五味瓶 C’est la vie Bistro 》永康東門捷運站餐酒館 | Taipei French Bistro

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(已歇業) 五味瓶法國餐廳台北永康街餐酒館, 跟 “Naked Bistro 裸餐酒 “一樣也是台北大安區少數平價異國料理之一.
(Closed) C’est la vie Bistro is one of the Taipei Yongkang Bistros. It is also one of a few price-friendly restaurants at Da’an District just like “Naked Bistro“.


菜單 在文末
Menu is at the end of the article

深褐色招牌搭配米黃色外牆外融入寧靜巷弄內, 不論白晝或夜晚都很容易錯過, 落地窗的裝潢與台北東區 “鬍子餐酒 (Baffi Italian Trattoria)”相似, 當時用餐時間是平日下午一點, 客人相當多, 無法如願四處照餐廳環境, 這家餐廳也有跟 “Chou Chou 法式料理餐廳“一樣的吧台座, 可以一邊用餐一邊觀察廚師們的互動, 值得一提的是年輕的服務生們都相當親切, 並不像刻板印象的法國高級餐廳服務生冷酷.
Dark brown sign along with creamy color wall are not easy to find. The french window is similar with “Baffi Italian Trattoria”. Due to the busy dining hour, I couldn’t take pictures at the sofa seating area. Surprisingly, it has the high-chair seats just like “Chou Chou French Restaurant”. Moreover, their waiters are extremely friendly.




English Name: Roast Pork Loin with Sauce Ravigote
Set Price: NTD $720
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

噶瑪蘭豬似乎已成為台北餐酒館的潮流食材, 與 “MUNCHIES CAFE” 較不一樣的是五味瓶 ( C’est la vie Bistro ) 在端上桌前已事先切好, 擺盤跟 “POPINA 餐酒館“ 截然不同, 五味瓶 ( C’est la vie Bistro ) 將鮮蔬直接放在里肌豬排上, 而非一旁, 烤玉米筍脆度極高, 帶有嚼勁的里肌肉有粉嫩色澤, 可惜的是其中有幾塊里肌肉偏乾, 下一次我應該會點別道料理
Ka Va Lan Porks seemed to be trendy in Taiwan restaurants. Different from “MUNCHIES CAFE”, C’est la vie Bistro pre-cut the pork chop before serving. The plating design is also different from “POPINA BISTRO”. C’est la vie Bistro placed the vegetables on the top of the pork chop instead of on the side. The corn texture is crisp and full of flavors. The taste of the pork lion is chewy with medium level of tenderness. Sadly, some of the pork chops are a bit dry.




Potato Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

湯較為稀釋, 份量較少, 鹹香培根蓋住原先的馬鈴薯風味.
Potato soup is a bit watery and the quantity is smaller than expected. Also, The small amount of bacons covers the potato flavor.




Sabayon – Peanut/Banana/Caramel/Armagnac
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

焦糖冰淇淋搭配像溶化切達的義大利沙巴雍醬, 香蕉切片藏在如絲綢般的醬中, 香蕉風味蓋過酒香, 花生顆粒帶來不同的口感, 這道甜點相當值得推薦.
Caramel Ice Cream pairs with Sabayon. Sliced banana is hidden in between the silky sauce. The banana flavor covers the Armagnac (Brandy) aroma and sweetness. The peanut brings different layers of flavor as well. I would definitely recommend this dessert.


延伸閱讀: 台北異國料理餐酒館 》TAIPEI BISTRO GUIDE




Restaurant Name 店名: 五味瓶 C’est la vie Bistro
Address: No. 15 , 61th Lane, Yongkang Street, Da’an District, Taipei City 台北市大安區永康街61巷15號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/5cestlavie/
Nearby MRT station: Dongmen MRT station 東門捷運站
電話: 02-2396-6576
營業時間: 11:30am ~ 2:30pm ; 5:30pm ~ 9:30 pm





