CIMES 君尹現代歐陸餐廳 》與朋友們品嚐 CIMES 菜單
Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious
(Closed Down ) 2022 新開幕 CIMES 君尹現代歐陸餐廳 是松江南京美食之一, 廚師團隊運用且結合頂級食材, 設計出 CIMES 晚餐與午餐菜單.
(Closed Down ) CIMES Restaurant is one of the 2022 Taipei New Restaurants. Chef Team uses high-end ingredients to design CIMES dinner and lunch menu.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
CIMES 君尹 訂位
CIMES Restaurant Reservation
CIMES 君尹現代歐陸餐廳地址為台北市中山區建國北路一段92巷8號 , 離松江南京捷運站四號與五號出口只需 5 ~ 8 分鐘, 離伊通公園很近. 餐廳外觀很低調, 很容易錯過, CIMES 君尹 訂位 ”目前“ 請直接打電話 02-2509-1070, 在2:30 PM ~ 5:30 PM 接受電話訂位, 其他時間為語音. CIMES 君尹並沒有包廂, 只有 17 個高腳座位. 令饕客們覺得有特色的是廚師團隊用的各種機器, 全部放在廚房中島旁邊讓饕客看.
CIMES Restaurant address is at No. 8, 92th Lane, 1st Section, Jianguo North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City. It is only 5 ~ 8 minutes from Songjiang Nanjing MRT station Exit 4 & 5. It is very closed to the park. The restaurant is quite low profile and easy to miss. You will need to reserve via phone call 02-2509-1070 during 2:30 PM ~ 5:30 PM. CIMES Restaurant does not have private dining room, instead, it has 17 high chair seats. The most interesting part would be all these professional machines that chef team uses.
延伸閱讀: 其他松江南京餐廳美食 》 Other Restaurants near Songjiang Nanjing MRT station.
CIMES 君尹 停車
CIMES Restaurant Parking
The parking map is at the following.
CIMES 君尹菜單與價位 ⭐
CIMES Restaurant Menu & Price
✅ 午餐套餐 NTD $2980 起
✅ 晚餐套餐 NTD $4980 起
另外可加價食材, 例如現刨澳洲冬季新鮮黑松露, 加價 NTD $980. CIMES 君尹菜單 如下, 我跟朋友們吃晚餐.
2022. August Menu Price
✅ Lunch Set NTD $2980+
✅ Dinner Set NTD $4980+
You can always pay extra for adding other ingredients. For example, you can pay extra NTD $980 for grating fair amount of AUS Black Truffle. CIMES menu is at the following. My friend and I had dinner.
CIMES 君尹 – 晚餐套餐
CIMES Restaurant- Dinner Set
晚餐套餐 NTD $4980起
Dinner Set NTD $4980+
Amuse Bouche
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
開胃三品會不定期更換, 這次吃到有三款
主廚採用海瓜子與海螺作為第一道主食材, 少許海苔粉末讓味蕾感受到微鹹味. 第二道小點為海鮮小塔, 魚卵不只是點綴, 讓這一道海鮮小塔更有鮮味的直球衝擊. 我個人最喜歡第三道, 以豬頭肉為內餡的小點, 視覺感唯美, 酥脆口感搭配肉香, 不錯吃!
Amuse Bouche might be vary. This time, I tasted three items.
1. Shelled Seafood Crispy Roll
2. Fish Seafood Tart
3. Pork Meatball
The chef uses clams as the main ingredients along with the seaweed powder. The tastebuds can sense small amount of saltiness. The 2nd amuse bouche is fish seafood tart. The roe is not just for decoration , but also brings the strong umami flavor. I personally like No. 3 appetizer , not only with the elegant display. I like the pork head meat filling since I love the delicious meaty flavor along with the crispy appearance.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
龜山島角蝦 / 豌豆 / 甜菜
Pan Fried Guishan Island Scampi with green pea and beet root
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
上次吃到完整未去殼的角蝦是在 “Malavida 餐廳” , 這次在CIMES 君尹餐廳吃到的完整且去殼的角蝦, 端上桌後, Jimmy 主廚來說菜時, 提到碗豆泥與甜菜根汁皆是原型食材, 再用中島旁的專業機器製作而成, 角蝦旁也有新鮮碗豆作為點綴,並不會過度煨軟, 品嚐角蝦時, 碗豆與甜菜根汁並不會蓋住角蝦的鮮甜.
Last time I had a large size scampi was at “Malavida Restaurant”. This time at CIMES restaurant, I also tasted the scampi without shell. After serving, Chef Jimmy mentioned that the green pea and beet root sauce/paste are made with original ingredient with professional machine processor. There are fresh green pea at the side too. Overall, the sauces didnt cover the fresh seafood flavor and small amount of sweet from the Scampi.
延伸閱讀: Malavida 餐廳 》新開幕台北西班牙餐廳 (內有訂位方式與菜單)
酸乳 / 魚子醬
Crème Fraîche and Caviar
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
光看名字, 很難想像出這一道菜餚的 Layout. 實際上這是一道在國外經典常見的菜餚, 端上桌後, 先是觀察到義大利 Oscietra Caviar 魚子醬, 法式酸奶, 蕎麥煎餅與猶如裙擺的白花椰菜. 與美式煎餅 (Pancake) 最大的不同是, 蕎麥煎餅 ( Blini) 是用蕎麥製作而成. 魚子醬延伸上ㄧ道的鮮味, 給我最深印象的反而是蕎麥煎餅的蓬鬆感與旁邊的 creamy 法式酸奶.
It is hard to imagine the layout when only looking at the dish name. In fact, Crème Fraîche and Caviar dish is quite common at foreign restaurants. After serving,I noticed the Italian Oscietra Caviar , Crème Fraîche, buckwheat blini, and white broccoli. Different from American pancake, blini is made with buckwheat. The caviar brings the umami to the tastebuds. But, the impression of this dish is the fluffy texture of the blini and creamy Crème Fraîche.
北海道干貝 / 加拿大旭蟹
Pan Fried Hokkaido Sea Scallop with Spanner Crab Meat
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
2L 等級香煎干貝與加拿大旭蟹腿堆疊起這一道不同的海鮮風味, 干貝如預期地美味, 雖然盤底是海鮮洋香菜醬汁, 這一道的海鮮風味依舊.
The different layers of the seafood flavors are structured by the pan fried Hokkaido scallop and spanner crab leg meat. The scallop is delicious as expected. Even though it was the coriander seafood sauce at the bottom of the plate, the original seafood flavor remains.
Jamon iberico de bellota
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
上次吃到主廚切整個伊比利火腿是在 “Jarana Taipei” , 那次是拼盤分享, 這次在CIMES 君尹吃到的份量是一人份, 而且西班牙伊比利火腿是熟成48 個月, 存在感十足的榛果香氣與肉香搭配麵包是肉食者的最愛.
Last time I had Jamon iberico was at “Jarana Taipei”, which is in sharing plate. This time at CIMES restaurant, I tasted the one person portion. And the Jamon iberico de bellota is 48 months aged. I love the hazelnut flavors and meaty flavors pairing with the bread.
延伸閱讀: Jarana Taipei 》菜單除了西班牙鴨肝麵外還點哪些菜餚
Keelung Kanziding Fillet of line caught fresh fish
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
魚的種類會不定期更改, 不僅是當季, 也是新鮮海魚 , 這次吃到的是黑喉魚, 嫩魚肉的配菜是烤杏鮑菇和落葵, 醬汁則是濃魚高湯和綠色蒔蘿油.
The fish type might vary. The fish is seasonal and also from ocean. This time is Longmouth Jewfish. The tender fish meat side dishes mushroom and Ceylon Spinach. It pairs great with dill oil and fish broth.
蒜味起司蘑菇 + 新鮮黑松露
Garlic and Mushroom + AUS Black Truffle
Add Price: + NTD $980
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
這次在CIMES 君尹現代歐陸餐廳加價 (NTD $980 ) 即可品嘗到桌邊現刨澳洲冬季新鮮黑松露, 滿滿黑松露香氣搭配 60個月義大利 Parmigiano 帕米吉阿諾乾酪充滿視覺與味覺衝擊感, 很容易忘記酸種麵包與牛肝菌泡泡, 這一道很適合愛吃黑松露的人.
In CIMES restaurant, you can add extra NTD $980 to taste the black truffle The chef will grate the black truffle for every customer. It is impressive to taste the strong truffle aroma pairs with 60 months Italian Parmigiano cheese. It is easy to ignore the bread and the mushroom foam. This dish is suitable for people who love black truffle.
晚餐主菜三選一: 美國特級肋眼
Dinner (Select One out of three ) : US Prime Rib Eye
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
CIMES 美國特級肋眼晚餐套餐價格是 NTD $4980 , 從第一道吃到主餐, 100g肋眼牛排已經足夠, 我個人喜歡美國牛肉, 每一口皆是迷人適量油脂與濃郁肉香.
CIMES US Prime Rib Eye Dinner Set is NTD $4980. 100g rib eye is quite enough for me since I already tasted so many dishes already. I personally like US steak. Ever bite is full of fair amount of fats and thick meaty flavor.
晚餐主菜三選一: 橡木子等級伊比利豬
Dinner (Select One out of three ) : 100% Bellota Iberico Pork
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
CIMES 100% 純種橡木子等級伊比利豬晚餐套餐價格是 NTD $6980, 我跟朋友一起分享伊比利豬與美國特級肋眼, . 我個人還是比較喜歡肋眼牛排
100% Bellota Iberico Pork Dinner set is NTD $6980. My friend and I share the pork and steak together. I personally prefer rib eye though.
前甜點: 小麥 / 麥芽 / 檸檬
Pre-Dessert : Wheat, Malt, Lemon
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
CIMES 甜點主廚在客人面前製作甜點, 先將麥芽冰淇淋置入杯裡, 再推疊起小麥爆米泡泡, 剛開始沒注意到杯底的檸檬碎冰, 帶給味蕾些許甜酸, 我個人蠻喜歡這道甜點.
CIMES pastry chef will make the dessert in front of the guests. The pastry chef will place the malt ice cream and malt foam in order. I didnt notice the lemon ice at the bottom. It brings the sweet and small amount of acidity to the tastebuds. I personally like this dessert.
主甜點: 華寶西瓜 / 荔枝 / 玫瑰
Main Dessert: Watermelon, lychee, rose
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
甜點主廚將薄切西瓜圓片推疊於荔枝冰糕, 再注入西瓜冷湯, 消暑無誤, 最明顯的風味莫過於紅色玫瑰風味 Sorbet.
The pastry chef will place the watermelon slice on the top of the lychee ice cream before pouring in the watermelon cold broth. It is the perfect remedy for a hot summer. The most obvious flavor would be the rose flavor sorbet.
Tea or Coffee
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
I choose the tea without caffeine.
Dessert: Petit Four
The petit four will change vary.
Wine Pairing Menu
首先, 每一個人都會有迎賓香檳. CIMES 餐廳的 Wine Pairing 有兩款價格, 我跟朋友皆是選四杯酒 Pairing, 兩白兩紅, 圖片上有五款酒因為牛排主餐與伊比利豬主餐是搭配不一樣的紅酒,侍酒師有注意到細節. 整體餐搭酒搭配得不錯
✅ 兩杯酒 Wine Pairing: NTD $980
✅ 四杯酒 Wine Pairing: NTD $1780
First, everyone will get one glass of champagne as welcome wine. CIMES wine pairing has two types of price. My friend and I chose 4 glasses pairing. The wine pairing menu has two white wines and two red wines. The picture has five bottles of wines because one of the red wine is for pork and the other one is for steak. Sommelier is quite impressive to notice the details. Overall, the wine pairing menu is quite good.
✅ Tow glasses Wine Pairing: NTD $980
✅ Four glasses Wine Pairing: NTD $1780
結論 Conclusion ⭐
我直接寫哪些人適合來 CIMES 君尹現代歐陸餐廳
✅ 喜歡珍貴食材的人
CIMES 食材包括加價購的現刨黑松露, 2L 大 Size 北海道干貝,熟成48 個月西班牙伊比利火腿..etc.
✅ 喜歡與主廚互動的人
因為餐廳中島設計, 主廚與客人可以有更高互動率
✅ 喜歡吃海鮮的人 (2022.8月菜單)
I will just write that who are suitable to dine at CIMES restaurant.
✅ People who like high-end ingredients
CIMES ingredients include grating the black truffle, 2L Hokkaido Sea Scallop, 48 months aged Jamon iberico de bellota ..etc.
✅ People who like to interact with the chef
Because of the Restaurant kitchen island design, Chef can interact with guests easily.
✅ People who like to eat seafood (2022. August Menu)
There are many seafoods in August 2022 menu.
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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CIMES 君尹現代歐陸餐廳 資訊
CIMES Restaurant Information
店名: CIMES 君尹現代歐陸餐廳
地址: 台北市中山區建國北路一段 92 巷 8 號 (Map)
捷運站: 松江南京捷運站
電話: 02-2509-1070
Restaurant: CIMES Restaurant
Address: No. 8, 92th Lane, 1st Section, Jianguo North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station:Songjiang Nanjing MRT station.
Tel: 02-2509-1070