Taipei Scone 》台北司康推薦非悄悄司康莫屬

Last Updated on 2021-01-25 by Foodelicious

悄悄好食是眾所皆知的台北司康推薦, 我這次是去東門站附近的悄悄好食永康店 , 吃到了隱藏限定版千層司康與微醺司康.
Ciao Ciao Scones is the well-known Taipei Scone Recommendation. I went to Ciao Ciao Scone Shop Yongkang Store. tasted the tipsy scone and multi-layers scone.

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About Ciao Ciao Scone MRT

悄悄好食永康店離東門捷運站五號出口約 15 分鐘路程, 延著永康街, 經過天津蔥抓餅與白水豆花永康店, 即可看到有落地窗, 窗戶印著斗大的 “SCONE” 一字. 永康店內的座位並沒有”悄悄好食杭州南路店“多, 因為落地窗明亮採光, 悄悄好食永康店用餐環境反倒有點像吃早午餐的感覺, 這裡下午茶也是常常滿座, 是永康商圈的排隊名店.
Ciao Ciao Scones Store is about 15 minutes walking distance from Exit 5 of Dongmen MRT station. You would need to along Yongkang Street and pass the park. You would see the large window with “SCONE” printed on the window. Ciao Ciao Scone store seating area is smaller than “Ciao Ciao Hangzhou store”. Because the dining environment is quite bright, the atmosphere is more like eating Taipei brunch. The store is always lined up with people during afternoon.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Scone Recommendation 》悄悄好食杭州舖的司康值得品嚐

延伸閱讀: 台北早午餐懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Brunch Guide (By District)



About Ciao Ciao Scone Reservation & Operation Hour

悄悄好食永康店舖的營業時間為每日 9:30 am ~ 8:30pm. 每個月司康口味都會 PO 在粉絲頁, 悄悄好食無法訂位, 但是可以先打電話預留當天的司康, 之後再決定外帶或是內用, 外帶則是會提供簡易的牛皮紙袋. 我在用餐的時候也是有不少人外帶司康. 後來與店員閒聊發現, 悄悄也有提供週一至週五快遞與宅配.
The operation hour of Yongkang store is 9:30am ~ 8:30pm. Monthly flavor would be posted at Facebook fan page. However, you cannot reserve seats at Ciao Ciao Scone Shop. But, you can always call to reserve the seats, than decide later regarding dine-in or to-go. After discussing with staffs, they also offer home delivery and fast delivery during Monday ~ Friday.

延伸閱讀: 其他東門站美食 》 Other restaurants at Dongmen MRT station


悄悄司康- 威士忌土鳳梨

Ciao Ciao Scone – Whisky Pineapple Flavor
Price: NTD $65
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

悄悄最有名的司康是芋頭放鬆, 放鬆司康系列其實就是司康裡有內餡, 上次在杭州南路店已吃過. 這次在永康店就決定吃微醺威士忌土鳳梨司康, 形容這款司康是微醺是有點過分了, 其實吃起來並沒有一絲毫的酒精味. 咬一口熱騰騰的司康, 土鳳梨的酸度並沒有預期地高, 加了威士忌製作讓整體鳳梨風味更佳圓滑飽滿, 司康本身的奶油味與鳳梨風味搭配不錯吃.
Honestly, it is not exactly a “tipsy” scone since there isn’t much alcohol flavor. While biting at the hot scone, the pineapple filling doesn’t contain much acidity expectedly. The whisky enhances pineapple flavor. The pineapple flavor pairs great with the buttery flavor from the scone.

延伸閱讀: 微醺甜點懶人包 》Tipsy Dessert Guide


悄悄司康- 起司千層司康

Ciao Ciao Scone – Cheese Flavor Multi-Layers Scone
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

價格寫 N/A 因為千層司康是隱藏限定版, 不一定每日都有, 而且口味每天也不一樣, 因此價格不一樣, 需要先打電話確認店家有沒有做, 以免撲空. 我那天吃的起司千層司康是 NTD $70, 千層司康吃起來非常酥脆, 切面就有如 “吉可頌 ”的可頌有許多層次. 來自起司的鹹味與司康奶油香剛開始有些突兀, 之後因為起司而加強了這款司康的奶香味, 十分有創意的司康. 我個人推薦如果有千層司康, 建議點來吃.
I wrote “ price: N/A” because they have different flavor of multi-layers scone everyday. And they don’t offer multi-layers scones everyday. You would need to call first to confirm if they made this hidden version of scones. The cheese flavor scone is NTD$70. This particular scone is quite crispy. The layers are like “MyCroissant by Guillaume” croissant. At the beginning, the salty flavor from the cheese is a bit interesting. Later on, the cheese enhances more buttery flavor. It is quite a special scone. If they have the multi-layer scone, I would suggest you to try it.

延伸閱讀: 吉可頌 》Taipei Croissant Recommendation | MyCroissant by Guillaume



Ciao Ciao Scone – Vanilla Scone with Pearl Sugar
Price: NTD $65
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

熱騰騰的司康, 外層些許珍珠糖已融化, 外層酥脆與內層紮實已是悄悄招牌, 散發出濃郁的蛋香味和類似烘烤重蛋糕的迷人香味, 吃完後確定悄悄司康真的是我在台北最愛的司康店鋪.
Some of the sugars are melt on the appearance of the hot scone. There are still egg aroma and baked pound cake aroma fulfilled the atmosphere. The crispy and sweetness would make you crave for more. Now, I am sure that Ciao Ciao Scone Shop is my favorite Taipei scone.



Ciao Ciao Lemon Sparkling
Price: NTD $110
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這杯飲料並不會過酸, 清爽檸檬香不錯喝, 只是與奶油風味司康不太搭, 我個人覺得搭配紅玉紅茶比較適合.
This drink is not overly too sour. It is more like refreshing drink, but it doesn’t match the buttery flavor from the scone. I would suggest to order black tea instead.

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount




Ciao Ciao Scone Yongkang Store Information

餐廳: 悄悄好食永康店
地址: 台北市大安區永康街31巷14-4號 (Map)
捷運站: 東門捷運站
電話: 02-2356-7206
Restaurant: Ciao Ciao Scone Yongkang Store
Address: No. 14-4, 31th Lane, Yongkang Street,Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Dongmen MRT station
Tel: 02-2356-7206




