Come Up Patisserie 》兩層樓士林下午茶推薦 (內有菜單)

Last Updated on 2022-01-27 by Foodelicious

Come Up Patisserie內用士林甜點店推薦之一 , Come Up Patisserie 菜單上的外帶常溫點心以達克瓦茲與費南雪最為有名.
Come Up Patisserie is one of the dine-in Shilin dessert recommendation. Come Up Patisserie menu is famous for its dacquoise and financier.

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Come Up Patisserie 訂位與低消

Come Up Patisserie Reservation & Minimum Charge

Come Up Patisserie 甜點店離士林捷運站1號出口約5 分鐘路程, 在 “Podium Taipei ” 後面的巷子, 兩層樓的裝潢很好認, Come Up Patisserie 需要網路訂位 (Link: ) , 低消則是 NTD $280/人, 由於這裡太受歡迎, 也有一些規則需注意. 最重要的一點是 “ 禁止將餐點移至桌面以外的地方拍攝 , 避免影響他人”. 我建議白天去.
Come Up Patisserie dessert store is about 5 minutes walking distance from Shiling MRT station Exit 1. It is behind “Podium Taipei”. Two floors building is easy to recognize. You would need to reserve seats via inline ( Link: ). The minimum charge is NTD $280/person. Since this place is very popular, there are a few rules that need to be follow. The most important part would be – “Prohibit to move the dessert/food to other places to take pictures”. I would suggest to dine there during day time.

延伸閱讀: Podium Taipei 》法國料理美感與東南亞風格並存的台北私廚

延伸閱讀: 圓山美食推薦懶人包 》Restaurants Near Yuan Shan MRT Station


Come Up Patisserie 一樓

Come Up Patisserie First Floor

Come Up 甜點店有兩層樓, 一樓是烘焙區, 禁止拍照, 櫥櫃上置放可外帶的常溫點心.
There are two floors at the Come Up building. One is baking area, which is not allowed to take pictures. Room temperature desserts are placed at the shelf for to-go and purchase at-site.


Come Up Patisserie 二樓

Come Up Patisserie Second Floor

二樓裝潢我真心覺得美, 室內裝潢與室外桌椅皆非常適合拍照, 可惜無法指定室外座位. 室內桌與桌的距離也蠻近.
The second floor is beautiful. Both indoor and outdoor are perfect for taking pictures. It is sad that you cannot reserve the outdoor seats via inline. The tables are also closed to each other.


Come Up Patisserie 甜點


Dacquoise – Rose & Rum Raisin
Price: NTD $75/ NTD NTD $ 80
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

我與朋友點了兩款達克瓦茲- 玫瑰奶霜 (NTD $75) , 蘭姆葡萄 (NTD $80), 別擔心, 蘭姆葡萄並沒有酒味, 我個人倒是比較喜歡玫瑰奶霜達克瓦茲 .整體吃起來比 “Annyoung Cafe” 好吃,
My friend and I ordered Two Dacquoises, which are rose cream and rum raisin. No worries, there isn’t any alcohol aroma on the rum raisin.I personally prefer the rose cream filling. Overall, Come Up Dacquoise tastes better than “Annyoung Cafe”.

延伸閱讀: Annyoung Cafe 》在這家台北韓系咖啡廳要點什麼?



Overture of the autumn festival
Price: NTD $250
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

Come Up Patisserie 甜點菜單有些品項是季節性 , 換句話說, 你們看這篇文章時可能已經換菜單, Come Up 並沒有像 “HUGH Dessert Dining” 套餐制, 而是單點, 外層是不太常見的超薄易脆 Filo 派皮 (Phyllo ), 通常只有在內用甜點店才會看到, 內餡則是糖燉蘋果, 單吃內餡不會過甜, 而且有一定的脆度. 只是吃完內餡再吃蜜香紅茶冰淇淋, 紅茶風味變得不明顯. 我跟朋友討論的結果是, 應該要先品嚐一口冰淇淋.
Some of the Come Up desserts are seasonal. In other words, this dessert might not be on the menu when you visited. Unlike “HUGH Dessert Dining “, Come Up menu is single-order instead of set. The appearance is file pastry (phyllo), which is extremely thin and crispy. The filling is candied Apple, which is not too sweet and its texture is crisp. However, I would suggest to eat the Honey Flavor Black Tea Gelato before eating the filling.

延伸閱讀: HUGH LAB 》台北預約制甜點私廚也許是未來的飲食新潮流



Lemon Mille-Feuilles
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

這款檸檬千層並不是像 “時飴 approprié “ 的千層派, 而是像 “Yu Chocolatier 畬室”的千層. 端上桌時, 我蠻驚訝他們可以切成整齊的三角型, 內餡細緻且有適量檸檬香, 不會過於刺激, 我倒是希望他們做小 Size 千層酥皮 , 餡多一些, 這樣每一口千層酥皮皆可以搭配一口餡.
This dessert is not the Mille-Crepe at “approprié”. The texture is the Mille-Feuilles , just like at “Yu Chocolatier”. I am surprised that they can clean-cut the mille-feuilles. The filing is creamy and full of lemon aroma without much stimulation. I wish that they can make the smaller size of mille-feuilles and more filling. So, the customer can eat one bite of mille-feuilles and pair with the cream.

延伸閱讀: 時飴 approprié 》會想再訪的台北千層蛋糕推薦

延伸閱讀: Yu Chocolatier 畬室 》台北甜點推薦之頂級法式巧克力甜點


Come Up Patisserie 飲品


Rooibos des Vahines
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

這款是無咖啡因, 一壺熱茶兩人 Share, 由於桌子偏小, 放茶的盤子過大, 我個人會建議各自點一杯咖啡或茶即可.
This is non-caffeine. One pot of tea for 2 people to share. However, the table is too small and the plate is too large. I would suggest each person order a cup of tea or coffee.




Come Up Patisserie 資訊

Come Up Patisserie Information

店名: Come Up Patisserie
地址: 台北市士林區中正路213巷19號 (Map)
捷運站: 士林捷運站
電話: 02-2883-2139
Restaurant:Come Up Patisserie
Address: No. 19, 213th Lane, Zhongzheng Road, Shilin District Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Shilin MRT station
Tel: 02-2883-2139



Come Up Patisserie 菜單

Come Up Patisserie Menu



