coco.Brownies 可可布朗光復店 》甜點搭葡萄酒的新開幕台北甜點店
Last Updated on 2022-12-07 by Foodelicious
coco Brownies 可可布朗光復店是 2022 新開幕台北東區下午茶甜點店, 難得有戶內外座位, 也可內用, 可外帶每日新鮮出爐的布朗尼回家享用.
coco Brownies Store Guangfu Branch is a 2022 new Dessert Store near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. There are outdoor/indoor seating area. You can also purchase fresh baked brownie for to-go.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
coco Brownies 訂位
coco Brownies Reservation
coco Brownies 可可布朗尼甜點專賣店有兩家分店 – 公館店與光復店, 新開幕 coco Brownies 光復店地址是台北市大安區光復南路96巷12號, 離國父紀念館捷運站1號出口約 5 ~ 8 分鐘路程, 離華視非常近. 目前是 2022 聖誕節期間, cocoBrownies 的聖誕節主題裝潢特別搶眼. coco Brownies 共有 20 種口味的美式特色布朗尼, 每日限量出爐 ,目前 coco Brownies 不能訂位. coco Brownies 可可布朗光復店的限定特色是甜點搭葡萄酒組合, 全天供應
coco Brownies Dessert Shop has two branches – Gongguan Branch and GuangFu Branch. The new GuangFu branch address is No. 12 , 96th Lane, GuangFu South Road, Daan District, Taipei City. It is about 5 ~ 8 minutes walking distance from Exit 1 of SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. Now, it is 2022 Christmas, so the Christmas store decoration is quite obvious. coco Brownies has 20 various brownies. They only have limited quantity since they bake daily at the store. However, you cannot reserve seats at coco Brownies. The coco Brownies GuangFu branch’s exclusive selling point is that they have all-day Dessert & Wine Pairing Set.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
coco Brownies 低消與限時
coco Brownies Minimum Charge and Limited Dining Time
coco Brownies 光復店的低消是 NTD $200/人 , 滿座限時90分鐘用餐.
coco Brownies GuangFu branch minimum charge is NTD $200/person. The limited dining time is 90 minutes if full house.
Brownies are made at the Store
進入 coco Brownies 可可布朗光復店, 剛烘烤好的布朗尼撲鼻而來, 即使已有兩家分店, 老闆依舊堅持每日在店裡製作限量布朗尼. 如果你要訂購大量的布朗尼當作禮物或是 Party Food , 建議提早預訂.
The coco Brownies pastry chef baked their brownie at the store. Even though there are two branches, they still insist making the limited quantity brownies inside the store. If you want to purchase large amount of brownie for gifts/party food, I would suggest to reserve/order prior.
coco Brownies 聖誕禮盒
coco Brownies Christmas Gift Box
圖片裡是 聖誕禮盒, 請自行到店裡挑選
The pictures show Christmas Gift Box. I would suggest to select at the Brownie Shop.
coco Brownies 雙人甜點與酒套餐
coco Brownies Dessert & Wine Pairing Set for Two people
Price: NTD $880
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
coco. Brownies 可可布朗光復店的限定特色是甜點搭葡萄酒專賣. 公館店沒有.
coco. Brownies Guang Fu Branch’s exclusive selling point is Dessert Pairing with Wines.
Six Flavors Brownies Set
這一款套餐的布朗尼是 One Bite Size , 每個人都可以獨自品嚐六種口味.
The brownie in this set is one bite size. Each person can taste six different flavors of Brownies.
布朗尼拼盤 – 從右到左
Brownie Set- From Right to Left
Sea Salt & Caramel
我個人最喜歡焦糖海鹽布朗尼與皇家伯爵茶布朗尼, 不虧是店裡的 Top 1 & Top 2. 焦糖海鹽布朗尼口感是扎實並不會硬, 海鹽存在感十足 , 微甜焦糖風味造就一種美式風格的布朗尼. 不錯吃.
I personally prefer Sea Salt & Caramel and Earl Grey Tea, which are Top 1 & Top 2. The brownie texture is firm but not too hard. The sea salt flavor is quite obvious. The small amount of caramel represents the American style of Brownie. Overall, it is quite delicious.
Jasmine Tea
茉莉花茶的原始茶香是偏細緻, 我是吃到最後才感受到茉莉茶香.
The original Jasmine Tea aroma and flavor are soft. I tasted the Jasmine Tea flavor at the last two bites.
Earl Grey Tea
coco Brownies 成功地將皇家伯爵茶風味加進布朗尼, 每一口皆有明顯的紅茶香風味, 令人著迷, 蠻好吃, 如果要買布郎尼送朋友, 我會推薦這一款.
coco Brownies successfully adds Earl Grey Tea flavor into the brownie. Every bite has obvious Earl Grey black tea flavor. It is impressive. I would recommend this flavor if you want to buy Brownie for your friend.
這裡當然少不了經典的核桃堅果, 要做得好吃不黏口, 且有堅果風味也是很難得. 若忠於經典, 建議可以買這一款
Classic Walnut Brownie with delicious nutty flavor and not-too-sticky texture are hard to find. If you prefer traditional, you can consider this one.
Cinnamon Apple
肉桂的比例讓切片蘋果風味沒有被覆蓋住, 冬季很適合買這款肉桂蘋果布朗尼去 Party , 當然其他季節也可以點.
The percentage of cinnamon didnt cover the sliced apple flavor and aroma. It is suitable to share for winter party (or party at any season ).
Brandy Cherry
不用擔心, 這款的酒漬櫻桃並沒有過多酒香, 白蘭地反而賦予適量甜度, 也讓櫻桃的風味更明顯與獨特, 而且邊吃布朗尼, 還可以吃到櫻桃, 而不是單純的醬.
No worries, the cherry doesn’t have too much Brandy flavor. The brandy brings out more sweetness. The cherry flavor also becomes more unique. While eating the Brownie, you can also tasted the cherry itself, not the jam.
白酒 White Wine
Blue Nun Authentic White 2019
德國藍仙姑白酒 150ml
coco Brownies 可可布朗雙人甜點與酒套餐會附一杯白酒 與一杯紅酒, 這次的白酒品牌是來自德國的 Blue Nun Authentic White, 葡萄品種是來自德國萊茵河的 Müller-Thurgau ( Rivaner ) 葡萄品種, 喝起來並沒有像 Riesling 有明顯酸度, 這杯白酒有著充沛的果香. 店員解說這款白酒會搭配焦糖海鹽,茉莉花茶,皇家伯爵茶, Blue Nun Authentic White 不會過甜, 可以襯托出布朗尼原本的風味.
coco Brownies Dessert & Wine Pairing Set for Two people will include one glass white glass and one glass red wine. The German white wine brand is Blue Nun Authentic White. The grape type is Müller-Thurgau ( Rivaner ) near River Rhine. The taste doesn’t have the obvious acidity like the Riesling. The white wine has fair amount of fruity flavor and aroma. The staff mentioned that this white wine pairs with Sea Salt Caramel, Jasmine Tea, Earl Grey Tea. Blue Nun Authentic White is not too sweet. It can show the original flavor from the Brownie.
紅酒 Red Wine
Cantine Settesocli Canceddi Nero D’Avola Sicilia DOC 2020
古器 黑阿沃拉紅酒 150ml
這一款 義大利西西里紅酒是 100% Nero d’Avola , 酒體不會過度飽滿, 柔順的單寧很適合搭配核桃堅果與肉桂蘋果布朗尼, 搭配白蘭地櫻桃乳酪布朗尼頗有趣, 因為紅酒的甜櫻桃風味更加強這款布朗尼的櫻桃風味.
This wine is Italian Red Wine with 100% Nero d’Avola. The wine body is medium. The soft tannin pairs great with walnut brownie and cinnamon apple brownie. Pairing with Brandy Cherry brownie is quite interesting since this particular red wine enhances more cherry flavors.
Homemade Classic Cheese Cake with Berry Jam
不僅起司蛋糕是 coco.Brownies 自家製作, 連季節果漿都是自家熬煮, 看得出也吃得到顆粒感, 起司蛋糕的濃郁度則是介於 Cheese Cake & New York Cheese Cake. 若要單點起司蛋糕, 價格為 NTD $230/片.
Not only coco.Brownies makes their own Cheese Cake, they also make their own berry jam. You can taste the berry itself. The cheese flavor is in between Cheese Cake & New York Cheese Cake. If you only want to order one slice of Cheese Cake, the price would be NTD $230/slice
結論 – Conclusion ⭐
✅ 如果朋友與你兩個人都喝酒, 我個人會推薦點「 coco Brownies 可可布朗雙人甜點與酒 Pairing 套餐 」, 這種不錯吃的組合在 coco Brownies 可可布朗光復店才有, 這裡的 戶外座位適合拍照.
✅ 可以外帶布朗尼當作小禮物或是辦公室下午茶, Size 適中, 也不會過甜, 很適合分享.
I have two conclusions:
✅ If you and your friend both drink wine, I would suggest you to order their「coco Brownies Dessert & Wine Pairing Set for Two people 」. Only GuangFu Branch has this interesting and delicious set. This place is also great for photo shooting.
✅ You can purchase Brownie as gift or office afternoon tea. The size is medium and not too sweet, which are great for sharing.
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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coco Brownies 可可布朗資訊
coco Brownies Information
餐廳: coco Brownies 可可布朗 光復店
地址: 台北市大安區光復南路96巷12號 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站
電話: 02-8772-9089
Restaurant: coco Brownies
Address: No. 12 , 96th Lane, GuangFu South Road, Daan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall Station
Tel: 02-8772-9089
coco Brownies 內用菜單
coco Brownies Dine-In Menu
coco Brownies 外帶菜單
coco Brownies To-Go Menu