vegetarian Chicken. So, I ordered this preserved egg with tofu. It just tastes average.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
餐廳: 福大蒸餃
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路一段140巷11號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山捷運站
電話: 02-2541-3195
Restaurant: Fu-Dai Steamed Dumpling
Address: No. 11, 140th Lane, 1st Section, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan MRT station
Tel: 02-2541-3195
福大蒸餃 菜單
Fu-Dai Steamed Dumpling Menu