下午茶甜點 Dessert

Taipei Scone Recommendation 》悄悄好食杭州舖的司康值得品嚐

Taipei Scone Recommendation 》悄悄好食杭州舖的司康值得品嚐
(2022.11 更新) 台北司康推薦哪裡買? 許多人會回答悄悄好食, 悄悄好食杭州舖的司康可外帶也可內用, 是少數華山文創園區附近下午茶甜點推薦的好地方. (2022.11 Update) Where to buy the best scone at Taipei City? Most people would answer Ciao Ciao Good Food. You can dine-i...

Sugar Miss Taipei Dessert 》Sugar Miss 千層蛋糕 vs 大理石蛋糕哪個優?

Sugar Miss Taipei Dessert 》Sugar Miss 千層蛋糕  vs 大理石蛋糕哪個優?
Sugar Miss 甜點店起初是以大理石豆腐岩和室內裝潢而出名, 近期開始推出不同口味的千層蛋糕, Sugar Miss 成為台北賣千層蛋糕的甜點店. Sugar Miss Taipei is famous for its marble cake and indoor design. Recently, they started promoting their Mille Crêpes. The...

Sugar Pea Taipei 》別低估這間優雅純白裝潢的信義安和站美食

Sugar Pea Taipei 》別低估這間優雅純白裝潢的信義安和站美食
Sugar Pea 餐廳有著純白色玻璃屋裝潢, 不僅是網美型台北餐廳, 也是台北大安區下午茶和另類台北餐酒館選擇之一. Sugar Pea Cafe has beautiful white color glass house decoration. It is also one of the Afternoon Tea options at Taipei Da’an District.

2730 Cafe 》在信義安和咖啡店裡吃台灣家常料理簡餐

2730 Cafe 》在信義安和咖啡店裡吃台灣家常料理簡餐
(2020.3 三訪更新)    2730 Cafe 全名為 “2730 café 貳柒參零咖啡”, 位於台北大安區寅樂屋咖哩食堂旁邊, 2730 咖啡店也是台北信義安和不限時咖啡廳之一. 2730 Cafe is located near my favorite curry restaurant - Torarakuya Taipei. It is also one of the coffee ...

瑪黑家居選物 》台北中山捷運站下午茶 | Marais Taipei

瑪黑家居選物 》台北中山捷運站下午茶 | Marais Taipei
(2019.4 更新)  新開幕的瑪黑家居選物是台北中山區下午茶之一, 是一家輕食茶飲與家居選物複合概念旗艦店, 鐵鍋鬆餅與茶品為招牌品項, 2019年4月確認雙人午茶經典套餐依舊是 NTD $880. Newly-opened Marais brand opens a flagship store, which combines light food, dessert, and Marais p...

Taipei Brunch 》台北東區早午餐 | BRUN 不然餐廳

Taipei Brunch 》台北東區早午餐 | BRUN 不然餐廳
2018 新開幕的 BRUN 不然早午餐餐廳不僅是台北東區網美店, 也在許多人的忠孝敦化美食名單上. 2018 newly-opened BRUN restaurant is not only a IG friendly restaurant, it is also on many people’s to-eat list at Da’an District.