下午茶甜點 Dessert

Les Africot 》有著北非摩洛哥裝潢風格的台北永康街早午餐 (內有菜單)

Les Africot 》有著北非摩洛哥裝潢風格的台北永康街早午餐 (內有菜單)
Les Africot 是東門捷運站的台北永康街美食之一, 北非摩洛哥殖民風格裝潢非常受到網美們的喜愛, 讓 新開幕 Les Africot 訂位 網站呈現滿座的狀態. Les Africot Taipei is one of the IG Friendly restaurants at Yongkang Street. Its Morocco style indoor design is lov...

時飴 approprié 》會想再訪的台北千層蛋糕推薦

時飴 approprié 》會想再訪的台北千層蛋糕推薦
時飴 approprié 千層蛋糕 眾所皆知, 也是台北中山站甜點推薦之一, 可惜時飴內用無法訂位, 而且千層蛋糕品項不定期更改. Approprié Mille Crepe is famous. It is also one of the dessert recommendation near Zhongshan MRT station. Sadly, you cannot reserve se...

Taipei Scone 》台北司康推薦非悄悄司康莫屬

Taipei Scone 》台北司康推薦非悄悄司康莫屬
悄悄好食是眾所皆知的台北司康推薦, 我這次是去東門站附近的悄悄好食永康店 , 吃到了隱藏限定版千層司康與微醺司康. Ciao Ciao Scones is the well-known Taipei Scone Recommendation. I went to Ciao Ciao Scone Shop Yongkang Store. tasted the tipsy scone and mult...

Taipei Cinnamon Roll 》 Miss V Bakery 冠軍肉桂捲適合你嗎?

Taipei Cinnamon Roll 》 Miss V Bakery 冠軍肉桂捲適合你嗎?
Miss V Bakery Cafe 是蘋果日報選出的台北肉桂捲推薦之一, Miss V Bakery 菜單除了冠軍肉桂捲 ( 焦糖黏黏包 ) 外, 也有早午餐選擇. Miss V Bakery Cafe cinnamon roll Taipei is announced as No. 1 Taipei cinnamon roll recommendation by Apple Newspaper...

Pai Pai Cannoli 》會再訪的台北義大利甜點店推薦

Pai Pai Cannoli 》會再訪的台北義大利甜點店推薦
PAI PAI CANNOLI 義大利甜點店 是台北義大利卡諾里卷推薦, 與 Parko Parco 義大利牛肚包 是同一位老闆, 也在我的中山站美食推薦名單裡. Pai Pai Cannoli is definitely a Taipei Cannoli Recommendation Shop. The nearby Park Parco Shop is also owned by the sa...

Yu Chocolatier 畬室 》台北甜點推薦之頂級法式巧克力甜點

Yu Chocolatier 畬室 》台北甜點推薦之頂級法式巧克力甜點
Yu Chocolatier 畬室 法式巧克力甜點創作 是 可訂位內用的大安區甜點店推薦 之一, 法式酥皮千層甜點系列與巧克力禮盒皆是頂級奢華的象徵. Yu Chocolatier is one of the recommended chocolate stores at Da’an District. The millefeuille series and chocolate gift boxe...

Taipei Gongguan Korean Food 》花最少錢在台北公館享受韓國下午茶與韓國美食

Taipei Gongguan Korean Food 》花最少錢在台北公館享受韓國下午茶與韓國美食
多虧朋友攜帶, 我才能花最少錢在台北公館吃到三味糖餅韓國小吃與小飯館兒韓國美食餐廳. 兩家菜單價格皆是 CP 值高的公館美食! Thanks for my friend to take me to Gongguan area. So, I can spend budget-wise for Korean Pan-Fried Snack and Korean Diner at Gongguan ar...

ABCD A Better Coffee & Doughnut 》最受歡迎的台北中山站 ABCD 甜甜圈專賣店

ABCD  A Better Coffee & Doughnut 》最受歡迎的台北中山站 ABCD 甜甜圈專賣店
ABCD Doughnut (簡稱 ABCD 甜甜圈專賣店) 是近期最熱門台北甜甜圈推薦, 不僅造型討喜, 也不錯吃. ABCD Donut is one of the most popular Taipei Donut Shop near Zhongshan MRT station. The design is impressive and the taste is delicious.

台北肉桂捲推薦 》Twin Brothers Coffee 肉桂捲搭配 Flat White 值得再訪

台北肉桂捲推薦 》Twin Brothers Coffee 肉桂捲搭配 Flat White 值得再訪
Twin Brothers Coffee 顧名思義是雙胞胎老闆經營, 雙胞胎咖啡 Twin Brothers Coffee 菜單 上的肉桂捲與 Flat White 出乎意料地美味. Twin Brothers Coffee is operated by twins. Cinnamon Roll and Flat White on the Twin Brothers Coffee menu sur...

Chun Mei Ice Shop 春美冰菓室 》春美芒果雪花冰與芒果刨冰哪款勝出

Chun Mei Ice Shop 春美冰菓室 》春美芒果雪花冰與芒果刨冰哪款勝出
春美冰菓室是我的南京復興甜點冰店推薦 , 深受觀光客喜愛, 這次 春美 2020 菜單 推出芒果雪花冰與芒果刨冰, 我兩款都有吃到! Chun Mei Ice Shop is on my Nanjing Fuxing Dessert and Ice Shops recommendation list. It is quite famous among tourist. Now, Chun Mei ...