( 改成 Bruncher ) a poet 地中海歐陸餐廳 是 信義安和美食 之一, 也歸類於 台北餐酒館, a poet 菜單必點菜餚是海鹽盤烤美國頂級無骨牛小排. (Change to Bruncer ) A Poet restaurant is one of the Xinyi Anhe restaurants. It is also categorized as Taipei Bist...
( Closed Down) 寫這篇“ 信義誠品美食餐廳懶人包 ”是因為我有誠品會員卡, 常在信義誠品美食街吃飯, 或是偶爾去信義誠品6F餐廳吃飯, 僅限Foodelicious Review過的美食街或餐廳, 之後會陸續更新! ( Closed Down ) The main reason that I wrote about this Restaurant Guide is that I ha...
(結束營業) 澳門贏到足 - 鍋物私房菜二店是 新開幕忠孝敦化美食餐廳, 在澳門贏到足菜單裡, 可以選擇加價大七酒造清酒加進卜卜蜆鍋裡, 成為具有特色的台北蛤蜊鍋. (Closed Down ) Yin Dao Zu Restaurant 2nd branch is a new restaurant near Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station. In the menu, y...
(結束營業) at ease 餐廳 是 2021 新開幕台北餐酒館 之一, 最有趣的莫過於是要 站著吃 at ease 菜單與 喝 Draft Land 的酒. (Closed ) at ease restaurant is one of the 2021 new Bistro at Taipei City. The most interesting part would be that you ...
(結束營業) 台北 Malavida 西班牙餐酒館 有著紅色燈光的異國風格裝潢, 是 國父紀念館站美食 之一, Malavida 菜單 除了有現代創新西班牙菜餚, 也有傳統家常西班牙菜餚. (Closed Down ) Malavida Spanish restaurant indoor design is quite eye-catching since it is red light. It ...
(Closed Down) 2021 新開幕 01 Burger 是台北東區漢堡店, 最特別的莫過於菜單上的 01Burger 漢堡包是炸台式刈包, 內餡則是偏中西合併風味. 01 Burger Shop is one of the 2021 Taipei new restaurant. It is also one of the Taipei East District Burger shops...
(Closed Down ) 台北 Mooo Burger 是 2021 新開幕餐廳, 也是 Chateau Zoe 酒窖餐廳的第二品牌, 觀察 Mooo Burger 菜單後發現食材與價格都與平常台北漢堡店不太一樣. Mooo Burger is 2021 Taipei new restaurant. It is also 2nd brand of Chateau Zoe restaurant....
(快閃店) 台北龍亭餐廳只有星期五六日進駐於北風社咖啡店裡, 也是神秘的赤峰街美食推薦之一, 每週龍亭菜單與營業時間都不太一樣, 請關注他們的Instagram 與 Facebook. (Nomad) Taipei Long Ting Food is located inside Bei Fong She Coffee Shop during Friday, Saturday, and Sunda...