Saffron 46 ( 番紅花 46 餐廳 ) 是台北微風南山美食之一, 在台北信義區印度餐廳名單佔有一席之地, 這次有榮幸可品嚐到這裡的料理與出色的調酒. Saffron 46 is one of the restaurants at Taipei Breeze Nangshan. It is also one of the Indian Restaurants at Taipei Xinyi...
專屬台北葡萄酒吧越來越多, 但是像 肯自然 這種下午開始營業的台北自然葡萄酒吧則是非常少見. There are many Wine Bars at Taipei City. “ Can Nature Taipei ” opens from afternoon through night, which is quite rare at Taipei City.
奧瑞岡義大利餐廳是台北大安站附近適合聚會的平價義大利餐廳, 也在大安區CP值高商業午餐名單裡. Oregano Italian Restaurant is one of the budget-wise Italian restaurant near Da’an MRT station. It is also one of a few places that offer price-friendly...
台北熟成咖哩餐廳是近期饕客們熱搜關鍵字, 2019 新開幕大安區通庵熟成咖喱餐廳是 VG Seafood Bar 集團旗下一個餐廳品牌. Taipei Aged Curry Restaurant is one of the popular search words lately. 2019 newly-opened Tongan Curry is one of the restaurant bra...
THE UKAI TAIPEI 是微風南山美食景觀餐廳之一, 分為 Ukai 日式割烹和 Ukai 鐵板燒兩區, 我與朋友網路預約到 Ukai 割烹午餐時段. The Ukai Taipei is one of the restaurants with views at Nanshan Breeze Mall. This restaurant is separated into two areas...
Smith & Wollensky 牛排館是台北微風南山餐廳之一, 也在饕客們的台北牛排餐廳推薦名單裡, 這次我很榮幸可以品嚐到 Smith & Wollensky 新菜單. Smith & Wollensky Taipei Steakhouse is one of the restaurants at Nanshan Breeze Mall. it is also at ...
麵屋千雲是 2019 新開幕的台北中山區拉麵店, 也是少數販售雞白湯拉麵的台北宵夜餐廳之一. Menya Chikumo Ramen is one of the newly-opened Ramen Store at Taipei Zhongshan District. It offers chicken broth ramen and also rice bowl.
(2020.1 二訪更新) 2019 新開幕面線町 (麵線町) 是台北中山捷運站美食之一, 面線町招牌菜餚為海王子麵線系列, 讓許多饕客慕名而來. Newly-Opened Vermicelli Shop (Mei-Xian-Ding) is located near Taipei Zhongshan MRT station. Most Foodies would visit to eat It...
Pino Pizzeria 餐廳是台北天母披薩店之一, 餐廳全名是 Pino Pizzeria Ristorante, 最特別莫過於 Pino 羅馬披薩系列和米蘭披薩系列. Pino Pizzeria Ristorante is one of the pizza restaurants at Tianmu. It is famous for two types of pizza - Rome Pi...
豚馬日本料理餐廳是中價位的天母日本料理餐廳, 也是芝山站美食推薦之ㄧ, 豚馬板前“竹”套餐和豚馬清酒更是讓人印像深刻. Tun Ma Japanese Restaurant is one of the budget-wise Japanese Restaurants at Tianmu area. It is also on my Tianmu restaurant recommendation ...