earnestos 餐廳 是 2024 新開幕台北餐廳之一 , earnestos 菜單由老闆之一, 也是新加坡籍主廚 Ernest Toh 卓均仰所設計. earnestos restaurant is a 2024 new Taipei restaurant. Singapore Chef Ernest Toh , who is also one of the owners , designs...
觀察 2021 新開幕的 Terra 土然巧克力專門店菜單, 發現這家並不是單純的台北溫州街下午茶餐廳, 而是店家藉由可可風味飲料與甜點來推廣巧克力 Bean to Bar 的概念. After checking Terra Bean to Bar Chocolate menu, you would realize this is not a simple afternoon tea place ...
和合青田其實稱作台北市茶藝館反而較適合, 特色是用傳統燒炭火泡茶, 是一個台北泡茶與品茶的好去處, 也在我的台北茶館推薦名單裡. HeHe QingTian is one of the Taipei Tea Houses. The most special part would be they offer traditional method to brew tea, which is burni...
台北大安區有一家複合式咖啡甜點店相當特別, Belly Daily 位於好孕工作室助產所裡, 是大安森林公園下午茶甜點店之一. Belly Daily Coffee & Dessert is located inside the Midwifery Clinic at Taipei Da’an district. It is one of the afternoon tea dessert...
“忠南飯館”是 LOUIS VUITTON旅遊指南推薦餐廳之一, 位於台北空軍總部對面, 也就是仁愛路三段和建國北路高架橋附近, 是一家在適合家庭聚會的平價中式料理餐廳. Many people didn't know that this restaurant is at LOUIS VUITTON Taipei City Travel Guide. Chungnam Restaurant is...