台北士林站咖啡店推薦 》 在 Coffee and Couple 享受愜意的美食咖啡時光

Last Updated on 2020-05-06 by Foodelicious

Coffee and Couple 目前是我唯一的台北士林捷運站咖啡店推薦, 坐在二樓喝著店裡招牌咖啡和吃著Haritts甜甜圈則是所謂的小確辛.
Coffee and Couple is my Shilin MRT statin coffee shop recommendation. Besides single origin coffee, they also have Haritts donuts.

Coffee and Couple 菜單在文末 Coffee and Couple Menu is at the end of article

Coffee and Couple 咖啡店位於士林捷運站一號出口左後方不到一分鐘時間, 這裡曾讓我一度以為是一間服裝店, 孰不知這是一間有著日式時尚風的兩層樓的咖啡店, 與店員聊天時, 二樓是 2019 年初才有二樓空間. 首先到櫃台點外帶或是內用咖啡與甜甜圈/麵包, 付完錢後, 客人再去一樓或是二樓找座位, 店員會再端到客人桌上. 二樓有著與 “NOTE – inhouse” 相似的長桌, 也有和 “Tzubi Coffee” 一樣有面對窗外的單人高腳椅. 這裡也是Coffee and Couple 是台北不限時咖啡店之一, 此外 Coffee and Couple 咖啡店的低消是一杯飲品.
Coffee and Couple coffee shop is located near the Exit 1 of Shilin MRT station with 1 minute walking distance. The two floors appearance is definitely IG friendly. The customer would need to order at the first floor counter and pay prior. Then, the customer can choose the seats at 2nd floor or 1st floor. There is long table at the 2nd floor, similar with “NOTE – inhouse”. It also has single person high chairs, similar with “Tzubi Coffee”. Coffee and Couple coffee shop is one of the Taipei Coffee Shop with unlimited time policy. The minimum charge is one drink.

延伸閱讀: 2019 台北咖啡推薦 (分區) 》 Taipei Coffee Recommendation


延伸閱讀: NOTE – inhouse 》信義安和站平價義大利麵燉飯餐廳

延伸閱讀: 台北東區忠孝敦化捷運站咖啡店 》 Tzubi Coffee




Price: NTD $120
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍 👍

Coffee and Couple 招牌咖啡之一為交響曲, 實際上是並無攪拌也無奶泡的義大利濃縮咖啡( Expresso ) 與鮮奶, 咖啡與鮮奶的交錯就如同交響曲裡的音符交錯, 店員提醒這杯不攪拌直接喝, 這種喝法與淡水的 “山波甜點店“的鮮奶霜冰滴喝法一樣, 在喝這杯交響曲時, 以來自鮮奶的甜香為主導, 而非咖啡的苦與酸, 這杯咖啡比較適合平常不太喝咖啡的人.
Symphony is one of its signature coffee. It is Expresso with milk but without foam nor stirring. The staff mentions that the better way to drink would be not to stir. This type of drink style is similar with “Simple dessert” coffee at Dansui. The main flavor would be the milky flavor with hints of sweet. There isn’t much bitter nor acidity. This coffee is suitable for people who do not drink coffee regularly.

延伸閱讀: 山波甜點店 Simple Dessert 》或許你會想來淡水吃甜點喝咖啡


Haritts 甜甜圈 (奶油乳酪內餡)

Haritts Donut with Cream Cheese Filling
Price: NTD $60
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍 👍

我是到當天才知道 Haritts 甜甜圈是日本知名品牌甜圈圈, 台灣海外分店位於南京復興站5號出口附近, Coffee and Couple 店員告知每日運送Haritts 甜甜圈到店內, 店內有四至五種風味, 我個人選奶油乳酪, 咬一口甜甜圈時, 第一口的口感微酥脆, 之後的口感則是偏軟與少許彈性. 重點是並不會死甜, 奶油乳酪內餡並不會過硬, 奶油香氣非常討喜, 我個人很推薦這款風味的甜甜圈.
Haritts brand donut is originated from Japan. Its oversea branch is located near Nanjing Fuxin MRT station Exit 5. The staff mentions that the donuts are shipping to the store every day. There are total 4 ~ 5 flavors at Couple and Coffee store. I chose cream cheese filling. The first taste is a bit crispy. The following taste would be soft texture, which is quite good. The overall taste is not too sweet. The cream cheese filling is not hard. The buttery flavor is perfect. I would recommend this donut.



Single Origin Coffee
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

內用續杯可以折 NTD $40, 於是我多點一杯手沖單品咖啡, 價格則是 NTD $150 – NTD $40 = NTD $110. 除了 Menu 上寫的那些單品, 老闆偶而會從國外帶單品咖啡豆回來台灣. 這次店員幫我選剛從國外帶回來的衣索比亞耶加雪夫咖啡豆, 水洗與日曬咖啡豆皆有濃郁香氣, 這款單品咖啡熱騰騰剛開始喝時有著混和微酸蔓越梅與微香的草莓風味, 之後慢慢喝後濃郁黑巧克力會漸漸釋放.
The 2nd coffee can deduct NTD $40. I order single-origin coffee. The price would be NTD $150 – NTD $40 = NTD $110. Sometimes, the owner would carry special coffee beans from other countries. This time, I chose Yirgacheffe coffee beans from Ethiopia. The first sip at the hot coffee has mixed raspberry and strawberry, which has mixed acidity with sweetness. The dark chocolate flavor dominates the afterward taste.

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


店名: Coffee and Couple
地址: 台北市士林區文林路404巷10號 (Map)
捷運站: 士林捷運站
電話: 02-2883-9123
營業時間: Call to Confirm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coffeeandcouple/
Restaurant: Coffee and Couple
Address: No. 10, 404th Lane, Wenlin Road, Shilin District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Shilin MRT station
Tel: 02-2883-9123
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm

Coffee and Couple 菜單 》 Coffee and Couple Menu





