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Taipei Hot Pot 》 蘭亭鍋物割烹菜單料理比預期地豐盛與多樣化

Taipei Hot Pot 》 蘭亭鍋物割烹菜單料理比預期地豐盛與多樣化
蘭亭 鍋物割烹 是饕客們公認的台北和牛火鍋推薦之一, 吃完 2020 蘭亭鍋物菜單- 旬, 才知道原來蘭亭和牛鍋物也包括壽喜燒與陶板燒等不同烹調方式. Lanting Pot Restaurant is one of Foodies’ Taipei Wagyu Beef Hot Pot Recommendation. After tasting its 2020 Lanting Summer Me...

Taipei Hot Pot 》青花驕麻辣鍋菜單適合哪些人?

Taipei Hot Pot 》青花驕麻辣鍋菜單適合哪些人?
青花驕麻辣鍋是台北中山站火鍋餐廳之一, 青花驕菜單價位在王品集團算是中高, 這篇文章是關於吃完近期才推出的雙人青花宴套餐的非業配感想. Chin Hua Jiao Hot Pot is one of the Hot pot restaurants near Zhongshan MRT station. The article is regarding is regarding the review...

Taipei Curry Rice 》稻町家咖哩適合蔬果咖哩與布丁愛好者 (內含菜單)

Taipei Curry Rice 》稻町家咖哩適合蔬果咖哩與布丁愛好者 (內含菜單)
稻町家香料咖哩專門餐廳是中山站咖哩飯之一, 稻町家咖哩菜單上的限量紅酒燉牛頰香料咖哩與布丁非常受到咖哩愛好者的歡迎. Dao Din Jia Curry Restaurant is one of the Taipei Curry Restaurants near Zhongshan District. Their Beef Stew Curry Dish and Flan are very pop...

nku 餐廳 》二訪台北柴火餐酒館多了些不同的飲食風格

nku 餐廳 》二訪台北柴火餐酒館多了些不同的飲食風格
具有北歐風格的 nku Taipei 餐廳是台北米其林餐盤推薦餐廳之一, 2020 二訪發現 nku 菜單改為無菜單方式. nkụ Taipei is one of the Taipei Michelin Plate restaurants. At my second visit of nku restaurant, I found out that nku menu has changed to...

Sugar Pea Taipei 》別低估這間優雅純白裝潢的信義安和站美食

Sugar Pea Taipei 》別低估這間優雅純白裝潢的信義安和站美食
Sugar Pea 餐廳有著純白色玻璃屋裝潢, 不僅是網美型台北餐廳, 也是台北大安區下午茶和另類台北餐酒館選擇之一. Sugar Pea Cafe has beautiful white color glass house decoration. It is also one of the Afternoon Tea options at Taipei Da’an District.

Tokyo Curry Bar Taipei 》下午也營業的台北咖哩飯推薦

Tokyo Curry Bar Taipei 》下午也營業的台北咖哩飯推薦
Tokyo Curry & Bar 東京咖哩林森店在台北咖哩飯推薦名單上, 也是林森北路宵夜美食, 看東京咖哩菜單發現這裡也算是另類的台北餐酒館! Tokyo Curry & Bar Taipei Linsen Branch Restaurant is on the Taipei Curry Rice Recommendation List. It is also one of t...

2730 Cafe 》在信義安和咖啡店裡吃台灣家常料理簡餐

2730 Cafe 》在信義安和咖啡店裡吃台灣家常料理簡餐
(2020.3 三訪更新)    2730 Cafe 全名為 “2730 café 貳柒參零咖啡”, 位於台北大安區寅樂屋咖哩食堂旁邊, 2730 咖啡店也是台北信義安和不限時咖啡廳之一. 2730 Cafe is located near my favorite curry restaurant - Torarakuya Taipei. It is also one of the coffee ...