Taipei Ramen 》柑橘 Shinn 鴨蔥拉麵是值得二訪的台北拉麵推薦
Last Updated on 2020-11-16 by Foodelicious
台北鴨蔥拉麵 是 柑橘 Shinn – Soba 二店, 不僅是六張犁美食之一, 也在我的台北拉麵推薦名單上.
Citrus Shinn Duck Ramen Restaurant is Shinn Soba 2.0 second store. It is on my Taipei Ramen Recommendation list.
鴨蔥拉麵 菜單在文末 》Citrus Shinn Duck Ramen Menu is at the end of article
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關於 柑橘Shinn – 鴨蔥拉麵 餐廳資訊
About Citrus Shinn Duck Ramen Restaurant Information
柑橘 Shinn – Soba 本店為於國泰醫院附近, 二店 – 鴨蔥拉麵離六張犁捷運站約十分鐘路程, 日式餐廳裝潢在巷弄內相當醒目, 鴨蔥拉麵並沒有提供訂位服務, 採用現場排隊方式, 自行使用機器點餐, 與 “隱家拉麵” 是一家典型的台北日本拉麵店, 餐廳裡面除了有單人座位外, 也有長桌座位, 這裡的水與餐具皆是自取, 拉麵店有一些規則, 請自行到文末菜單詳讀, 最重要的是12 歲以上每人低消 NTD $200. 鴨蔥拉麵菜單有分三大類 – 泡系 (與 “麵屋壹慶 “), 油 Soba 乾麵 “柑橘 Shin – Soba “, 與淡麗系. 這次我是點淡麗柑橘鴨蛤拉麵.
Shinn – Soba First Store is near Cathay General Hospital. The second store, which is Citrus Shinn Duck Ramen Restaurant, is about 10 minutes walking from Liuzhangli MRT station. They do not offer reservation. And they order via machine at the front door. It is a classic Taipei Ramen restaurant, just like “Ajito Ramen”. Besides single seats, there is also a long table for several people. There are a few rules at menu at the end of article. The most important rule would be people above 12 years old minimum charge is NTD $200. There are three types ramen on the menu – Mousseuse /Foam Thick Broth, Soba, and Light broth. This time, I ordered Ramen with Duck & Clam Broth.
延伸閱讀: Soba Shinn 柑橘拉麵店 》有著獨特風格的台北拉麵店
延伸閱讀: 麵屋壹慶 》台北日本泡沫拉麵 | Taipei Ramen
延伸閱讀: Shilin Ramen 》隱家拉麵是拉麵愛好者心目中的士林平價拉麵店
延伸閱讀: 其他六張犁站美食 》Other Restaurants near Liuzhangli MRT station
淡麗柑橘鴨蛤拉麵 + 半熟蛋
Ramen with Duck & Clam Broth + Half Boiled Egg
Price: NTD $260+ $20 = NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍 👍
這次選擇的淡麗柑橘鴨蛤拉麵有兩種我喜歡的元素 – 鴨 & 蛤蜊. 麵擺上桌時, 習慣地先勺了一口湯喝, 鴨香與蛤蜊鮮味入口, 鮮味多一些. 再將神秘黑色的店家特製香味粉均勻攪拌於湯頭裡, 鹹香增加, 湯頭層次變得更豐富,偏硬拉麵體有吸收足夠湯汁, 兩片豚叉燒與四片鴨叉燒嫩度適量, 額外加點的半熟蛋也相當具有水準, 整體我個人蠻喜歡吃, 也會再訪, 我會推薦給平常固定有在吃拉麵的人.
I ordered this ramen because it has two of my favorite elements – Duck and Clam. I tasted the broth, which has small amount of duck meat aroma and more clam umami flavor. I remixed the custom-made black powder with the broth. The broth turned out to have layers of flavors with a little bit more salty and meaty flavors. The ramen absorbs fair amount of broth and yummy. The pork and duck slices has enough tenderness. The extra half-boiled egg is delicious too. Overall, this ramen dish is quite good. I will definitely revisit. I would also recommend to people who eat ramen regularly.
延伸閱讀: 台北拉麵推薦懶人包 (分區) 》TAIPEI RAMEN GUIDE (BY DISTRICT)
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
餐廳: 柑橘 Shinn 鴨蔥拉麵
地址: 台北市信義區嘉興街315號 (Map)
捷運站: 六張犁捷運站
電話: 02-8732-0977
Restaurant: Citrus Shinn Duck Ramen Restaurant
Address: No. 315, Jiaxing Street,Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Liuzhangli MRT station
Tel: 02-8732-0977
柑橘 Shinn 鴨蔥拉麵 菜單 》Citrus Shin Duck Ramen Menu