泰和樓餐廳 是台北酸菜白肉鍋餐廳之一, 也是中正紀念堂附近美食, 與朋友們坐包廂將泰和樓菜單點好點滿. Taihe House restaurant (Taihe Lou) is one of the Taipei Pickled Cabbage Hot Pot Restaurants. It is also the restaurant near CKS Memorial Hall MRT st...
青花驕麻辣鍋是台北中山站火鍋餐廳之一, 青花驕菜單價位在王品集團算是中高, 這篇文章是關於吃完近期才推出的雙人青花宴套餐的非業配感想. Chin Hua Jiao Hot Pot is one of the Hot pot restaurants near Zhongshan MRT station. The article is regarding is regarding the review...
橘色涮涮屋新光三越分店在2018新開幕, 由於橘色火鍋價位偏高, 成為台北信義區高級火鍋店名單之一, 更是台北適合家人聚餐的餐廳. 2018 Newly-opened Orange Shabu is located at Xinyi Chinking Misukoshi Department stores. Its price matches its high-end image. Their W...
12MINI鍋位於南京復興捷運站旁的慶城街一號B1美食街, 為台北松山區平價小火鍋餐廳之一, 我這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐到他們的小火鍋料理. “12 Mini Hot Pot” is located at the food court of “Urban One Department Stores” near Nanking Fuxing MRT station. It is one of the ...
淡水漁人碼頭沙崙路 “承億文旅 - 淡水吹風” 巷弄裡有一家深藏不漏的火鍋店-沙崙薑母鴨王, 與連鎖店一樣, 營業時間大約在冬季. There is a Ginger Duck Hot Pot near “Hotel Day”, which is located very closed to Dansui Fisherman Wharf. “Dansui Ginger Duck Hotpot“ o...